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ETF2L and TF2Center present – 1st ever Archimedes Cup powered by Scrap.tf

Date December 27, 2014

Here at ETF2L, we are always looking for ways to find inject new blood into our community and form partnerships with any organisation that wishes to make competitive TF2 a better place for all.  Well today we are proud to announce the start of two more beneficial partnerships as for the first time ever TF2Center and ETF2L are working together to bring you the first ever Archimedes Cup specifically aimed at new players but with a chance for established competitive players to enter as a Buddy! The competition will be hosted on both websites, with match pages and tournament brackets being done on ETF2L and the actual match (including server) will be played using a private lobby system created especially for this tournament by the guys over at TF2 Center.



Now you may be wondering who the other new partnership is with? Well look no further than those mega stars Scrap.tf, who are putting up a whopping €1,600 in donations to sponsor this event with prize pool money and raffles for viewers to win live on TeamFortress.TV of course.

Ultimately the aim of this cup is  to bring in new players from TF2Center onto ETF2L and get them interested in our active competitions. However  only those with limited competitive TF2 experience will be allowed to play:

Anyone with more than one season experience in either ETF2L div6 or UGC Iron may only play Medic. Regardless if 6s or HL. Experience as in official matches played.

The real beauty of this event is that those of you reading here who are already too experienced to enter this tournament under normal circumstances will be given the opportunity to play as a “Buddy” to a new team. Anyone from Prem skills to below that does not fit the criteria of normal entry will be allowed to participate, but will be limited to the Medic class only. You will of course have to follow strict guidelines, but if you wish to find out more and interested in being matched to a team, you can express your interest in this FORUM THREAD.

Please read the rules carefully as you will be expected to take a lot of responsibility and if you are unable to provide what is expected of you or breach the rules you may be disqualified and potentially suffer further punishment on ETF2L and TF2 Center. Furthermore there will be a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on anyone who attempts to abuse the competitive experience rules and signup on an alternative account, you will face lengthy bans if you attempt to breach these rules in any way. Please note Buddies are optional and new teams have a choice to not use a buddy at all.

For more information about the tournament including schedule, please visit the TF2 Center hub page HERE.

More details will be released closer to the event regarding how matches will be played and any unanswered questions you might have.


  1. Jon: ETF said:

    6v6 open :D

  2. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    \o/ praise geel, he’s a beast.

  3. stingHan: inVincible said:


  4. torrit said:

    praised be the lord geel

  5. Everton1992 said:

    Question, Do I need experienced player in the participating clan?

  6. doks said:

    How do you plan to reach people who aren`t on etf2l yet ?

  7. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


  8. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    doks: By cooperating with TF2 Center.

  9. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Everton: No you do not need an experienced buddy if you dont want to.

  10. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    hype, huge shoutout for scrap.tf

  11. Funs said:

    I vill be your medic today

  12. Osman: 3.5 said:

    What about people who played in high div in highlander, but never in 6v6 ?

  13. RTC said:

    @Osman: I checked, and the Div 6 limitation also applies to Highlander too unfortunately.

  14. Osman: 3.5 said:

    feck :<

  15. Setlet said:

    I hope that no one tries to use cheats in order to get easy 2k euros.

  16. Starkie: ulti? - sniper said:

    willing to play med for a group of guys who are keen to learn
    add me on steam

  17. Goat: bobs said:

    That’s a bigger prizepool than s19 isn’t it?

  18. mhwk: wookie - VDOH said:

    willing to play med for a group of guys who are keen to learn
    add me on steam

  19. collardgreens: cR said:

    where do we join a team at?

  20. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:

    i’m d2 pyro, does it mean i’m over d6 in 6’s? Stupid rules >,<

  21. Exper: [ΔDong] said:

    Looking for a team to play with for this, I main med.
    Add me to talk.

  22. Nadav: .o/ said:

    If I just came up 3rd place in div 6 HL, can I still play?

