DeutschLAN 2015: Showmatches end with a BANG!
July 17, 2015
The summerhole is real: the Premiership Division has crowned its kings for Season 21 already, the Highlander Nationscup did not start yet… so we thought for the end of our DeutschLAN 2015 Fundraiser we would go big! You could call this a small preview to what expects us in the cup as well as a hint of i55, as we are happy to announce an NA vs. EU showdown!
This sunday, July 19th, 20:30 CEST:
Dunning-Kruger Effect (NA) vs Samsung Galaxy Gang (EU)
This time it is for real, guys: an intercontinental brawl awaits us! Samsung Galaxy Gang unfortunately could not make it to our last showmatch, so they agreed, as the 1st place holder of the European UGC Platinum divison, to take on their North American counterparts!
The Galaxy Gang looks really strong on paper with multiple ETF2L Season 8 award winners on their roster. But will it be enough to defeat the US-boys? They themselves have some familiar names on their roster, such as karl, sigafoo (he will be casting this game though) and of course i52-champion and legend
Surely a lot of these players will have a showing in the upcoming Nationscup for their respective countries, so do not miss this battle of the Atlantic, when BlackoutTV once again goes live at 20:30 CEST on sunday!
The long anticipated NA vs. EU with Heavy Is GPS,
sigafoo on the microphones and camera.
One last time you will have the opportunity to donate to our DeutschLAN 2015 Fundraiser or donate on stream to get your message/question shown live on air as well as a chance to win an unusual hat! The Fundraiser closes on July 28th, so hurry up if you want to claim some of these sweet, sweet perks!
We are also accepting item donations!
We will set up a bet at as well for everyone who is looking for even more thrill while watching. Bet on this match to contribute to DeutschLAN- a cut goes towards our fundraiser!
Announcing a new sponsor:
After a fair share of drama in the past weeks, we have had constructive conversations with sponsors and are happy to announce that will support the DeutschLAN 2015 to partly fill the gap left by our former partner. Make sure to checkout their fantastic website and play advanced 6v6, 9v9, Ultiduo and BBall everyday! on the way
We have secured a domain to develope an own website for the LAN including pictures, streams, news and schedules. The domain currently redirects to the fundraiser, but we will be working on it to provide all infos you need on one page!
LAN singups still open!
You can still sign up your team for LAN! To do so, or if you want to go to DeutschLAN 2015 but not play in a team, please add me. Do not just use the signup link that we provided you with previously!
Any Highlander-, LAN- or Funteam of any skill-level is welcome!
As you already know: to successfully register your team you only need to transfer 50% of the singup fee right now. Many players approached us asking when the rest of the amount would be due. After talking to our tenants, we agreed this deadline would be 2 weeks prior to your arrival at LAN, the 28th of August 2015.
For those of you new to and interested in this event, check out our official announcement post, the previous fundraiser announcement and, most importantly, the official DeutschLAN forum thread here on Spread the word and let the world know!
# NA vs EU rivalry #hype #b4nnyplayHL #lolHL
What a time to be alive
this summer is hot
How does tf2pickup manage to sponsor so many things? Surely they don’t get THAT many donations.. D:
samsung boyz ez win :>
high vs. low ping ?
alternating servers
Stacked should play this, as NA gamers with thing SGG are the best team EU and that their rape is NA raping EU.
*NA gamers will think
2 hungover 4 this shit
Classic b33p
Classic Meeto.
Wait, I have no idea who you are. Never mind.
B33p, pls. :(
I guess I would have asked wasp first to stacked, as they placed 5th and stacked 6th in the last season;)
will the servers be NA, EU, NA, or EU, NA, EU?
Let’s go EU :) Destroy those NA scrubs.
wel will start on an eu one and probably switch to NA afterwards. for the 3rd map we will see which one suited the game best
It’s all right Stinson you’re not clued into the HL scene at all, it’s understandable that you think last season’s roster = Stacked, and not the team that has played the DeutchLAN showmatch or RETF2 cup 8-)
“insert b33p’s sentry joke”
map picks?
Likely rosters for tonight:
Galaxy Gang:
b4nny Aegis spyro Xan Karl Josh Metawe VXIOW Hng
DeutschLAN 2015: Showmatches end with a DDOS!
thanks SALOON.TF and other betting sites, lol