Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Week 2 – Arctic Foxes vs Lemmings

Date February 5, 2017


The closest online TF2 can get to a derby, it’s Germany Lemmings facing off against European Arctic Foxes, which features a large number of their ex-players in a German / Austrian lineup that enjoyed a convincing first week win. The two soldiers, Germany feeling and Germany dd5f (even while going for his trademark market gardens) put in an insane amount of work on both those maps, and it will be interesting to see whether they can maintain those performances throughout the season.

Lemmings had a disappointing showing vs the Frenchies of top5rocket in week 1, and would like their first points in Prem as soon as possible. This fixture could be even more challenging, but they’ll try and take every opportunity they’re given, and this would be a satisfying place to start.

Match Overview
European Arctic Foxes vs Germany Lemmings
Week 2 (Premiership)
Date Sunday, February 5th 21:15 CET



3 - 2 (golden cap)



3 - 1

European Arctic Foxes [5:1] Germany Lemmings

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One Comment

  1. Divine: (ETF2L Donator) - Wiki said:

    tell me when dd drops a med with the mg ok? ok.