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Highlander Season 12: Award Polls

Date May 23, 2017


One week has passed, but we still cannot really believe it: European Strong Opinions has been dethroned!
Before we wrap up the season for good, there are a couple more things to do, though… For instance find out who you think performed best on his/her respective role! In other words… it is awards time!
The Premiership players have decided who of their peers should have a shot at winning the honours. But ultimately you lot decide who ends up receiving them. So without further ado, here are the nominees for the Highlander Season 12 awards:

HL Season 12: Scout of the season

Total Voters: 327

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HL Season 12: Soldier of the season

Total Voters: 327

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HL Season 12: Pyro of the season

Total Voters: 325

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HL Season 12: Demoman of the season

Total Voters: 319

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HL Season 12: Heavy of the season

Total Voters: 323

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HL Season 12: Engineer of the season

Total Voters: 329

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HL Season 12: Medic of the season

Total Voters: 323

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HL Season 12: Sniper of the season

Total Voters: 325

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HL Season 12: Spy of the season

Total Voters: 325

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HL Season 12: Debut of the season

Total Voters: 309

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HL Season 12: Best Player of the season

Total Voters: 308

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HL Season 12: Caster of the season

Total Voters: 314

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The polls will close next tuesday, 30th may at 21:00 CEST!

Happy voting!

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  1. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  2. mellow said:


  3. Kosuke: YN said:


  4. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Best player nominations are phat af.

  5. woolen: BoyBrigade said:


  6. Rick May said:


  7. Rick May said:


  8. chando: ..d1ck said:

    Dear ETF2L Admins,

    I can’t help but notice the engineer “Clark” from “Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN!” has not been nominated for “Best player of the season”. I can only assume this is an error on your part and not intentional. I would recommend you fix this as soon as possible so the other nominees do not get a head start in the polls.


  9. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:


  10. Fire: SENS said:


  11. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    @Chando, that’s not ETF2L’s fault. We basically copied and pasted what the Premiership teams nominated for each section that is mentioned above. If a player does not get any mention for getting nominated then he obviously didn’t deserve it according to the Premiership teams that did play in the season.

    This is the exact same process that has been done for all past seasons now and I’m surprised people still think it’s our fault when players who participate in the season get to do the nominations and every player gets to do the voting, we just have the polls up.

  12. El chippo: CnB - BMI said:

    proky best player of season tbh

  13. morale: ez said:

    D o n ‘ t V o t e f o r e m i l i o

  14. Sacrilege said:

    in soviet russia, emilio doesnt vote for you, so i just go with the people with the cutest avatars. ez for Sek

  15. gedu: SDCK! said:


  16. Chef Excellence: GlueEater - (°)> said:

    Only 2 soldiers to choose from? :O

  17. dima said:

    no chef on solly award smh

  18. catman said:

    As twice hwg of season i recomend not to vote for emilio becouse any other heavy do better and sandwich is good.

  19. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    c l a r k o f t h e s e a s o n ~

  20. Marv: Velo said:

    these polls blow

  21. Seal: Gaston - S-O said:

    Finally the MVP award only have nominees from the winning team, doesnt make sense when 50% heal demoman wins MVP when his team barely makes playoff xd gj etf2l o/

  22. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    all “nominations” are either from SO or kannonen, what.

  23. dima said:

    maybe its because that is the only two real “teams” this season ?

  24. mellow said:

    Most total votes for Engineer. Oh why would that be, totally not because Clark got everyone to vote for him