Logjam Cup powered by serveme.tf: Logjam Update
September 16, 2014
Hyce published another version, cp_logjam_b10pre1 . The map will be on both ETF2L and serveme.tf servers, ready to be used tonight. However, because this happens on such short notice, teams may only play cp_logjam_b10pre1 if both teams agree to use the new version. If the teams do not agree to play the new version, cp_logjam_b9 will be played!
Main feature is a reworked middle area:
Check out the map thread on TFTV for a more detailed changelog.
Make sure to provide all feedback you may have in the logjam map thread here on ETF2L.
sweet, obscure is back
still not as good as sunshine ;^(
Is this goinf to be played in s19 or b9?
Live coverage on TFTV
Way better imo but still would prefer Sunshine.
I prefer sunshine aswell, but the cup is a nice idea :>
HL players Kappa
would much prefer a more finished map (dear god id even prefer metalworks) for this season, i dont see the point in having a beta map in a season, seems kinda silly…new mid does look better tho
Beta map in season—> a lot of people for feedback for me to make the map really good hopefully, or at least that’s the thought. It currently plays a lot better than a lot of other custom maps out there even with it’s flaws and playing through a season should expose any other weakpoints so the map can be nailed down after this.
Oh good, I haven’t played obscure in ages. Sigh…
so many flaws in sunshine, jeez, good thing it isn’t being played in 4 different worldwide leaguesoh wait..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is so badlands v2.0 mid
This ^
jackylegs: cp_snakewater is being played this season in esea, because someone wrote “cp_snakewater” and they aren’t really tf2 people so nobody fixed it. the process for bringing maps in to etf2l is a good one