Saturday Evening Bans, Staff Changes
September 15, 2018
Some of these bans were enacted before the release of this newspost.
The following players have been caught cheating by the AC team. They will be banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
Moonshine_ – Aimbot
Noa – alt of
Pimskii – Aimbot
The following player is guilty of using multiple accounts to play in the same season and fraudulent actions. They will be banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
The following players knew that they played alongside someone using an alt account or intended to assist them in doing so. They will be banned from ETF2L for 3 months:
The following players are guilty of playing on multiple accounts in the same season. They will be banned from ETF2L for 6 months:
dima supported these players so he will also be banned alongside them for 6 months.
The following players failed to provide a requested demo several times. They will be banned for their respective durations.
Karnax – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
pud. – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
Clam – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
Big Papa MattJ – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
m0rg – not uploading demos three times – 2 months
The following players have been caught with VAC bans possibly affecting TF2, and will be banned from the league for one year:
+ 107 inactive ETF2L accounts.
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
If you were banned due to a VAC ban on your Steam account that doesn’t affect TF2, please contact an admin to get the ETF2L ban removed.
Staff Changes
Rejoining AC staff we have both hrbls and
kindred here to help out.
However, we have to sadly announce thaZu leaving. We thank him for his contributions to ETF2L and we wish them well in all of his future aspirations.
ez clap
soon russia will have more cheaters than france
What a sad day for many mid circlejerks, rip :(
Pimskii TriHard 7
pimskii lol
Jebaited This ban was brought to you by Gaeta eSports™ Jebaited
Russian noobs down
pimskii lol
im going to sign up to play
free my boy bimskii
Oh dear Hampe…
pimski now you can go to pub :)
hampe is legit tho xddd
massi per sta volta sei salvo
Pimskii TriHard 7
half of the russian community wiped out in one go
get rekt toco
#FreePimskii obvious cheater
ниче ниче, скоро будут контрсанкции
prossim’anno tocca a me