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Highlander S12 Provisional Tiers

Date March 25, 2017


Provisional Tiers


A big congratulations to Poland Feila eSports finanzieren durch for winning the preseason playoffs and earning themselves their spot in prem. Along the way the did not only manage to beat 3 teams but also kill 2 of them thanks to their crushing strength!

If you are unhappy with where your team was placed please contact the admin team on our support channel.


  1. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    Väry najs

  2. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    further proof that the admins are rigging everythng

  3. Vclox_: L_? said:

    If only moist did not rigg it for frosties to win :/

  4. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    Teamslayer Feila ESports B)

  5. Akuma: kevin said:

    Question: Why the hell is Stinghan allowed to get half his winning crew to mid?

  6. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Akuma, they are offclassing. They know that if they do not offclass there will be consequences

  7. 30.06: RATS said:

    Lol, even if they are offclassing, they should not have been allowed, we all know they are gonna roll mid

  8. Tercio: MAGDONAL said:

    Its not even stinghan as he is just sitting in roster (cause big noob). Its like 3 ppl – 1hp playing scout, me on medic and spacepig engineer. Tell me that is the way to carry games. I made the team not to skip the season and to have some fun with my 6s friends who arent familiar with hl. And the fact that we have more ppl from invision on roster is just because they are friends of mine and they are subbing/rosterriding (not playing mains for sure).

  9. STiNGHAN: inVincible said:

    Nowadays high winners don’t mean that we’re really good. We just won coz Feila throwed game. Check our roster, it’s not high team

  10. STiNGHAN: inVincible said:

    * they’re really good.

  11. 30.06: RATS said:

    I don’t have any problem with you guys, it’s about experience in general, most mid teams are unexperienced players imo, and just with the fact that you did playoffs twice in a row makes you better than any other mid team even if you are off classing, i can understand that you want to have fun, you tried, you get mid, it’s alright, at the end of the day, i’ll still sleep, it’s just a shame that ETF2L Admins dodge this

  12. STiNGHAN: inVincible said:

    We don’t play mid for roll it, we’re looking for new talents and help with improve for players. I know that I have experience, but I want to share it with new players from open/mid

  13. Tercio: MAGDONAL said:

    Mid isnt entirely place for new ppl. For example check out http://etf2l.org/teams/26591/ . They’re all good players but not tryharding, and they havent won mid. Here we have 3 players from former high winners team playing offclasses and 6 gamers totally new and not really experienced in hl. Don’t try to tell me its a high team as it surely isnt, and i dont really feel confident we can play mid playoffs. I wont be even surprised if a team with good coordination will win against us. I had no time nor players to make a high team. I’m really sorrry to disappoint you.

  14. 30.06: RATS said:

    We will see i guess

  15. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    the second coming of #moistgate ???????????????????