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Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Wrap-up

Date December 22, 2016


Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS – Wrap-up

The fall season has come to an end. There were a lot of new attributions to Premiership this season all showing their worth, however for the fifth time in a row European Se7en(Previously known as UnitedKingdomCrowns) was the team that prevailed in the playoffs to claim the Season 25 title and securing themselves €500 in the process.

The winning squad is comprised of:

UnitedKingdom ComedyShortsGaming earned 2nd place, winning €300 and Denmark LEGO won 3rd place, securing €200.

However it isn’t all about the Premiership Tier, here are the winners of the remaining Tiers:

High Tier

1. European Politically correct pander
2. Germany Lemmings
3. European Stevie Wonder's Aim School
3. SouthAfrica nunya

Mid Tier

1. Slovenia Coffin Clan
2. Ukraine 6kdrv.
3. Seychelles Midnight 6s
3. Netherlands KaoS eSports

Open Tier

1. Norway L3RDZ
2. Switzerland Belastend
3. Russia 6EJI0CHE)l(KA u n9ITb rHoMuKoB
3. UnitedKingdom Ringo

Season 25 Awards

The Premiership players nominated, you all voted – here are the results for the Season 25 awards! If you missed the show starring UnitedStates saam, Germany Sonny Black, England TurboTabs, England WARHURYEAH, UnitedKingdom kaidus, Denmark Dr. Phil and Sweden alle.

  • Best Player of the Season: England Starkie
  • Demoman of the Season: Sweden alle
  • Medic of the Season: UnitedKingdom Raymon
  • Pocket of the Season: Netherlands kaptain
  • Roamer of the Season: England Drackk
  •  Flank Scout of the Season: England Starkie
  •  Pocket Scout of the Season: Denmark Thalash
  • Off-classer of the Season: Denmark Thalash
  • Best Premier Division Debut of the Season: Finland Puoskari
  • Caster of the Season: England Bren


  1. Agen said:

    Is the money actually a thing?

  2. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:


  3. WRU said:


    big man bren

  4. maly: KARAS said:

    Where’s zeFrosty award for the best zeFrosty of the season?

  5. Mr.Justin Time said:

    these awards are always bullshit season after season. I wonder if those who vote actually watch the games before voting. Thalash plays well, but he did nothing this season to deserve 2 awards. Both Zenith and sorex did way much more for their teams results than thalash for his. alle played really well on i58 but this season he was a bit “dead”, only started playing like 3 weeks after the season started and still got the award. Drackk is a beast as roamer but there were some good ones as well like damneasy and corbac. So basiclly this is just like politic elections, the not so smart peasents vote for their new president based on his popularity and not how he performs, in tf2 they vote on the players of the best team even if they performed worse individually than others, and keep in mind the awards are individual. This is not a hate comment, crowns has some of my favourite players, but I can recognize when they dont deserve the victory

  6. Crayon said:

    ^ I don’t know how you could even have an informed opinion as a lot of the games weren’t casted (unless you were to watch each of them through the stv). It’s also completely different playing against a player than watching how they play. It’s the prem players who nominate and they’re the most informed. Even in the randomness of Crowns this season Drackk was still the best roamer as he still filled his role on that team (the BEST team). Your argument is one that has been heard before, but it doesn’t nullify the results whatsoever. The only way that this would become an issue is if prizes were involved, but that’s probably never going to happen.

  7. Mr.Justin Time said:

    i might have expressed my thoughts wrong, sorry
    i didn’t mean to criticize the nominations, i meant the votes done by the community when we have to choose between the nominates. most of the time people see 1 player from the winning team and instantly vote on him just because his team won. drackk might have been the best roamer in that I agree, btw I watched most of the games casted on tftv and tftv2 on twitch, but for example wouldn’t you think sorex or zenith did way better than thalash this season? and thalash even got off-classer of the season, but in the casted games he didnt do much as a sniper for example as Maros or Starkie did. I just feel it isnt fair to vote on the players based on how their teams performed, because as I said these awards are individual and not everyone on the winning team was the best at a specific role, but hey it has been like this since epsilon was dismantled so might not be worth the complaint after all

  8. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:


  9. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    I tried to vote for flippy and mike but they arent on Se7en (Crowns) so I decided not to :////

  10. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    None of the people I voted for won an award. feelsbadman

  11. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Looks weird seeing kaidus’ name on that list, as we only list the actual active players, you didn’t see this with other teams that had active subs coaches or managers

  12. kaptain: wG said:

    Kaidus also wasn’t really involved at all in s25, not sure why he’s listed there.

  13. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    I did list him in last season’s wrap-up post solely from knowing how much he did help Crowns during S24 in preparation of i58. Makes me wonder how much a simple copypaste of an article could be outdated in such time already.

  14. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    I thought he was still quite involved within the team, guess I’ll remove him then :)

  15. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Rip kaido

  16. Included_Middle: Bully said:
