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Highlander Season 13: Who’s the best? (Award Polls)

Date September 24, 2017


13 is the number of many myths and legends… Let us find out which legends will make it into the history books of ETF2L! Note: There will be no “Caster of the Season” award due to the low number of casted games.

Highlander Season 13: Scout of the Season

Total Voters: 466

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Highlander Season 13: Soldier of the Season

Total Voters: 491

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Highlander Season 13: Pyro of the Season

Total Voters: 440

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Highlander Season 13: Demoman of the Season

Total Voters: 483

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Highlander Season 13: Heavy of the Season

Total Voters: 444

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Highlander Season 13: Engineer of the Season

Total Voters: 467

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Highlander Season 13: Medic of the Season

Total Voters: 475

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Highlander Season 13: Sniper of the Season

Total Voters: 475

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Highlander Season 13: Spy of the Season

Total Voters: 457

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Highlander Season 13: Best Premiership Debut

Total Voters: 445

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Highlander Season 13: Best Player

Total Voters: 481

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  1. Broly: T6 - MUUMIT said:


  2. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    sek best player, why is he not a choice

  3. 31: ceo said:

    lets all get HartzFartz hes very deserved achievement plz

  4. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    i suggest all cool gamers to look at this before voting https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1TT-4ZO1cAUPmuNQzGUUvbgOlo41r5NQrUXjAGs00DWo/edit

  5. Chef Excellence: GlueEater - (°)> said:

    None of the players on the winning team getting into Best Player award. lol

  6. mellow said:

    sek isn’t so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such a big brain, ability and movement? sek puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. Hammock breaks the rules. Clark breaks the rules. sek breaks records. You can keep your magic. I prefer the statistics.

  7. Villdjack: (twisted) - Bully said:

    i vote for twisted he is my favorite player

  8. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    German Spy, I am woke

  9. proky: G said:

    23:49 – Cronk @Boden: would it be possible to add me in to the awards show? would be much fun hehe
    23:50 – Jon | BOTV | Essentials.TF: sure

  10. cherryrendezvous said:

    no sdck player in best player, nice one

  11. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Again (as always) we asked the prem players to nominate players. If there is anyone missing in these lists, then it is because the premteams – who actually played and scrimmed against these players – felt like others deserved it more.

    Have a nice evening! (:

  12. Kimo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    Who’s the best? isn’t it obvious. It’s Giel.

  13. Nightmare said:

    Sandvich clearly deserves best player but w/e

    creamy cccc:


  14. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Going to make a comment about an internet friend that I have and going to ask why is he not mentioned or why has he not won the category already!

    Why is Bloodis not on this list as the caster of the season wtf!

  15. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Surprised not to see Vlad up for the “Best pyro”.

    I believe there are no SDCK players in the “Best player” category because teams nominated a variety of them, resulting in none getting as many noms as Joe, toast and bo4r did.

  16. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Clark to win Clark of the season!

  17. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Clark intensifies

  18. .: !add - noob said:

    toast, ceejaey and bo4r PogChamp

  19. mqqs said:


  20. maly: KARAS said:

    Highlander Season 13: Medic of the Season

    You have successfully voted for: Spreijer

  21. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    Dreamy :)

  22. Vclox_: L_? said:

    I have not been messaged by clark to vote for him. Did he just forget me off his list?

  23. Clark: SDCK! said:

    I only ask cool pyro mains to vote for me like GardenFungus Kappa

  24. Edyski: NYS said:

    Highlander Season 13: Engineer of the Season

    You have successfully voted for: sek

  25. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    aBout the voting affaiR: I find it – Blantanly put – vERY unfair towards Clark as nO pRoof of any of these action was eveR revealed, thUs making it PreTty vacant and unbelIevable. i just hOpe everybody here votes for the people who obviously deserve these awards: the germaNs.

  26. mezzo: MAFIA - op_sqd said:


  27. Seal: Gaston - S-O said:

    sek player of the season!!! look at his stats!!!

  28. MoBa said:

    You have successfully voted for: Included_Middle