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ETF2L Highlander Season 12 Preseason Playoffs: inVision vs. SDMC @ 21:00 CET

Date March 17, 2017


Ho ho ho! Wait…wrong time of year. Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! That’s better! Welcome one and all to the ETF2L Preseason Playoffs for Season 12 Highlander. Starting out this time we have 2 teams yearning for some action on the fresh battlefields. We’re talking about previous premiership contenders Latvia Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! against the High Division winners of Season 11, Poland inVision. Ahead of them is a 3-map soon-to-be massacre of guts and gore on Coalplant, Upward and Steel as the game gets underway at 21:00 CET (16:00 EST) tonight with a selection of lovely casting hosts in the form of everyone’s favourite UnitedStates sigafoo and Highlander vet Switzerland HartzFartz with the ever venerable Netherlands Wiethoofd on the camera side of the event all streamed over on BlackOut TV! Who will win? Tune in to find out!

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  1. Nightmare: AVN said:


  2. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    nice joke but who are going to be the real casters for this?