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ETF2L Christmas Newbie Weekend Cup

Date December 11, 2018

Christmas hat by Belgium Tob
The holiday spirit lives on

We sadly missed out on any major events aimed at new players this season. So we’ll be sneaking one in last minute to prepare ourselves for 2019!

As this is a short term announcement we’ll be aiming for 32 teams to sign up. In case you sign up after these spots are already taken you will be placed on the waiting list and added in in case a team drops before or very early in the competition. Signing up with a Fun team is possible.

>>> Click Here to signup <<<<

Signups for the cup close Friday 14th at 23:59 CET. (There are a limited amount of spots available so it’s first come first serve!)


Firstly as we’re having this cup aimed at new player we’ll be putting an experience-limit on it. Players are allowed to have 7 matches in mid played maximum, both 6v6 and highlander counts towards this. Mid playoff participants and above are not allowed to enter.

Golden Caps will be limited to be to 10 minutes in order to maintain a steady flow throughout the tournament.

The remaining rules are the same as the season 31 rules. The whitelist for this cup will also remain the same as season 31 and can be found here.


gold medal 1st Place: 6 Festivizers
silver medal 2nd Place: 2 Strange Snowwing’s, 4 All-fathers, 4 Merc’s Mufflers and 4 Pocket Santa’s
bronze medal 3rd Place: 6 Strange Coldsnap Caps


This cup will run a 4 team round robin format that runs into a single elimination stage.

The group stage has preset maps while the single elimination stage has map picks and bans.

Matches of the group stage are allowed to be move around as long as their results are submitted before Saturday 21:00 CET.

Saturday 15th December

  • 18:00 CET – Group Stage Round 1 – cp_gullywash_final1
  • 18:50 CET – Group Stage Round 2 – cp_process_final
  • 19:40 CET – Group Stage Round 3 – cp_snakewater_final1
  • 21:00 CET – Round of 16

Sunday 16th December

  • 18:00 CET – Quarter Finals
  • 19:45 CET – Semi Finals
  • 21:30 CET – Grand final and 3rd place match

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  1. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    c u @ boys

  2. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ – Lucrosa said:
    Today, 00:13

    c u @ boys

  3. Kalle said:

    cannot join. Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page it says

  4. Magistr: Nein said:

    AustinN: ヤクザ – hlpugs said:
    Today, 00:15

    Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ – Lucrosa said:
    Today, 00:13

    c u @ boys

  5. Morgan: [R]eason said:



  6. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    @Kalle: you have to be in a team and be a team leader or deputy/war arranger in order to sign up

    if you need help go to etf2l.org/support or join our discord and contact an admin there!

  7. NeuTronas said:

    Players are allowed to have 7 matches in mid played maximum, both 6v6 and highlander counts towards this. Are those 7 matches counted through ALL the seasons?

  8. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Pretty sure if you’ve played high, even if it’s 10 seasons ago, you aren’t a ‘new player’.

  9. Ablativus: CHONK said:

    oof no more spots :(

  10. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    tob’s christmas hatting is getting out of hand

  11. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @Ablativus: there are currently 20 teams signed up out of 32 available spots so there’s still some space.

  12. Tob: .be - COGU said:

    this is only the beginning, cyanic

  13. funlover5291 said:

    I wanna play Noob cup please

  14. dark skinned average iq individual: زب said:

    Magistr: Phoenix S. said:
    Wed 12 Dec 2018, 18:01

    AustinN: ヤクザ – hlpugs said:
    Today, 00:15

    Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ – Lucrosa said:
    Today, 00:13

    c u @ boys

  15. dark skinned average iq individual: زب said:

    Magistr: Phoenix S. said:
    Wed 12 Dec 2018, 18:01

    AustinN: ヤクザ – hlpugs said:
    Today, 00:15

    Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ – Lucrosa said:
    Today, 00:13

    c u @ boys

  16. Ablativus: CHONK said:

    @Jan ,,Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page,, help

  17. Ablativus: CHONK said:

    @Jan nvm its too late anyway

  18. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @Ablativus: Like DCS wrote in a comment higher up: “you have to be in a team and be a team leader or deputy/war arranger in order to sign up.

    if you need help go to etf2l.org/support or join our discord and contact an admin there!”

  19. zetaa: nohat said:

    Will he have medals?

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