Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Awards Show
June 8, 2014
Tonight, at 20.00 CEST, tune into BlackOut TV as they host the Highlander Awards Show which reveals which of the questionable nominations has been honoured with player of the season, alongside your standard gossip that these shows is never quite without. It will be hosted by Ryushi,
Getawhale and
Jon, with
Scissors and
Deox as guests this evening.
17:14 – Permzilla | ETF2L.org: wtf
17:14 – Permzilla | ETF2L.org: i just clicked on questionable nominations
17:14 – SuddenlyStarMia: lol
17:14 – SuddenlyStarMia: :DDDD
No one ever asks me ;-;