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Announcing: ETF2L Highlander S10 Map Test Cup!

Date March 7, 2016


Hey, folks!

With Season 10 looming on the horizon, we feel it’s time to shake things up. There’s always some dissatisfaction with map pools in Highlander, and so we’d like to offer our community an opportunity to have a real voice in how things will play out.

With that in mind, here’s the details:
The cup will be separated into three tiers: Open, Mid and High. Each tier will have multiple groups of four teams, based on the signups. The teams will battle it out in a simple round robin system, and the winner of each group will get a nice, shiny pixel trophy to flaunt on their team page. Additionally, we’ll be hosting a single elimination cup aimed at the current Prem teams, and any teams that may want to test their mettle against the cream of the crop of the Superior Gamemode.

We are opening signups from the time this is posted until the 9th of March. This should give you plenty of time to get your team together and prepare.

The games will be played on the following dates for the Open, Mid and High tier groups:

  • Saturday 12th 19:00 CET
  • Saturday 12th 21:00 CET
  • Sunday 13th 19:00 CET

Please ensure you start on time so there’s no delays to the consecutive rounds. You may claim a default win if your opponent isn’t able to play at 15 minutes past the scheduled match time. Unplayed matches will be decided by coin flip. Also, please try to verify your matches as soon as possible. Each of the games will be a best-of-three map match. The maps that we will be testing, to be played in the following order, are:

  1. cp_alloy_rc1b
  2. pl_borneo
  3. koth_coalplant

Alloy and Borneo will be played as Best-Of-One – no ABBA! This means you get to do a heavy fist fight if you can’t agree on the sides! Koth_coalplant_b7 will be played first to 3, as per usual.
To make this clear: we are mostly interested in feedback on the first two maps, so koth_coalplant_b7 is to be played only as the third, decider map.

Premiership specific:

The premiership group will be played in a single elimination tournament style. The maps and rules are the same as for the rest of the cup. We’ll allow a maximum of 8 teams to participate. The matches will be played in the following time slots:

  • Round of 8: Saturday 12th 19CET
  • Round of 4: Saturday 12th 21CET
  • Third Place Match: Sunday 13th 19CET
  • Grand Finals:Sunday 13th 21CET

The champion will get 18 keys and the runner up will get 9. These are provided by Netherlands Wiethoofd of TF2Pickup.net and whitelist.tf

Rule set:

We will be using this whitelist. The changes from Season 9 are: banning the Razorback and Pomson, as well as allowing the Phlogistinator.
Please, do keep in mind that this might not be the whitelist that we will use in Season 10: it is simply some changes that we’d like to see tested in real-world game play. We will be providing stuck threads in the Feedback & Requests sub-forum for you to discuss the maps and unlocks after the tournament is finished.

Additionally, please use the cvar tf_spawn_glows_duration “5”. We’d like to see how that affects gameplay, in particular with regards to spies and re-grouping with your team mates after re-spawning.

As per usual, we’ll be using the standard 5CP, stopwatch and KOTH configs available here.

Have we missed anything out? Feel like posting some memes? Want to share your actual opinions? The comment section awaits!

>> Sign up here! <<


Byte The ETF2L Team.


  1. Maxer00 said:

    Oh no, not the razorback… R.I.P sniper mains.

    cp_alloy looks quite interestin’.

  2. Steve!: S-O said:

    Sing-ups should now be open, sorry about the delay!

  3. WML said:

    inb4 salty sniper mains

  4. Pistolvania said:

    Lol, shit spies have had their wishes come true.

  5. Steve!: S-O said:

    Cup moved back a week, sorry for confusion. Also note stopwatches are BO1

  6. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:


  7. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:


  8. adysky said:

    razorback is so useless with amby being allowed, only braindead snipers use it EleGiggle

  9. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Team beyblade eyes open here 8)

  10. wonder: 哟什 said:


  11. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Maxi instantly prem

  12. cube said:

    Highlander, Test, Map and Cup. Words you dont want to see in a ETF2L headline

    Just kidding, go TF2 go !

  13. draltoady: EU said:



  14. Zeluboba said:

    »Highlander, Test, Map and Cup. Words you dont want to see in a ETF2L headline

    lol razorback

  15. cloudy said:

    should be interesting with no razorback THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME STEV

  16. MoreBuckets! said:

    Allowing phogistinator??.. phh we fucked

  17. Fishie: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    phlog got a big nerf so shouldnt be a prblm.

  18. fnzkie said:

    not only villdjack, polar and toast will fuck me :<

  19. Maxi: BRIT said:

    Finally my SMG use is relevant 8)))

  20. hondjo: WEED said:

    Nice, would really want to participate with my team. Only issue is is that it says “Waiting for (teamname)” What does it mean????

  21. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Hondje, it means that your team is on the waiting list just like all other teams that have signed up. No need to worry about it, it is “Waiting for” just so we know which teams have signed up and for what bracket of their choice before we will add them to the cup after the signups will end.

  22. BeS: ceo said:

    razorback OP guys

  23. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    why is it a best of one? why bother having a cup then?

  24. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    nevermind i cant remember how this game works

  25. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    Smg kritz sniper confirmed new meta then.

  26. woolen: BoyBrigade said:


  27. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    played cp_alloy the other day, it’s basically gravelsteelpit but not as good as the original maps.