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Season 35 powered by Copenhagen Games: Preseason Qualifiers and Prize Pool Update!

Date January 22, 2020

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Preseason Qualifiers are happening afterall!

After our initial post regarding the Premiership Division signups was posted, we have received 2 more signups. Because of the fact that the signup period for Premiership was particularly short as well as in order to maintain the integrity of the highest division in Europe, we decided to revise our assessment:

We were informed that catbowcar’s only fans account is “dead” and thus they will be dropped from the season.

6ix will play in Premiership for Season 35.


will duke out the remaining 8th spot.

Prize Pool and Sponsorship Update

Thanks to our friends at Copenhagen Games
we are happy to announce that the winners of the Premiership Division
will receive 6 tickets to the upcoming Copenhagen Games LAN event, so cu@! The updated prize pool is:

gold medal Place – 6 tickets to Copenhagen Games
silver medal Place – 300 Euros
bronze medal Place – 120 Euros

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