Season 18 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Signups Open, Maps, Unlocks and Banner Contest Results!
April 28, 2014
banner by stuntz
Season 18 powered by Tt eSports sign-ups are now open!
We’re proud to announce that the signups for Season 18 are now officially open!
>>> Sign up now! <<<
Season Schedule
Signups: April 20 – May 1
Publishing of Provisional Divisions: May 2
Publishing of Final Divisions: May 3
Schedule Week: May 1 – May 10
Main Season: May 11 – June 28
Catch-up Week: June 29 – July 5
Playoffs: July 6 – July 26
Please note that Playoff dates are subject to change due to tiebreakers and other unforeseen circumstances.
You can still sign up your team after May 1. Teams signing up later than May 1 will be placed on the waiting list and have a very high chance of replacing dead or dropping teams during the first two play weeks.
Sign-up process
Make sure to choose your desired division when signing up. If you created a new team or feel you can jump a division, feel free to apply for the division you believe you deserve you should be in. To prove you are capable of the division you applied for, we require you to submit screenshots of results from your recent practice matches or tournaments where you scored decent results against teams that play on the level you aim for. The quantity is not the most important factor in this case, it’s more of a helpful measure for us to figure out if your team will be able to keep up with the pace. There is no magical, minimum or maximum number of screenshots that you have to submit.
Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the division you aim for. Established teams will be favoured over new teams or teams that request to jump a division. The screenshots have to be uploaded to an online image storage service (for example, you can use imgur or Dropbox). Keep in mind that if you opt for a zipped archives with tons of pictures attached to an e-mail, your application will be ignored. Keep it clean.
If you are applying for Division 6 (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level. This only applies to Division 5 or higher.
Please send your application to [email protected]. The division assignment request has to include the following information in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will be ignored!
- Do not use HTML in your e-mail. If you want to add a link, just paste the link in the e-mail as you would enter it in your browser.
- Team name
- Team link on
- Division you apply for
- Link to the online photo album
- Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the division you applied for (optional)
We removed metalworks due to some poor feedback, and general dislike of the map. We replaced it with ctf_turbine_pro_rc2 which some players may remember from seasons in the distant past and had some excellent feedback from the Premiership Division. Turbine will be played as a best of 3 each round with timelimit 10 and winlimit 5, this is explained in more detail in the Rules Page.
- Week 1: cp_granary/cp_gullywash_final1
- Week 2: cp_gullywash_final1/cp_badlands
- Week 3: cp_badlands/ctf_turbine_pro_rc2
- Week 4: ctf_turbine_pro_rc2/cp_process_final
- Week 5: cp_process_final/koth_pro_viaduct_rc4
- Week 6: koth_pro_viaduct_rc4/cp_snakewater_final1
- Week 7: cp_snakewater_final1/cp_granary
In addition to the unlocks in Season 17, these unlocks are now allowed
- The Fan O’War
- Sun-on-a-stick
- The Homewrecker
- Sharpened Volcano Fragment
- The Neon Annihilator
- Ali Baba’s Wee Booties
- Warrior’s Spirit
- Eviction Notice
- The Family Business
- The Southern Hospitality
- The Razorback
- The Tribalmans Shiv
- The Bushwacka
- Shahanshah
- The Red-Tape Recorder
- Your Eternal Reward
- The Cloak and Dagger
The full list of unlockable weapons can be found on the Season 18 homepage. Cosmetic skins of allowed weapons are also allowed. Items that enable Pyrovision are banned.
Prizes & other changes
Everything concerning prizes and any other changes will follow in a later newspost.
Banner Contest
As the keen eyed among you may have noticed, we have found our official Season 18 powered by Tt eSports banner. The winner, by stuntz proved to be the favourite among the admins that placed in the top 5. Congratulations for creating an amazing banner and winning a Tt eSports Cronos Gaming Headset. Well done to everyone else who entered, here are the other 4 entries making it into the top 5;
- Banner 18 created by
- Banner 19 created by
Salade au thon
- Banner 20 created by
- Banner 21 created by
cant wait to rock the southern hospitality
fuck the haters, metalworks is fine
better than turbine cancer at least
please no cnd
turbine lol
turbine so much aids
Agree with the cloak and dagger, makes the spy way less skillful as you can sit in a corner for 5 minutes waiting for the medic.
wow these unlocks and maps…
CnD seems like a really stupid thing to allow.
I love this turbine
turbine? u w0t m9?
clock and dagger kinda stupid and overpowered, turbine<3
poor feedback and general dislike for metalworks what?
it was a great map why
turbine is a good change though, dunno about these unlocks when most of them are quite useless
Great unlocks, still don’t know why the ambassador wasnt allowed yet…
Also, would much rather play gravelpit instead of turbine, its a shame such a classic and nice map is always left out
Allow the direct hit. It rewards skill.
