Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf:
Announcement, Signups open & Staff Recruitment
October 13, 2015
Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf
Last season opened up a new path for Premiership, as Tourettes Chessclub has a chance to match the legendary performance of
SNSD of having more than two titles. Will they be able to? That remains to be seen. We’re proud to announce a new opportunity for teams to prove themselves in the latest season of Highlander. We have room for anyone that’s interested in competitive Highlander. Huge shoutout to marketplace for supporting the community!
You can ONLY sign up by clicking the link above. Any signups via mail will be ignored.
Make sure to choose your desired tier when signing up. If you created a new team or feel you can jump a tier, feel free to apply for the tier you believe you deserve you should be in. To prove you are capable of the tier you applied for, we require you to submit screenshots of results from your recent practice matches or tournaments where you scored decent results against teams that play on the level you aim for. The quantity is not the most important factor in this case, it’s more of a helpful measure for us to figure out if your team will be able to keep up with the pace. There is no magical, minimum or maximum number of screenshots that you have to submit.
If you want to be more specific about a tier you request, send an application to [email protected] (details listed below). As a reminder here is the division to tier rough conversion:
- Premiership –Highest division for highlander
- High– Stable serious teams that have multiple seasons of experience
- Mid – Teams with experienced players that know the gamemode
- Open – This is our starter division, anyone can sign up for this
Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favoured over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier. The screenshots have to be uploaded to an online image storage service (for example, you can use imgur or Dropbox). Keep in mind that any email attachment will be ignored – keep it clean!
Also helpful for us, but not a must however, is adding who the opposing team is in each screenshot (and maybe even the division they played in the last time). That makes it easier for us, because sometimes it can be quite hard (especially in the lower tiers) to figure out who the teams in the screenshots are.
If you are applying for Open (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.
Please send your application to [email protected]. The division assignment request has to include the following information in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will be ignored!
- Do not use HTML in your e-mail. If you want to add a link, just paste the link in the e-mail as you would enter it in your browser.
- Team name
- Team link on ETF2L.org
- Tier/Division you apply for
- Link to the online photo album
- Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)
Season Schedule
Signups: October 13 – October 25
Publishing of Provisional: October 26
Publishing of Final: October 28
Pre-Season Playoff Week: October 26 – October 29
Main Season: November 1 – December 17
High/Mid/Open Playoffs: January 3 – January 17
Premiership Finals: January 10
Anyone signing up after October 25th can still be seeded into the season, although this depends on teams dropping or other teams signing up.
Banned weapons:
- Reserve Shooter
- Air Strike
- Crit-a-Cola
- Vita-Saw
- Darwin’s Danger Shield
- Diamondback
- Red-Tape Recorder
You will be able to find the whitelist under the official whitelist.tf hub, the ID is whitelist #4596
- Week 1: pl_upward
- Week 2: koth_warmtic_b6 + cp_process_final
- Week 3: pl_barnblitz_pro6
- Week 4: cp_steel
- Week 5: pl_badwater
- Week 6: cp_gravelpit
- Week 7: koth_product_rc8 + cp_gullywash_final1
We will distribute €1000 between the top three Premiership teams.
If any person or organisation wants to contribute to the season 9 prize pool, please contact our staff in IRC, send a mail to [email protected] or add kKaltUu on steam.
If you have any questions or feedback, please leave it Here
Recruiting (6s) League Admins
We’re happy to announce that Bloodis has completed his trial and has been appointed as a 6v6 league admin.
But with ducky and
DyaWyb leaving our ranks we are once again looking for admins to help us run the league. We are mainly looking for one or two 6s admins, but if there was an outstanding hl admin application we would not say “No”.
Among other things league admins take admin requests on IRC, deal with match conflicts, handle the setting of Default Dates and the verification of played matches. They also create and oversee cups.
With the change to the swiss system setting Default Dates does not create as much of a task as it used to do, since a notable portion of it is now automated. It is basically a non-factor in the regular season. On the other hand dealing with match conflicts has become a task that has to be adressed in a more timely fashion. Additionally providing support during match times has grown in importance, therefore we cannot really employ admins who have team commitments every four to five times per week (especially but not limited to Thursdays). Same goes for creating and overseeing cups. It is always easier said than done, having the idea and setting up a cup is only a small part of actually running a cup. Being there when the cup is under way, providing match support, adressing conflicts, lending out servers, seeding further rounds, verifying finished matches and many more tasks have to be handled, while possibly over 100 matches are going on simultaneously, you may not be alone, but you will be part of it.
