Staff Changes, Tuesday Evening Bans, Team Leaders and Alt Accounts
October 29, 2019
Staff Changes
We are glad to announce that Acecle and
BlueBunny have both completed their Anti-Cheat admin trials and are now part of the staff. Additionally we welcome
Kaylus to our League Admin staff, who has successfully completed his trial period as well.
Meanwhile Lazybear assumes an advisory role on the Anti-Cheat team.
Please note that some of these bans were enacted before the release of this newspost.
The following players have been caught cheating. They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
ddf /
aki– Aimbot
AutismGaming228 – Aimbot
fdg – ESP
Ban Evasion, Multiaccounting and Account Sharing
The following player has evaded their ban on ETF2L and will be banned for an additional year. The players supporting the player in ban evasion have been banned for 3 to 6 months:
toco /
YeeHaww /
MuiQ – 1 Year (see below)
Orixly – Supporting Ban Evasion – 6 Months
nekro – Supporting Ban Evasion – 6 Months
HaZz – Supporting Ban Evasion – 6 Months
Healix – Supporting Ban Evasion – 3 Months
As toco has evaded his ban yet another time after the above event, his ban will be extended by another year.
kYle knowingly supported him in his ban evasion and will be banned alongside him for 3 months.
The following player has been caught evading their ban on ETF2L and will be banned for 1 year:
The following players of Debelism i open have been banned from ETF2L for account sharing and multiaccounting alongside
kekvl – Multiaccount – 1 Year
bingoxyingo– Knowingly playing with alts – 3 Months
MIKE_TAYSON95RUS – Account Sharing (
eqstaz), knowingly rostering/playing with alts – 6 Months
pinky of Buddha /
estrogen – Alting and knowingly playing with alts – 6 Months
wreaz /
Yoah – Alting and knowingly playing with alts – 6 Months
Nelsoon /
AA – Alting and knowingly playing with alts – 6 Months
eqstaz – Account Sharing (
kekvl) and knowingly playing with alts – 6 Months
The following player was banned for 3 months for leaking confidential information and attempting fraud:
The following player was banned for 2 weeks for derogatory/transphobic flaming:
Demo Bans
The following players failed to provide a requested demo several times. They have been banned from ETF2L for their respective durations:
Glastry– not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Bio – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Loopy – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Dutchman – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Bob Bami – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
31 – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Fluffy – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
buko – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
Bunkersam – not uploading demos twice – 2 Weeks
n0mad – not uploading demos three times – 2 Months
april – not uploading demos four times – 1 Year
VAC Bans
The following players have been caught with VAC bans possibly affecting TF2, and will be banned from ETF2L for one year:
Kebab Melynos Zibute
massimu /
Metal Sky
Omsky Jew
+ 140 inactive ETF2L accounts.
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
If you were banned due to a VAC ban on your Steam account that does not affect TF2, please contact an admin to get your ETF2L ban removed.
Team Leaders and Alt Accounts
The competition is constantly tarnished either by players who are currently banned on ETF2L that move on to create alt accounts, players that are looking for an easy time in a division way below their experience and players that desire to play for multiple teams at once. Our rules on multi accounts are very clear on this:
2.6 No account sharing and multi accounts
Every player is limited to only one ETF2L account at any time. A person creating multiple accounts or multiple players using one account is not allowed. Multiple players from the same household (family, close friends, roommates, …) that may be sharing the same IP address must notify admins and use seperate ETF2L and Steam accounts.
Players caught creating multiple ETF2L accounts or allowing use of their Steam account to a third party in official matches may face punishment ranging from deactivation of the account to reversal of match results and a major warning for fraud or a league ban. Each case will be reviewed individually and penalties will be assigned based on severity of the offense and its impact on the competition. If you wish to change the attached Steam ID of your ETF2L account, contact admins and they will change it for you.
Although the Anti-Cheat Staff catches plenty of players that own multiple accounts and/or who try to commit ban dodging, it is impossible for us to nail every single one of them down. On the more unfortunate end of this issue are teams that roster these players without suspecting any malicious intent, having their matches defaulted to reinstate the fairness in the competition. We want to give team leaders guidelines on how to help the league in catching players that sign-up to play with mostly different identities. This also means that we can be more lenient with team leaders that are seeking to establish their team’s integrity, but also provide harsher repercussions for team leaders that do not.
- be suspicious of people that claim to not have a microphone (currently/in general)
- be suspicious of people who play way above their trackable experience
- be suspicious of people who perform out of the ordinary if they don’t have competitive experience (this is especially true for team leaders signing up for competitions in Mid+ or equivalent divisions)
- check, ETF2L/RGL/UGC profiles
- verify “pro on another game” stories
If you are a team leader and suspicious of a player multiaccounting, you can report them to our Anti-Cheat Staff on Discord and you will be asked to remain cooperative on the matter.
We would like to finish this post with a thank you to all those players who have previously helped ETF2L by reporting possible alt accounts or suspicious accounts to the staff.
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