Dude, fuck turbine, #bringbackmetalworks.
Why the hell would you choose Turbine? out of all the variety of new maps that have been created, you’ve picked the one old map that again..
Great unlocks though, nice to see a bunch for a change.
Bad map choise, metalworks was aweosome, cancer ctf yay -_-
Yeyyy turbine. Fuck those unlocks. Keep the default loadout.
imo cnd makes spy more useful in most situations and it’s a good add-on to the game
turbine is pretty bad and should be replaced with gpit
stuntz steals art from deviantart and wins? gg
Also interesting map choice, going to be a lot of fun.
bring metalworks back :(
There’s an error signing up at the moment, we’re working on it.
turbine been tried and tested a million times, is just gonna be unplayed in practise and unliked and messy when played.
rip 6s
Can’t wait to play 6v6 Capture the flag on turbine! I’m also looking forward to play comp on achievement_idle!!
no sandman again
Hooray, another map that nobody will ever want to play. Nice to see you haven’t learned anything from the past 17 seasons.
Metalworks was great! Either way, if you want to take it out, why not put in sunshine instead? Much better than turbine, comp ctf is never fun
cloak and dagger…
Disappointed to see Turbine being brought back in, for the millionth time. Croissant deserve a decent chance.
I would have hoped we lost granary, can be a really boring map. I would have really liked to see metalworks and sunshine in the pool. Also some of the unlocks are so pointless like to bushwacka and eviction notice. It just seems like you’ve added really pointless weapons for shits and giggles. Like the sun on a stick and homewrecker as well. It seems like whoever decided to decide these unlocks really didn’t give a shit.
I really hope that this unlock list is a joke :/ Either way, I don’t believe that Turbine is gonna be that enjoyed by players. I would much prefer Metalworks
more koth please
Really don’t understand the logic behind Turbine. Would love to see cp_derecho get a chance (even if only a cup)
I’m not going to play this season anyway so this won’t concern me personally.
However I’m wondering what the ideas behind picking up turbine again were?
After all the map got kicked out by the community some seasona ago if I remember correctly…
Hey, remember how Turbine was removed but then got added again since changes had been made? We still hated that and had it removed. What makes you think this time will be any different?
Retarded decision making
I’m ready for the buff banner bushwacka strats.
Also rip mworks, if you’re going to remove anything at least make it granary
“due to some poor feedback, and general dislike of the map” who are these people?
i dont get it
everything metalworks needs is: more light on map, maybe day-time instead of night
fuck yes family business is allowed
No problem with map changes, that’s fine, but why do you add so many cancer unlocks which won’t be used ? You’re slowly adding all weps, like America. But why? Comp was without s17 unlocks clean, just few weps for making the game changeable like kritz or ubersaw. Nah you have to add some craps to “change the way of playing”. If these unlocks would change something, it will be more spy plays and more engineer plays – things which partly destroy the enjoy of 6v6.
CnD has its downsides, but it could open up some new possibilities for spy-included strats.
And then this Turbine shit…Metalworks wasn’t great either but it sure as hell beats Turbine hands down.
If this is really going to happen, then I’ll personally be less sad for not playing this season…
haha, i laugh at all these retards who think that sonny black and permzilla give a shit about the community’s opinion
granary again gg
“Turbine had some excellent feedback from the Premiership Division” Can someone prove this?
bring back metalworks and replace viaduct with sunshine or any other 5cp map
quite interested if any demoman is gonna give up pipes for +25 Health, maybe add the Chargin’ Targe and reward pipe aim
yes turbine gibbe de cancer b0ss
turbine > metalworks
metalworks is fucking awful
The Neon Annihilator
No map whatsoever has even a shred of water in it
No mad milk
No Jarate
no seriously am I being rused
Both Turbine and Metalworks are cool. I like to see Turbine added, but I would have kept Metalworks too and finally taken out badlands for some seasons.
But I really do believe that some unlocks should be reconsidered:
Cloak and Dagger – stalematey, slow-paced
Razorback – ruins spy as a lost option to deal with snipers tbh. Also creates stalematey situations, often forcing buffed sniper vs buffed sniper gameplay.
Your Eternal Reward – just a new level of high risk / high reward.
turbine is great,but im really sad about all the unlocks…
i want 6v6 mostly vanilla :/ bad move
Turbine best map EU, finally I can permaengi in 6´s without people whining 8)
And seriously, a ctf map? What the hell is going on admin?
