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Announcing: ETF2L Forsaken Cup

Date August 1, 2015

Forsaken Cup
banner by PaprikaProductions

It’s beginning to look a lot like Dustbowl!

The maps of old are back and are ready for reliving their golden time! Will competetive have finally caught up to these maps or will it have distanced even further? Sign-up now and find out in this amazing cup!

Requirements: A 6v6 or fun team that’s able to play during the scheduled days which are stated below.

You can signup here until August 10th, 19:00 CEST


Now, this is where this particular Fun-Cup is differs to others!

This Cup will consist of the following maps:



We will divide the cup into a couple of weeks. One for group stages, one for knockout and the finals. Each group will contain 5 teams playing on the default dates shown below. These dates can get moved around within the week by contacting your opponent and asking them to reschedule.

Week 1 August 11th – August 16th

Tuesday, August 11th – Group Stage

  • Match 1 – 20:00 CEST – ctf_2fort
  • Match 2 – 21:00 CEST – cp_well

Thursday, August 13th – Group Stage

  • Match 3 – 20:00 CEST – cp_obscure_final
  • Match 4 – 21:00 CEST – cp_dustbowl

All Group Stage matches have to be played until August 13th 23:59 CEST at the latest!

Week 2 August 18th – August 23rd

Tuesday, August 18th – Knockout Stage

  • Round of 32 – 20:00 CEST – cp_bazillion_rc5
  • Round of 16 – 21:00 CEST – ctf_turbine_pro_rc4

Thursday, August 20th – Knockout Stage

  • Quarter-Finals – 19:00 CEST – cp_freight_final1
  • Semi-Finals – 20:00 CEST – cp_warmfront
  • Grand Final – 21:00 CEST – Best of 3 maps: cp_prolane_rc4, next 1/2 map(s) loser´s pick out of the mappool of the cup

Depending the number of singups, we will decide whether 32 or 16 teams advance to the Knockout Stage. In case of 16 teams, the Quarter-Finals will be held on Tuesday, August 18th 21:00 CEST.


Only stating the changes to the Season 21 whitelist:


  • Scorch Shot


  • Back Scatter
  • Pretty Boys Pocket Pistol
  • Loch-n-Load
  • Killing Gloves of Boxing
  • Eureka Effect
  • Bazaar Bargain

The whitelist for this cup only can be found here. Please make sure you have all maps, configs and whitelists installed on your server.

If you have TFTRUE you can invoke the whitelists by entering any of the following ID’s:

  • tftrue_whitelist_id etf2l_6v6
  • tftrue_whitelist_id etf2l_6v6_fc
  • tftrue_whitelist_id etf2l_whitelist_6v6



This will be largely the same as Season 21’s rules with some minor additions or changes.

Cup-specific rules:

  • Picking up weapons is allowed (yes, including mediguns!)
  • On cp_well players are allowed to deal damage during setup, while staying on their side or by standing on the train separating both sides.



  1. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    It’s as if valve suddenly made matchmaking

  2. Popcorp said:

    Killing Gloves of Boxing


  3. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    KGB is not the GRU popcorp

  4. fluo: traphouse - ceo said:

    Gloves of Running Urgently =/= KGB

  5. Popcorp said:

    Shit, I forgot the difference between them Kappa

  6. Popcorp said:

    Also allow Kazotsky taunt please, Conga is allowed at the moment for some reason, thanks :^)

  7. milkyeu: MILKY said:

    no love for gravelpit? :(

  8. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    KGB still means Heavy to mid for people with superior boxing DM like me B)

  9. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    When are the rosters going to be unlocked so we can add people to our teams?

  10. melody: Lutunen said:

    wow looks interesting! looking for a team for that

  11. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Depending the number of ‘singups’

  12. Evil: XENEX said:


  13. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:

    i main dustbowl 32 man server demoman

  14. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    rosters are already unlocked

  15. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:


  16. Forsak3n: S said:


  17. rockie said:

    ^ lol

  18. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    wtf is that whitelist

    scorch shot ban and loch n load unban


  19. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:


  20. letto said:


  21. 4hp said:

    scorch shot ban clearly most overpowered weapon pyro has

  22. Franz Müller: ASD - Arr! said:


  23. Mirelin said:

    Could you please replace that “Forsaken” name? It distracts people very much. Thanks

  24. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Forsaken =/= Forsak3n

  25. Parallax: kz said:

    3 weeks later
    Forsak3n won forsaken cup

  26. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    I hope 2016 is littered with HL cups given it will only have two seasons and no Nations cup. So many 6s cups. crycry

  27. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    lol hl

  28. hamaham: $WIZARD - doge said:

    where is cp_yukon???

  29. Spycy: TC.Express said:


  30. ach: m'way - mon said:

    what happened to gpit? :(

  31. Droodl3: TSM said:

    I wish they would take out prolane for gravelpit

  32. firej said:

    1 pdh glashaus meme 4 kkaltuu pls

  33. vice said:

    wanna see gravelpit 

  34. vice said:

    and about name of cup,i think that forgotten cup is better 

  35. Casino said:

    mid/high medic LFT for this. Sounds like a laugh.

  36. san alex said:

    bazillion :3

  37. cube said:

    cup name -10/10

  38. doks said:

    also prolane is pretty cool.

  39. sorsa: mooz said:

    no gpit DansGame

  40. Vitilumi: tbd said:


  41. Setlet said:

    please put gpit

  42. Lyon said:

    BAZZILION?! finally comeback of this map!!!

  43. Maxer00 said:

    Everybody knows you’re not pro, if you haven’t played comp Dustbowl at least once.

  44. irfx: EPA said:

    2fort was played only in the first 2 seasons back in 2008, no point to have it in a mappool especially counting that it was removed for good (one of the worst maps for comp play ever). As people above said – gpit is a much better choice. Also fastlane was played much more often than that ugly abomination prolane. And maps like yukon or mach4 are the ones really forgotten.

  45. rarecandy said:

    why not pro dustbowl? or any other variant without stage 3

  46. benny: DM said:

    pubs basically

  47. weazul said:

    1luv for being able to play freight again. Gpit would be really cool though

  48. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    Thanks for the nice feedback so far! If you guys give the cup enough love then I’ll definitely try to implement most of it for a potential 2nd edition.

  49. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    replace 2fort with gpit pls

  50. Jacko720: PitO. said:

    2fort should never be taken out! :) But I think Gravel pit should be put in for a less classic map.

  51. Spicy said:

    where’s cp_fastlane? :c

  52. Pipoex: 68+1 said:

    11th august is monday not tuesday :/

  53. Pipoex: 68+1 said:

    oh sorry my calendar was too bad

  54. Phnx: L_? said:

    On cp_well players are not allowed to deal damage during setup, while staying on their side or by standing on the train separating both sides.
    can I jump to their side and deal dmg }:-{}?

  55. Erupo89: ceo said:

    when will group come out??

  56. fluo: traphouse - ceo said:


  57. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    @Pheonix, sorry about that. Small miscommunication with another admin. It should be written there now as how it’s supposed to be. So Pretty much you’re allowed to shoot enemy vidya gamers but not allowed to got across the train and start shooting them. If you accidentally get knocked onto their side just hop back to your own without damaging you opponents.

    @Fuoridi Thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed now. ;)