Highlander Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Announcement, Signups open & Community Fundraiser
March 11, 2016
Announcing Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS
After wrapping Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf up and crowning Strong opinions as champions, we are happy to announce our next highlander Season. All the information regarding the coming Season can either be found in this newspost, or will be announced in the future!
Season 10 Fundraiser
We are pleased to announce ETF2L’s community crowdfunding system for Season 10. The purpose of this fundraiser is to allow members of the ETF2L community to contribute directly to the Season 10 prize pool and help make Season 10 the biggest yet!
The fundraiser will run throughout the season, with prizes finalised Sunday April 24th.
100% of all donations raised will go towards the Season 10 prize pool, ETF2L will not keep any of the money.
Sign-up Process
Make sure to choose your desired tier when signing up. If you created a new team, feel free to apply for the tier you believe you deserve you should be in. To prove you are capable of the tier you applied for, we require you to submit screenshots of results from your recent practice matches or tournaments where you scored decent results against teams that play on the level you aim for. The quantity is not the most important factor in this case, it’s more of a helpful measure for us to figure out if your team will be able to keep up with the pace. There is no magical, minimum or maximum number of screenshots that you have to submit.
Sending links to logs on logs.tf or similar are fine if you include a short explanatory comment for each linked log, e.g. who your opponents are supposed to be and where they played last seaseon. We will not accept plain lists of logs without any comments!
If you want to be more specific about a tier you request, send an application to [email protected](details listed below) with a suitable subject. Emails with subjects like “Hello”, “Hi” or anything else that cannot be identified as a team applying for a tier by mail may be ignored.
Additionally since it happens time and time again, you do not sign up by mail, you sign up on the site and apply by mail if you are a newly formed team playing in anything higher than Open.
Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favoured over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier. The screenshots have to be uploaded to an online image storage service (for example, you can use imgur or Dropbox). Keep in mind that if you opt for a zipped archives with tons of pictures attached to an e-mail, your application will be ignored. Keep it clean.
Also helpful for us, but not a must however, is adding who the opposing team is in each screenshot (and maybe even the division they played in the last time). That makes it easier for us, because sometimes it can be quite hard (especially in the lower tiers) to figure out who the teams in the screenshots are.
If you are applying for Open (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.
Please send your application to [email protected]. The tier assignment request has to include the following information in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will be ignored!
- Do not use HTML in your e-mail. If you want to add a link, just paste the link in the e-mail as you would enter it in your browser.
- Team name
- Team link on ETF2L.org
- Tier/Division you apply for
- Link to the online photo album
- Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)
Why should I donate just for the Premiership Players?!
Funds and Items raised through the fundraiser will be used for prizes in all four tiers – Premiership, High, Mid and Open. Prizes for everyone! Clearly we do not know exactly how much will be raised, but our aim is to provide cash prizes for Premiership, High and Mid with at least item prizes for Open.
More details can be found on the Fundraiser Page.
Single donator perks.
- Bundle #1 – 5€ donation: Receive an ‘ETF2L Donator’ Title on the Forums (similar to current Staff titles).
- Bundle #2 – 10€ donation: In addition to the perk above, entry towards a raffle to win a Tt eSPORTS’s Ventus X mouse, 2x Tt eSPORTS’s Dasher Extended Mouse pad, a Tt eSPORTS’s Cronos AD Headset , a Tt eSPORTS’s Core V21 mATX Micro Chassis, 2x Tt eSPORTS’s packages with 3x Riing fans and 10x serveme.tf Premium for 6 months each!
- Bundle #3 – 15€ donation: In addition to the perks above, you can let your weapon be signed by a prem player of your choice, you provide the weapon, we do the rest!
- Bundle #4 – 30€ donation: In addition to the perks above, you will receive an mentor session in the preferred way of the mentor. More detail about this can be found on the Fundraiser Page.
- T-Shirt – 40€ donation: This would include a custom made ETF2L T-Shirt and an ‘ETF2L Donator’ Title. Make sure to provide your size! Shipping limited to Europe.
- Bundle #5 – 50€ donation: In addition to the perks above (not including the mentor session, T-shirt) , Receive a Custom Title on the ETF2L website.
- Bundle #6 – 60€ donation: In addition to the perks above (not including the mentor session), you will receive a custom made ETF2L T-Shirt! Make sure to provide your size! Shipping limited to Europe.