Fuck. Yes. Turbine.
no direct hit :(
The whitelist is closer to matching the ESEA whitelist. :)
What Fuxx said. What’s up with the Neon Annihilator? Am I missing something?
The neon annihilator removes sappers so I guess that would be the reason to use it
Wouldn’t the Homewrecker be better for that? Don’t remember the base damage of the Neon Annihilator.
fuck yes turbine
Cp_obscure or cp_metalworks instead of ctf_turbine please.
Another map that no one likes to practice but forced to play.
Bring back community polls. Let the community decide.
Turbine is the best
To be honest, for deciding on these questions, what unlocks need, or what map will be prefer – must create community vote page.
Dat turbine and booties.
Actually, y don’t 6v6 has Powerjack unlocked? Unlock it, please :3 Instead of Neon Annihilator, I hope, other Pyros-in-6s won’t suffer from that.
OMG turbine NOOOO, cp_toxic pliss
Good time to decide to not play this season.
bring back metalworks and replace viaduct with sunshine or any other 5cp map
Please no… DON’T DO THAT, trubine??? razorback and other ****? pls :((
looks good, can’t wait to dmix turbine
If you think some unlocks are useless and nobody will use them, then why do you want them to be removed? There is no real difference if unlocks like Warriors Spirit are allowed, I really don’t see the reason people complain.
Koth_trainsawlaser_b3 Season19 yes?
i wanna play 6s not hl
so many retarded unlocks but no amby and/or DH
nobody will ever want to practice turbine and officials will be shit because ctf is boring
Yes! Turbine is the shit!
“Your turbine a slut”
IF we had to remove any map, why didn’t we just removed process?
Granary + Obscure is the perfect season.
why can there not be just a little more experimentation with new maps?
more one night cups, more changes to the map pool
when ESEA has already set the precedent by adding sunshine, ETF2L just looks staid in comparison – when I heard about rc1 I was hoping you guys might jump at the chance to implement a map which got some pretty solid feedback from the 1NC, but evidently no dice
(also the unlocks are utter balls but w/e)
turbine and those unlocks :S
thank god no metalcancer this season
Metalworks was 10x better than turbine will ever be. :-)
cp_quay anyone?
Urgh… The Razorback is THE WORST! Makes spy so much less useful!
This banner is shit.
Salada au thon, plz.
Turbine Pro.
ctf_2fort would have been a more appropriate choice if you’re just desperate to cram ctf in there. At least we can practice that map version on a Valve pub.
And Metalworks is a fun map anyway, certainly easier to find scrims on than Viaduct.
What if we use highlander cfg for 6s match ?
turbine? metalworks 10x times better than this ctf shit, ctf in 6vs6 is just BORING AS HELL.
yeah yak I’m with you, quay’s fantastic
Metalworks is shit, turbine is the best :D
Clock and dagger is way too op. why you do this etf2l…
Signing up cause turbine.
metalwork > Sunshine > Gravelpit > Turbine
prepare yourselves roamers cloak and dagger spys backcap are coming
we allow C&D but not dead ringer? really??????
now I finally see how it is, admins only allow those unlocks which will surely not effect the game in any way, thanks guys, that how you make a game more fun!!
Lel Turbine, cap Enemy Intel 2 times and then just Fortify your Intel with 1 Engie, 1 Pyro, 1 Heavy, 1 Sniper, 1 Medic, 1 Demo
I can’t wait to try out turbine, but I feel like I’m gonna be disappointed. Metalworks was great :(
Banner 19 is created by Salade au thon
and whats with the useless unlcocks ???
C&D only decent unlock.. the rest is like WTF… who would EVER use them ? its just pointless
Who hates metalworks? Which fucker? Where is democracy?
These are the results from a poll thread on the forum. More people like metalworks than turbine.
6v6 dead, also metalworks>turbine
dat stolen artwork tho
Although metalworks had a good mid, the last cp was utter shit. I remember turbine as a good map. Better than metalworks for sure.
<3 unlocks
srsly turbine? theres a reason it was removed from the pool…
Neon Annihilator unlock hinting at Freight coming back for Season 19? Let it be so!
Turbine was added because of good feedback from some prem players? Here is a cool fact – 280 teams played in s17 in all divs excluding prem, so about 1500~ players. Just because some guy from prem likes a map (not hating, dont get me wrong), does it mean that it will be played? And the argument will be – I like it? Seriously, there were reasons why this aids and impossible-to-find-and-scrim map was removed earlier, now all the players will suffer because prem=community. Freaking lawd add community polls to decide the maps. Dont even get me started on these unlocks.
tl;dr #letsgosunshine #bringbackfreight
I remember turbine as a good map. Better than metalworks for sure.
