Saturday Banpost
April 26, 2014
Some players have been spotted with recent VAC bans affecting Team Fortress 2 and thus are now banned from ETF2L for one year:
Avv – Alt of
Dalton Mustang
Fender style – Blacklisted for VAC Ban.
xnrzr – Alt of
Fender style
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
The following players have been caught cheating by our Anti-Cheat team. They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
The following players failed to provide requested demos:
Carry on, citizens.
made my day XDDDD
rip olbaa :(
that oreo sniper got banned too yay
*as advertising*
bb olba
C u Ikonatai. For those who dont know who he is:
frenchie in banpost, etf2l saved
played lobbies with tf2pinky, most obvious cheat ever
spot was given to temio man :D
rofl olbaa
ölBää | can i hax plz
Permzilla007 | no
Fenrir007 | as long as you don’t mge against an ac admin
permizilla, stahp scamming littl´ kids :(((
Also – was Magic a main engi?
I giggled
The secret AC conspiracy against engi mains continues
Shame with olbaa, he is one of the few cool russians
olbaa really ?! damn who’s next?
no u
phew, im not on the list, they still don’t know!
RIP Olbaa and Avv =((((
So what happens to the 1st place of wasp? since olbaa played in every game of theirs.
“As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.”
As I said, any of my demos played on officials or scrims is available. If some pervert has spare 5-6 hours to watch boring engineer plays, I can surely provide them. 8)
WASP aren’t you lucky? :) Who’s next?
Major Warnings
Cheating (plus a possible reduction of extra points and banning of the player involved, dependant on the situation)
I think I also read somewhere that if the team was aware of the player’s hacks then the whole team gets dropped, but I can’t find it.
Did WASP know he was cheating? /shrug, honestly I’d expect m0rg out of all their players, he’s just 2gud
First Irish hacker and it only took 6 years. Ireland has come of age.
Rest in peace iKonatai
You’re forgetting he wasn’t caught cheating, Fuxx; he was just caught with a VAC ban on his profile. VAC bans themselves don’t affect any matches.
Pervert is surely not the word you are looking for!
RIP olBaa
you dont get vac banned without a reason
it’s sad that VAC bans apply to all Source games, hack in cs:s, get VAC banned in Tf2 too, which is kinda unfair imo, fucking Valve
olbaaaa noooooo nonononon nooooooooooo
who will top frag for wasp now?!
goddamn it avv.
Why would you need a hack for engie if you’ve got Wrangler? 8)
> it’s sad that VAC bans apply to all Source games, hack in cs:s, get VAC banned in Tf2 too, which is kinda unfair imo, fucking Valve
zero tolerance policy against cheaters is rather fair
Morg or Bugser will top frag, maybe Vega. I’m fairly sure :P.
Also, those logs where u can get accuracy stats, wonder if someone’s got 100% in some lol.
olbaa please
“it’s sad that VAC bans apply to all Source games, hack in cs:s, get VAC banned in Tf2 too, which is kinda unfair imo, fucking Valve”
Actually, zero tolerance policy should be applied in this case, no matter on which game he cheated
RIP Olbaa
It’s not a matter of tolerance at all. They share the same game engine. If a cheat creator can make something work for several games (which is the case for many cheats and alterations of them especially for esp), how can VAC confidently determine what game it was intended for. The newest modules detect DLLs, API hooks, hash values etc independently if you have the game running or not. (Well not completely but you get what i’m saying). They don’t time the detection with your playtime as far as i know, but they do make sure you own the games it was detected for. On their end, they have marked what game a cheat is for. To simplify they just put source games in the same boat with CS:GO being the exception. Modified game engine yadda yadda yadda.
Think of VAC like a crappy version of Warden. If you use pub or ragehacks like LMAOBOX etc you’ll get banned within 60 minutes. Anything more obscure seems to have on average a 2 week flag/shadowban.
Magic – Drotalion the second.
“Why would you need a hack for engie if you’ve got Wrangler? 8)”
Same question you can ask Drotalion B)
“They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year”. . . . :,D makes me laugh everytime
Drotalion used triggerbot on his shotty, AFAIK 8)
Did you used an aimbot or Triggerbot for your sentry lololol.
I am starting to quesiton the sanity of humankind
i really dont see olbaa hacking, it is one of the coolest russian guy, and his aim is decent but never like a hacking guy/trickerbot one.
Hack in other source games = get tae fuck
Hatsune Miku: I just dont want fame, i just want to be on a team and possibly get known
Hatsune miku: I got banned from cs:go for being good
Aww man i remember being with m4rk in mumble when he was baiting that guy… fun afternoon
What’s the story behind M4RK’s pastebin log? Was he obviously hacking during those MGE matches and M4RK had his fun with him?
yes selek, mark did all sorts of stuff like going scout and double jumping infront of his face
yeah selek. Solid, quin, yak and me spectated them in the mge server. :—–D
So Miku claimed to have 14.000 hours of tf2 and played it since his parents bought it for him, he says he’s 14 years old and playing 8~ hours a day
[23:09:48] Lacienna: aright
[23:09:57] Lacienna: i made some math
[23:10:43] Lacienna: 14000 hours is roughly 583 days
[23:10:52] Lacienna: 583 x 8 hours
[23:10:59] Lacienna: is 12 years of playing games
[23:11:02] Lacienna: so
[23:11:10] Lacienna: what a fucking disgusting little liar you are
[23:11:24] Hatsune Miku: i never said i was certain <3
Also said that he got 3 VAC banned accounts
Hatsune Miku 23. Apr. um 23:46 Uhr
Well guys.. it happened, im VAC banned now. i will be making a new account, i will post its link once i set it up
Bbuuut moooooom
I see, thanks for the answers!
So Miku claimed to have 14.000 hours of tf2 and played it since his parents bought it for him, he says he’s 14 years old and playing 8~ hours a day
[23:09:48] Lacienna: aright
[23:09:57] Lacienna: i made some math
[23:10:43] Lacienna: 14000 hours is roughly 583 days
[23:10:52] Lacienna: 583 x 8 hours
[23:10:59] Lacienna: is 12 years of playing games
[23:11:02] Lacienna: so
[23:11:10] Lacienna: what a fucking disgusting little liar you are
[23:11:24] Hatsune Miku: i never said i was certain <3
DAT MATH…. *facepalm*
14 000 hours per 8 hours a day means 1750 days. that would be 4,7 years of constant TF2. NOT 12…
And there are lots of people with 10k+ hours @ TF2. Mostly Jumpers, but idle acc`s aswell.