Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Week 2 – ChampGG.K! vs top5rocket

Date February 6, 2017


A tale of two rosters with wins in week 1, each looking for a spot in playoffs by the end of the season. European Unexpected scored a very convincing 6-1 win on badlands vs Lowpander previously, but looked a lot shakier when they won by a single round gap against the same opponent on snakewater, which could be an issue given that France top5rocket did the opposite, looking much stronger on snakewater than badlands. However, nothing is assured coming into this battle for a highly desirable set of points for both teams.

Match Overview
European Unexpected vs France top5rocket
Week 2 (Premiership)
Date Monday, February 6th 21:15 CET



2 - 1 (golden cap)



2 - 4

European Unexpected [2:4] France top5rocket

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