>wee booties
>fan o’ war
Turbine is just here so we can show the likes of Reservoir Dogs the path of the righteous man.
Why do you cry about one more different gamemode?
Completely having 5CP and only one KOTH seemed quite bland so it’s nice to see something different too as well.
Plus, there are several teams who are going to sign up which I doubt have ever played Turbine in 6s, so they can’t even say that it’s cancer just for the fact that it’s CTF and not 5CP like what they have used to.
Though, I do as well think that Granary is just boring, that should have been replaced by Turbine and Metalworks just been kept in the map rotation.
I am the unknow guy of banner 19, sorry i forgot to mention my name.
gg to the winner :)
rip etf2l
Please no CTF, its fucked up in TF2.
99% div5
ipz is pulling rank
What w3 said
“Turbine was added because of good feedback from some prem players? Here is a cool fact – 280 teams played in s17 in all divs excluding prem, so about 1500~ players.”
I am by no means prem but in my opinion you have to trust the highest division as to what works in comp or not, if we took the average pubs player they’d probably want to see 2fort and dustbowl in the rotation and everyone playing pubs right now can sign up for d6
Having said all that it might be true that turbine won’t get scrimmed but that seems like the fault of the community more than anything (like via is a nice change in my opinion but god forbid anyone EVER mixes on it)
in my opinion, Prem and Division 1 should decide what maps we play each season…all Prem teams and Top/Mid Division 1
When I was told that turbine was added in my mumble, I literally thought people were shitting me. I went to bed, and see this the next day. I am motherfucking speechless
“Having said all that it might be true that turbine won’t get scrimmed but that seems like the fault of the community more than anything (like via is a nice change in my opinion but god forbid anyone EVER mixes on it)”
It’s like Steel or gpit in highlander. You can’t mix on maps that actually require coordination, it’s just too cancer because everyone just wants to DM. Still good fun to play with an actual team
Can`t wait to lose on Turbine because people play cancerous bullcrap and then destroy the same team in any 5cp map. FUN TIMES!
thats the only thing scissors ever said that is true :S
you cant not put team work maps just bcuz some teams are based on pure DM lol
why is granary still in the map pool ?
really? turbine? :\
Enda anledning jag vill ha turbine är för perma engie HUEHUH#U#HU3hh33h3h
Get your questions answered by Permzilla on Fully Charged! Europe live on Thursday night.
“you have to trust the highest division as to what works in comp or not”
tell me how metalworks doesn`t work in comp….
how do you get rid of metalworks and bring back turbine turbine is complete shit and metalworks was actually good
I swear 6v6 will change to HL if these “admins” keep going this way. Let’s add all weapons. Maybe add one more class. Or two, or three.
Isn’t the point of 6v6 high-paced intense gameplay? Going back and forth, defending and attacking points? Shit like the CnD messes that up, rewarding spies to sit still and do nothing. I don’t see use in this many unlocks, but if you wanna add some, add better weapons. For example, I kinda see the point in adding the FoW. Just something new. But what’s the use for these pyro, heavy and engineer melees? That’s never ever going to be useful. Way to kill 6s boys…
to the unlocks haters: We used to play with all unlocks, Chargin’ Targe, swords, bonk, wrangler back in season 9/10 etc and the game was as good or better than it is today.. in america you have evry unlock available even phlogistinator and their scene is still amazing.
Great to see a more relaxed stance on unlocks.
Razorback in 6s
yes very usefull)))))))
Wtf metalworks was awesome. And why no half zatochi ? Nothing overpowered about it. ._•
ctf_2fort for season 19
i wanna play obscure and no to turbine!
The Bushwacka
I can see the russian strats: buff banner + bushwacka + uber = profit
Disappointed we’ve not tried to support new maps like Sunshine, instead reverting back to tried and tested maps. Like someone said earlier, did we learn nothing from 17 seasons?
Get rid of Turbine, put Sunshine in, give it a chance. It’s new.
People at ESEA are loving Sunshine, and i honestly feel as if we need to give it a go at ETF2L. We keep on making the same mistakes, like Hildreth said, past maps have been tried and they were taken out of the rotation for a reason.
Here is the thread on how people feel about Sunshine on ESEA:
Turbine? And Gravelpit is left out? I am disappointed.
well last season for me if the whitelist wont change next time.
but we should be happy about turbine [turbine>sunshine]
not sure what to think about the sniper and pyro unlocks as they are usually synergy or niche weapons especially the neon. razorback is also encourages stalemating and begs the question why actually useful non synergy gimmick weapons like amby, powerjack, detonator, spycicle. But i still like the majority of the unlocks also thanks for removing metalworks, last was terrible.
bring back cp_obscure and cp_freight.