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Season 30 by STN-Trading & scrap.tf Week 7: the bin BLACK vs. SVIFT & Velocity eSports EU vs. The Bus Crew

Date July 12, 2018

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The Bus Crew vs. the bin BLACK

GrumpyKoi, Eemes and Wiethoofd over on https://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv

Velocity eSports EU vs. The Bus Crew

The last week before playoffs is upon us, and while said we pretty much now who is going to be in those, the relegation battle is still in full force. This fixture will oppose the two teams at the bottom of the table, so there is quite a lot on the line, especially after some convincing performances last week show that they are still full of momentum.

Velocity eSports EU have got a two-points lead, after their upset against Ora Elektro last week, albeit with a different roster, spudd picking up the demo class again and Buttnose mercing on pocket. Still, they managed to take Snakewater quite easily, before barely losing Prolands. Will the return of their normal roster help or hinder them on the second map is the question.

While The Bus Crew failed to pick up any points last week, they did put a very strong showing against Velocity’s speedier counterparts SVIFT, losing Prolands by only a round, something that was not quite expected from last-place team that stopped scrimming 2 weeks ago, and with the team going to i63, maybe they’ll look forward not having to qualify again for Prem after.

Will the Bus be capable of switching gears, or will Velocity just park them ? Tune in on https://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv2 to find out!

Play-by-Play: Georgebaii | Analysis: DuMmTm | Production: Beater | Match Page | European Velocity eSports | Netherlands The Bus Crew |Written by Aelkyr

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