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Meet Your Map Cup! Update

Date April 28, 2018

Meet Your Map Cup

The groups are live and some minor adjustments have been made.

First up, both Cardinal and Synthetic have received updates. You can find their latest versions listed down below

Due to the large amount of teams signing up we’ll be needing an additional round in the playoff stage resulting in the following schedule.


Group stage – Saturday April 28th

Round 1: 18:00 CEST – cp_cardinal_rc1a

Round 2: 18:45 CEST – cp_propaganda_b3

Round 3: 19:30 CEST – koth_synthetic_b5

The round of 16 match may be rescheduled onto Sunday if both teams agree. Results do have to be submitted before the start of the next round which is at 18:00 CEST.

Playoff stage – Saturday April 28th

Round of 32: 20:30 CEST

Round of 16: 22:00 CEST

Playoff stage – Sunday April 29th

Quarter final: 18:00 CEST

Semifinal: 19:30 CEST

Grand final: 21:00 CEST

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  1. gilga: myx - Nein said:

    Was really enjoying the cup, had won every fixture so far, and our last one finished at 11pm cest. We were then expected to play another best of 3 immediately afterwards, which we couldn’t do, so were given a default loss by the enemy team. What a joke. You should never be expected to play NINE GAMES consecutively in one night.

  2. Lava: Bully said:

    I really enjoyed all 3 maps but I think cp_Cardinal just about takes the cake

  3. Xogos: █▀█ █▄█▀█▀ said:

    a really badly organized cup…. basicly 9 maps in row with 1 hours late date for every round 1 and 2… thanks alot. you just could move it to tomorrow…