- Bundle #7 – 70€ donation: Upgrade the T-Shirt with your own personal (nick)name on it!
- Bundle #8 – 100€ donation: Always wanted to get your game casted professionally?
sigafoo will cast one season 10 game of your choice live on BlackOut TV (date has to be arranged with the crew). This perk includes Weapons signing, Raffle entry, Custom Title on the ETF2L website.
Got no cash, but still want to contribute nonetheless? We also accept item donations, especially unusual hats for the raffle and giftwraps for the weapon signings. We’ll provide a trade offer link once our fundraiser account is setup. Or just >>>click here<<< to donate!
Season 10 Promotions/Demotions
All Open and Mid playoff teams will receive a promotion to the next highest tier, unless their starting roster changed by more than half of their players. The Bureau will be promoted to the Premier Division after winning the High Tier in Season 9.
Team Colonslash: Ambition will also be promoted for winning their relegation match against
Additionally the bottom 20% of the remaining teams in the High and Mid Tier will not have a guarantee to stay in their respective Tier. This affects the places 13-15 in the High Tier and the places 23-28 in the Mid Tier. The Open Tier does not have demotions.
Season Schedule
- Signups: March 7 – March 18, 21:00 CET
- Publishing of Provisional Divisions: March 18
- Publishing of Final Divisions: March 19
- Pre-Season Playoffs: March 15 – March 17
- Main Season: March 20 – May 5 (7 Weeks)
- High/Mid/Open Playoffs: May 8 – June 5
- Premiership Playoffs: May 9 – May 29
If you intend to sign up for the Premier Division we encourage you to do so as soon as possible due to the Pre-Season Playoffs. We will only consider teams for the Pre-Season Playoffs that signed up before March 13th 23:59 CEST. Additionally we expect teams without a guaranteed Premier Division spot to be able to play all of the days mentioned above.
Premiership Playoffs
We’ve implemented a new system for Premiership Playoffs, this time we will include 4 teams in the playoffs and we will also extend the playoffs. Until then the full schedule for the playoffs will remain as follows:
May 8th – May 14nd: 4th vs 3rd
May 15rd – May 22th: Winner of previous match vs 2nd
May 22th – May 29th: Winner of previous match vs 1st
These days will get decided like the normal main season matches.
Banner Contest
For the upcoming Season 10 we have decided to have a banner contest. This means that your artwork will be featured on our hub page, as well as every newspost related to Season 10 on our Facebook page and every official post related to it.
Here is what you have to do:
- Create a banner with the dimensions 590×295
- Include our and our sponsor’s logos which can be found here
- Send your creation to [email protected] and put “[ETF2L] S10 banner contest” as subject
- Send it to the above mentioned email until Monday, March 14th 23:59
If we will choose your banner to be the official Season 10 banner, please be ready to modify it if need be, e.g. if more sponsors get added. If your banner is not chosen to be used for Season 10, we may get back to you in one of the following seasons.
We have released a provisional whitelist for testing within the S10 Map Test Cup and TF2Pickup.net. This whitelist is not final and is subject to change before the season officially starts. Please provide any feedback to the cup and new weapons allowed in this feedback thread. The whitelist can be found here.
Maps, Prizes & Other Changes
Everything else will be announced in the future, we just wanted the schedule and the signups to be available to you all as early as possible.
The map pool is also possible still subjected to change as we’re also testing maps in the S10 Map Test Cup. If you have feedback regarding the maps you can post so in the feedback thread.
good stuff
How many prem teams don’t have guaranted spot and have to play playoffs? I saw The Experiment / nunya and fair enough made many changes in roster and WASP also (but idk how many. I have no idea if it is more or less than half). So will there be 1,2 or 3 spots?
fuck i want a shirt and i don’t even know why
Wasp dont have many changes,only 2,so we stay with our spot.
Looking forward to intense preseason playoffs ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9)
“regulation match”
Looking forward to intense preseason playoffs ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9)
Looking forward to intense preseason playoffs ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9)
Maybe it’s a good idea to show a table with all the possible sizes of the T-Shirt?
Professional casting? What is this?
@TimTum: S-XXXL
Shirt preview pls? Dont want to donate that much money to highlander, when I don’t even know how the shirt looks.
r u hype yet?
yeah a picture of the tshirt would be nice
Just click on the fundraiser page, nerds ;-)