Also something we want to adress is our interest in self-managed admins, we will not take you by the hand and lead you through everything there is to do. YOU have to show interest, YOU have to ask what you can do, YOU have to prove you really want to be an admin. There are plenty of admins around almost all the time, who are happy to help you and show you the ropes, but at some point routines will have to be dealt with without someone telling you that they need to be done. At the same time, communicating with other admins is very important, to avoid certain tasks being done twice, conflicting results in decisions or even decisions overwriting previous ones.
If you are interested in supporting the administrative backbone for the league, you should also check out the details on the respective application page, this will tell you which information we need from you at the very least. With an emphasis on THE VERY LEAST, most applications that cover only the very basics will not go very far. Additionally this general page may provide you with some more information.
yay hl
thanks marketplace for supporting this season!
Thank you marketplace!
>Since the new tier system is not yet implemented, there is a crossover period between divisions and tiers. Please continue to apply using the division structure, and we will seed the tiers based on these division applications. If you want to be more specific about a tier you request, send an application to [email protected] (details listed below). As a reminder here is the division to tier rough conversion:
I feel like something’s off here
Time to main engi and bring the pomsom 6000 meta
Pomson + short circuit RIP
LFT. Any tier to play for fun. Add me
Rules on Medi Guns?
medi gun pickups banned ofc
its not badwater_pro ?
rip week 4 and 5
In all seriousness, why is Gravelpit in the season at all? KKaltuu said himself that Gravelpit was the least enjoyed map of the season, so why the fuck would it be in? Why don’t replace it with something like Lakeside, Sunshine or even Borneo? What is the point of having a map that is so random and luckbased in the season?
Normal badwater is good though! pls keep it.
That’s a remarkably short ban list! I thought Europeans were supposed to hate unlocks.
Season looks really good, even week for Pre-season playoffs. Well done admins, good work. Not 100% sure those are the maps I would go with but everyone has their preference.
gpit smack in the middle of the season :-/ great map but at the start or end of season would have been better. nice unlocks.
Good map choices except for barnblitz oh god why ;———;
pls no barnblitzerino :c
wheres medals gays
Out with gpit and in with sunshine.
Also, fuck pomson
Sunshine was disliked more then gpit so that aint happening.
Pomson is not viable at all imo. You have to be up in the medics face to get that sweet uber drain off. Which I don’t see happening during actual matches.
High– Stable serious teams that have multiple seasons of experience
one day
On another note, I really like the map pool, thanks etf2l. <3
sentryjump pomson plays to stop the uberpush before it even happens 8) nice mappool tho,no reservoir so it must be better
czesc bl00dis
1000E PogChamp
Also, lol hl
I always wonder if the kids actually know why its called Highlander
Barnblitz is good grenja :)
RIP Lakeside dreams
also, just started loving badwater pro. Can’t wait to get back to boring old stalemate-water woo
Toast have good point, why gpit in the map pool if no one want to play it?
just you=/=everyone
have a bit of a problem with the pre-season playoff schedule. my team would struggle to play on mondays and tuesdays. since i assume that only one team who plays in the prem qualifiers will go into prem, would it be possible for the admins to give us a team to play before signups close, as we could play on both saturday and sunday. I don’t expect more than 8 teams to sign up for prem qualifiers, which would mean 3 rounds, and the final would be played on thursday. Kkaltuu said that its most likely going to be a knockout tournament anyway and the best team would go through, so why not just let us schedule the games? Maybe we could even get the quarter final AND the semi-final done on sunday night…
Gpit=good gpit pro=shit
damn, I find it hard to believe anyone would dislike sunshine more than gravelpit
things look pretty gucci aside from that
Replace Warmtic w/ Lakeside then the same with Barnblitz w/ Borneo.
If you want more people in comp, don’t stray away from official maps.
tf2 basement nerds wanna play in their pit instead of in the sunshine :^)
Jack getting unofficial maps played in etf2l seasons helped valve add more official maps rather than just playing official maps. See lakeside, process, snakewater
^snakewater hl? sounds like a clusterfest to me
@quintosh, I get that but keeping Barnblitz in the rotation is rather dull. I’d prefer a better payload map.
Thank you marketplace!
what’s a better payload map then jack? you have to back up your arguments, the etf2l admins aren’t gonna look for ‘better’ maps when there’s no better objection than that
I would have preferred Borneo over Barnblitz, but eh, not that it matters much anymore.