ETF2L Coding Project Startup & Staff Changes
July 27, 2016
This newspost is targeted at developers that are interested in a coding project that would lead to them being part of the ETF2L staff. Are you not a coder but still have some ideas that we could look at? Then leave them in this forum thread. Keep in mind this is meant for changes to currently existing features.
So as some of you have may noticed the development of the beta design has been halted for quite some time now. This mainly being due to the core of the site's problems not being the layout but rather the backend. Over the numerous years that its been around a bunch of different people have helped out in coding the site. But due to this the coding itself has become quite a bit of a mess.
With this we'll be trying to change that. We would be aiming to make the site in Python & Django in a group of around 5 people. Seeing that the site is quite complex this wont happen in a day of course and we would be looking at doing so across a rather large time scale. The coders that would be coming from the community would be with the idea that they can stick around after the site is remade to make new features that go with it or just help with management.
So all in all we'll mainly be using Git, MySQL, Bootstrap, HTML, Python and Django. If you aren't familiar with one of them but want to learn quickly you're more then welcome to apply as well. So if you want to join send an email to [email protected] with an appropriate subject like "ETF2L Coding Project Application" and with the following information:
- Name
- ETF2L profile link
- Country of residence
- Age
- Previous experience
- Aspects of the site or new features you are particularly interested in working on
Staff Changes
Over the past couple of months we've had quite a few people leaving our staff. So here is a thanks to stuntz,
Yggdrasil and
Morphine for all the work that they've done for ETF2L.
With those leaves we had some fresh meat hop on in with that being fantastictobey as a Media Producer and
Crasp returning to ETF2L as League Admin.
crasp holy shit
we are all doomed! *runs around in circles*
oh shit
CanFo next to come back ? :3
Does that mean you would be doing that to make the development of the new design easier? Do you even have stats for the beta design usage? Can’t speak for everyone, but almost all my friends use the classic design, it feels like you’ll be doing a whole lot of work for little reason
I see where you’re coming from but thats not the main reason for it. The bigger reason being that development on the backend as well has been getting slower as well. The coding is a mess and the current coders can hardly bring themselves to work in it in their limited free time. Due to it being a mess and its complexity the past couple of coder recruitments have somewhat failed and getting new coders familiar with everything would take a while.
Which is why we’ll be trying this instead.
Gotta love some Crasp
Replace Sonny with D2M and make ETF2L great again
o.O Crasp!
No, doks. I never left the game but I won’t be back on admin duty any time soon.
Hi folks!
After 4 years away I’m delighted to be back helping out at ETF2L.
Since I’m working full-time now, I won’t be around 24/7 to hoover up IRC requests like I was before. This time I’ll be working on improving the league and helping out wherever it might be needed.
Any thoughts or ideas on that are welcome, feel free to ping me a message if you want.