  23. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    i think some experienced guys will go to their friends at home and stay there for a while and will play from their pc. there is a decent cashprize, there will be many fakes :) admins, please try to control everything, i know it will be hard, but u should do your best to not let fake TOP_KEK guys win against d6s

  24. easyGame said:

    > tfw tf2center tournament pricepool is literally bigger than last 5 years of prem pricepool combined

  25. NeuTronas said:

    Willing to play buddy medic and mentor you with pub talents. ADD me :3

  26. Ssirdy: bye.tf said:

    add me for mentoring lessons hehe

  27. Ssirdy: bye.tf said:

    btw why are you give 2000 dollars for a d6 team asd

  28. Setlet said:

    Also there is the problem of sandbagging, maybe I would do a 2nd Steam Account etc…

  29. [☁]Emiel: TEMU said:

    Do you need a buddy in order to participate?

  30. Manik said:

    I’d like to play pocket, anyone interested?

  31. Hoovy said:

    I’m here to be a scout or a demo. Add me if intrested. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  32. Kiler4fun: SUAVE said:

    Time for the ol’ portuguese switcharoo? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  33. san alex said:


  34. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    I got VoluM on the case, watch it Portugal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  35. radioactiveAsshole: RUN! said:

    Does HLO count as competitive experience?

  36. ropecar5: B☆ said:

    will there be any medals?

  37. Jugger said:

    I’m looking for someone for my team, I’m buddy as med

  38. dias: fSc said:

    ugc 6v6 eu have steel not iron, and its as d6 so people which played this whorst div in eu 6v6 ugc cant play this cup

  39. Casual: prtyboiz - T⑨ said:

    I hope you guys are ready to catch hackers & smurfs…

  40. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:


  41. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    german admins will protect me and my alt triggerbot69

  42. stnr said:


  43. Foolish BigJ said:

    i’m not sure how to find a team, new to etf2l. i demo

  44. Manus: fluffy said:

    Make a post on recruitment site, http://beta.etf2l.org/recruitment/

  45. Ice said:

    Anyone want a med? Im up for hire. Got 50+ hours.

  46. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    will medic for good people x)

  47. fkp said:

    what about special recruitment section for archimede cup?

  48. x_NINJA_: [51st] said:

    I hope we get medals. I would wear that on all my classes. :D

  49. MathaMeticulous said:

    Willing to play soldier for anyone, I have 80+ hours as soldier and am a good rocket jumper, add me if interested.

  50. Randomi: v.t. said:

    I’m looking for a team as an aggressive scout, but can be passive too, have mumble/ts/curse/skype/steam chat, here’s my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071761889/

  51. Crunchy Frog said:

    Once again, I hit the same problem as with last year’s Highlander Open (which I couldn’t participate in due to time contraints, sadly):

    As a Medic main (460+ hours in servers) who has never played in any comp format or league(*) I see no room for me here, because I expect that any team of new players will do their hardest to get an experienced comp player as buddy to fill the Medic spot. :-(

    And in contrast to HL where I might at least have tried to enter as another class to get some insights into being a main caller from the experienced buddy, the Soldier, Demoman or Scout are not my preferred classes. (I suck at Demoman and Scout, especially.)

    I guess I’ll sit this one out and wait for the next Highlander Open Cup. Because if I took part in the Archimedes Cup, it would count towards “competitive experience” and prevent me to enter in the next HL-for-new-players event, right? I’m not a big fan of 6v6 anyway, for reasons too complicated to go into here.

    (*) Tried to join HL teams, twice, none lasted long enough to make it into a real season. I suffer from terrible stage fright anyway. Maybe one day.

  52. Crunchy Frog said:

    Although presumably taking part in the Archimedes Cup does not count for the same as “more than one season experience in either ETF2L div6 or UGC Iron”.

  53. Crunchy Frog said:

    [quote=522096]We dont take cups into account.[/quote]
    Ah, good to know.

  54. san alex said:

    Hey crunchy dont worry most of the teams dont have a buddy.

  55. jeans said:

    looking for a team. i have teamspeak

  56. Raphy said:

    Looking for a team, I have Mumble. Willing to play as a buddy Medic.

  57. TheToastTurtle said:

    Are these matches being streamed?