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ETF2L Ultiduo Cup #5 Powered By: Tt eSPORTS Reminder

Date April 9, 2015


banner by Yggdrasil


    Just a few things to keep in mind when playing:
  • Make sure you have the right config and whitelist enabled. Ultiduo Configs
  • Make sure you are using players that are verified, mercs are not allowed.
  • Teams can still be added into the cup during the group stage. Check your fixtures every round.
  • Be on time. You are allowed 15 minutes before the opponents can claim a default win.
  • If anything happens during the match, contact an admin with your evidence.
  • The match is a best of three (just like king of the hill), winner of 2 rounds wins the match.
  • Submit your results on time. We expect you to upload the status + scoreboard screenshots and scores 15 minutes before the next round at max.
  • The top 2 teams of a group are going to the knockout phase, in case of ties we will use head to head scores.
  • As usual, record your demos and create screenshots. The Anti-Cheat team might request them.
  • Contact the admins if your team is dropping from the cup.

You can contact the admins by following this link

Ultiduo groups:

You can find your opponents by browsing to your team page, or by looking up your group on the group page.

>>>>>>ULTIDUO GROUPS<<<<<<



Sonny wished he had a chest like this

We will be adding in-game medals to the prize pool soon™


  1. tobs: ORA said:

    cool too bad sign ups closed wayy before the deadline :(

  2. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    They were closed off briefly for seeding. We’ve added about 30 teams to the cup today

  3. Popcorp said:

    wow, we were told that there would not be any medals, thanks Ducky.

  4. tobs: ORA said:

    Just a little question are you actually going to use the teams on the waiting list to replace dropped teams or what?

  5. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    we’ve added in teams up to 20:10 (10 minutes after the cup went live)

  6. shoras said:

    Thanks, Ducky [2]

  7. ducky said:

    no problem boys. if you were going to play just for the medals you don’t deserve them anyways

  8. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:


  9. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:

    Sorry for my question about medal (lol buthurts)
    Will it be a 3 medals for 3 first places and 1 for everybody else or 2 different medals for group winners and loosers? Like cup participant and cup group winner?

  10. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Why would they give medals to the group winners? That was never the case with any ETF2L cups, I don’t see how that’s changed now.

  11. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:

    I`m new here, sorry

  12. taube: BWB said:

    When are the knockout groups going to be announced?

  13. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:


  14. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    yes when are they being announced?

  15. ducky said:

    knockout groups are going to be announced soon™ *

    * “Soon” does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. “Soon” shall make no contract or warranty between ETF2L and the end user. “Soon” will arrive some day, ETF2L does guarantee that “soon” will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on “soon” as ETF2L will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at “soon”.

  16. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    u aight bruv?

  17. shoras said:

    About “playing just for medals”: There’re no brackets in this cup, which nullifies most people’s chances to win anything. Fun? Maybe if it wasn’t baloo only. It’s not like people are playing just for medals, it’s more lik a consolation prize for participating.

  18. Mirelin said:

    when the knockouts groups will be up?

  19. Mirelin said:

    they are up. My fault, sorry

  20. adysky said:

    moving all of the matches 1 hour early was not really smart, 50% of the matches are default wins now, thnx

  21. Jabbert: CMEN2 said:

    For the next tournament, try to make some time to settle disputes before nullifying game results in knockout stage. Because being out of the cup because the other team rq at the last second and can’t post the result because the dispute is going on sure is very fun.

  22. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    The only thing that got moved “up” were the quarter finals on sunday.

    Jabbert, matches start at the beginning of the hour, it doesn’t take 45 minutes to contact the admins. Be proactive when things go wrong.

  23. Jabbert: CMEN2 said:

    Except it was at the very end of a close round 3, with already several pauses during the game because one of their players was lagging out. They made it seems like they were coming back to the server to play the final seconds, but they just waited and we got screwed.

  24. ducky said:

    This cup, just like any other cup, has a very tight time schedule.

    Every match has to be played and submitted before its respective deadline, it’s always been like this in order to guarentee a smooth transition during the knockouts.

    The first attemps to contact us about your issue were made as late as 20:53 CEST, which is very well beyond the result deadline for the knockouts first round. (20:45 CEST)
    As you’ve said yourself you weren’t even finished playing by then.

    “Lagging out” is a technical failure on their side, having several pauses during a single match is your choice.
    These are time losses that we are neither required nor willing to adjust the whole cup to.

    If you want to avoid these kind of situations in the future I suggest you take matters into your own hands and contact us ahead of time instead of relying on other people and then complaining about the outcome.

  25. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    everything was good for us, well done admins :)

  26. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    I really like the idea of having an ultiduo cup, but some things didn’t feel thought through. During the archimedes cup serveme.tf basically dedicated every european server to the teams that were going to play, and it was clearly needed because every team was going to play at the same time. 
    However during the ultiduo cup this wasn’t the case, every game was played at the same time during a super-tight schedule but there weren’t any dedicated game servers. According to the “Competitions” page there were over 200 teams in the cup, which is way more than the archimedes cup and despite the fact that there are only four players per match, a server is needed for every game. 
    So basically my team got defaulted for not being able to get a server from serveme. Did we do something wrong, does etf2l actually provide teams with servers or is this a mess-up?

  27. ducky said:

    ETF2L is able to provide a few servers that can be used for officials (7 to be exact) but having those arranged for you is a courtesy from our side, not a privilege.

    Not going to lie, the main issue here is that people are just insanely cheap.

    For instance: Serveme.tf has a lot of donator-only servers available for people who’re willing to spend a bit of money.
    It’s only 5€ for 3 months of access to as much as 59 donator only servers, or 40€ for 3 months of access to a private server, amongst other things.

    You could also buy your very own server from any of the providers out there.
    A 14 slot TF2 gameserver costs around 6€ per month, that’s like 20 cents per day which is next to nothing.

    Of course if everyone is trying to go the cheap way of not paying anything some will end up facing the problems that you’ve mentioned
    With 45 serveme + 7 ETF2L free servers up for grabs but 256 teams being in need for servers to play 128 matches on it’s bound to be a disaster for some of them.

    We can’t organize everything. You as a team are responsible for making sure that there’s a server available for the official that you’re going to play, not us.

  28. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    You got defaulted because you didn’t have a server, where you get it from is your responsibility.

    Some tips for next time:

    If you don’t want to spend any money, you book a free serveme.tf server just under 3 hours in advance, nearly guaranteed to get one this way. If you’re less cheap, you can be a serveme.tf donator and can either book days in advance, or just in time and hope there servers available. I try to make sure that donators always have servers available on normal game nights, but on a special night with a 200+ teams cup going on, that’s impossible.
    If you want to be guaranteed to always have a server, you get a private server, either from serveme.tf (at 15 euros/month) or somewhere else.

  29. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    I have permanent donator status.

  30. Mirelin said:

    I have a 2 year donator status now 8-)