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Season 30: Provisional Tiers Published!

Date May 26, 2018

Down below are this season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name. As said in the announcement post, High tier will be divided into Division 1 and Division 2 once again. As you might notice the provisional tiers are out a day before the signups close, this is due to a minor mistake in the announcement post. Don’t worry too much as you can still sign your team up until May 26th 20:00 CEST! However due to the Round Robin style groups we urge teams wanting to sign up for div1/div2 to do so as soon as possible.

Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over at https://etf2l.org/support/ or in our Discord Server. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.

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  1. myownigorek: DIRECTOR said:

    the teams we win 5-0 get into div1. Also CRUNGE team better than half of div1 teams

  2. D! said:

    +1 div2a is harder than div1 smh

  3. Ignis: MAFIA said:


  4. D! said:

    mge me @ lan feggit

  5. Godz Ares said:

    Aaand mid is really balanced, gw admins smh

  6. Miko: █▄ █▄█ █▄ - Tissi said:


  7. Vouri said:

    div 2 is div 1?

  8. Included_Middle: Bully said:

    These divs would never have happened if moist was admin :/ #MoistForHeadAmin

  9. Jynxii: myx - gandhi is said:

    div2a has teams that belong in mid in it, you mugs

  10. Included_Middle: Bully said:
