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Highlander Season 6 powered by Tt eSports: Divisions Released and Germans Run this League A Little Bit!

Date March 1, 2014

Final Divisions Released

The Final Divisions have been released, you can find them here.

Please also note that any teams without 9 players on the 3rd March could be dropped from Highlander Season 6. Make sure you have 9 players!

Staff Updates

For a while ETF2L has been headed up by a deadly duo, as opposed to the classic triple of Head Admins. However this period has come to an end as we welcome a 3rd Head Admin into the realm. This won’t come to many as a surprise, but Germany Sonny Black is returning as Head Administrator after adventures elsewhere. We’d like to welcome him back and we are sure he can continue the good work from where he left off.

Poland CHERRY is also working on a complete redesign of the website (see here and here) and is joining the Staff as a Site Coder. Please give him as much feedback on his work as possible!


  1. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Ebanider: Germans own thise leageu and hide there german top players from ban. GJ ETF2l

  2. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    Ebanider: Germans own thise leageu and hide there german top players from ban. GJ ETF2l

  3. Python said:

    Nice work, still confused why sBoob aren’t in div 2 but w/e gj.

  4. Dandere said:

    (to div 1 but also to sonny)

  5. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Sonny B I didn’t allow this. Please remove him from admin until he is good enough at roamer

  6. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    I guess this means that ESEA in Europe is officially dead

  7. bøggz said:

    Why is the team “After Dark” in division two? I’m not saying this to be mean, I’m just genuinely curious and I hope someone could give constructive info why it is as it is. Also another question which boggles my mind is why people from a continent that is not Europe are allowed to participate in European TF2 League. I’m not complaining about the division our team was put in, and I understand that not everyone can be pleased. But I just really do not feel like we should be having an official against these people (“Here It Goes Again”). Please someone explain these things to me without unnecessary sarcastic shit talk. thanks :)

  8. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Welcome back Sonny, ETF2L has missed you greatly.

  9. jakeowaty said:

    I honestly think NF should be moved up and AD moved down.

    No offence to either of the teams.

  10. Bulow: GG said:

    Permzilla made us play the Americans in week one, just to make me feel inadequate. Rude admin.

  11. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    After Dark played Division 2 last season, and while they didn’t have a guaranteed spot they proved they can contest at that level. Official results in ETF2L are more useful to gauge skill than pcw screenshots from a potential div2 team.

    ETF2L has always been a league open to anyone. If Americans can play at normal European times, why shouldn’t they be able to play?

  12. Kaneco said:

    Sonny Black and CHERRY much <3, wish you all the success in this new(or old) position. Thanks for everything

  13. Taylor Swift said:

    Well Americans are an issue when you have to undergo their ping issues.

  14. bøggz said:

    But did they really prove anything? They did not win a single game on season 5. This raises another question. What does “being able to contest at X level” mean? Is there a list of criteria that a team needs to fill to go on in a division? Its almost like once a team reaches a division they physically can’t be lowered on the division list. And what I meant by american players not being suitable for this league is because the ping issues usually prove to make the games a tedium to play for both of the teams. It falsifies both of the participating teams performance notably. And as many others have already mentioned, its more likely that these teams will fold during the season.

  15. TJB said:

    ayyyyy im still d2 lmao

  16. NULL said:

    The funniest thing is, in fact, Div 3 is stronger than Div 2.
    Except Skills to Pay the Bills and Super Dickman (One of them are going to win Div2)

    Div 6 is going to be the highest div shortly..

  17. Ulysse said:

    Seriously, how can the 2nd of the last div4B be in div2 when the undefeated winners of the same div4B are stucked in div3 despite all the proofs that was possibly provided? Explanation anyone?

  18. Spade said:

    because the roster has changed completely?

  19. NULL said:

    I see a tutorial on YT. You need to send Unusual to ETF2L. Each Unusual send, each div you take. (A legend says that even if you send a burning flame TC you are directly Prem).

  20. Ulysse said:

    So when the roster change, you suddently take priority above the ones that made their prooves whithout having to do so personnaly ? Feels strange to be in a division in which we already defeated quite well half of the registered teams in scrims, whereas the division above us contains teams we already defeated as well amongst teams we have challenge and pleasure to fight against, at a quite corresponding level… But i must have understood how divisions work wrong.

  21. NULL said:

    Stop Ulysse, you are french.
    You cant speak anymore.

  22. Xabi said:

    I don’t get it ! So we finally are Div 2. It’s been quite a mess with admins incompetence, so you think you can just play with teams like that ?! Why did we go Div1 in the first place then ? Why didn’t you organize a playoff match between those teams.

    How come TC who was mid table in Div2 last season is Div1 ? How come Team Nein who was Div 3 last season jumped into Div 1 ? How come Osmoz reborn who ended up 3rd in Div 2 can’t even take his chance in Div 1 ???

    I’m not saying we’re actually Div 1 because I don’t think we are, but you’re just breaking a team good athmosphere due to your incompetence.

  23. Mirelin said:

    Rofl, from reading this article , Sonny Black looks like a wandering Maid or smth. :D

    ”is returning as Head Administrator after adventures elsewhere.”


  24. BoneSponge said:

    why the fuck are you still complaining

    divisions will never be perfectly judged, its an opinion made by admins

    whether you think its corrupt is another story, complaining about it in random threads is just arrogant, annoying and downright stupid

    get a life

  25. Spade said:

    If you’re honestly so upset at this, don’t play in etf2l.

  26. NULL said:

    DSQ the come back II.

    If you think you are okay in Div 2, play a scrim against us !
    The winner choose the Div of the other team :D

  27. Ulysse said:

    Actually, it looks like a lot of french teams have been poorly served by the current division distribution. Is it calculated, or is it a coincidence if 2 rising french teams get their chances denied on that season, when they provided solid proof that they deserved it more than some of the teams that got in higher ones ?
    Team nein! won div3 without being defeated if i remember correctly. They jumped 2 divs and got div1 this season. We ? Won div4 without a single defeat as well. An equal roll. “Nah, div3 for you guys with a bunch of teams you already fought and defeated 2 month ago”.
    Without anymore explanation, i can only say 2 things : g & g.

  28. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I knew it would come down to the racism-card sooner or later

  29. Pistolvania said:

    Yeah, everyone hates you cheese-eating surrenderers.

    No but seriously, what exactly is the problem here? Play well in div3 and prove your point I guess.

  30. Noomiii said:

    ”what exactly is the problem here? ” It’s a fucking joke ?

  31. NULL said:

    And the challenge?
    You dont want to scrim against us ? :'(

    No but seriously, what exactly is the problem here ? Go play against us and prove your Div2 level!

  32. Ulysse said:

    So little few seasons of etf2l that we are gonna waste 6 months playing teams we already fought 2 month ago ? We are so disappointed that we are seriously considering boycotting this season. And for the nationality matter, i’m forced to see that 2 french teams should have been a division higher and were denied that opportunity, while a german team jumps 2 divisions when some people contest their level, that when the head admin is german. I don’t care about it though, i just would like to play an interesting season at the level we estimate we have, and being unable to do so is just so upsetting…!

    We would really enjoy and explanation about that issue from the staff, that would allow us not to speak foolishness without informations out of disappointment. Thank you beforehand.

  33. Razkar: cj.com said:

    poor osmoz :/

  34. Mista said:

    If unsure, let the disputers fight in a blood-filled playoff game in which the winners get the much-coveted spot :D

  35. Spade said:

    H.A.R.D, we’ve already had a strong win against SDCK and you said they’re probably gonna win.

  36. Spade said:

    http://logs.tf/193564 < beating them on process, when they 5-0'd you.

  37. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Going by our conversation in irc and your email I would have thought different of you, Ulysse. Instead you play the “ didnt get ” card, which is simply poor and nonsense. What would be the reason to put french teams at a disadvantage?
    Also, the german head admin thing, cant you come up with something more original? I literally had 0 impact on the seedings of the highlander teams, simply because I dont know anything about highlander.
    The only ones touching the seedings have been Permzilla, kkaltuu and Freakie as far as I know. I dont think they put a german team in a division as courtesy to me. If you truely believe your own words, maybe you should think again when you are less upset.

    If you dont want to “speak foolishness without informations out of disappointment” maybe contact an highlander admin before posting these nonsense statements here.

    Also, ETF2L does not respond to “we wont play if we dont get threats”, if you dont want to play, then dont. Doing that will not give you any advantage in next season’s seedings, I can say so much.

  38. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    i love tf2

  39. Noomiii said:

    ”simply because I dont know anything about highlander.” But you play in the team Nein . Fuck the logic .

  40. kraghann said:

    ” I literally had 0 impact on the seedings of the highlander teams, simply because I dont know anything about highlander.”

    But you are in team Nein no ?

  41. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    @Noomiii: I am basically roster riding in Team Nein! I literally had to look up which division Team Nein! will be playing this season, since I havent played with them for like 6 months. They even thought about removing me from the team because of that. ^^

    @kraghann: I dont know how that one statement from me is connected to yours. But maybe my answer to Noomiii answers your question as well.

  42. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    People really need to realise that consistency and stability are important, not just the logs of the one best result you’ve ever had.

  43. Blooddrunk: Nein said:


  44. Spade said:

    actually I put that log up because sB lost 5-0 to SDCK and yet they’re trying to shoot us down.

  45. Spade said:

    I don’t know why you would just assume that we don’t play consistently, Oxy

  46. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Oxy doesn’t mean play consistently as in times a week, I’m sure he means consistently as in always doing well. imma have to agree with Oxy – jks did shrek sBoob in a Gravelpit scrim but a month later in our official in the same map we lost :D we didn’t stay consistent – just cause snakes.

  47. Spade said:

    That had nothing to do with consistency, that’s because you’re impulsive and make stupid strats. I also don’t see how that’s relevant.

  48. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Lol reading your comment back Spade I read what you said wrong :L ignore my comment.

  49. Spade said:


  50. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Faking hell spade do you have like the notify you as soon as a message is posted? that was quick

  51. Spade said:

    I came back at the right time I guess, but anyway I think this ordeal might have ended

  52. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Dat timing :D

    yeh man im so tired from work… only good thing is like 85% of the people are girls and like 90% of those girls are 7-9/10 mannnn nice figyure, eyes and face. theyre all 2-3 years older than me though :/ and theres this managee who is HOT omfg and she is like from the north which makes her sexier. Most of them nice bums, especially vanessa, crystal, alexandra and this polish girl

  53. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Basically hot girls. Girls wearing tight Ralph Lauren clothes are really sexy.

  54. Spade said:

    That wasn’t random in the slightest haha

  55. Droidster: tavi said:


  56. Carlos Kaiser said:

    A reminder that Bote is TWO DIVS lower than Team Nein

  57. kzr_: gR. said:

    “After Dark played Division 2 last season, and while they didn’t have a guaranteed spot they proved they can contest at that level. Official results in ETF2L are more useful to gauge skill than pcw screenshots from a potential div2 team.

    ETF2L has always been a league open to anyone. If Americans can play at normal European times, why shouldn’t they be able to play?” then tell me why T-A! is above bote or temas with 30-40% composed of players that got wrecked by when they all were in the same teams and pretty much fuck you

  58. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    UK > Portugal obviously

  59. gbdonhowe: Da said:

    The immaturity out of the sBoob guys is quite good entertainment to read

  60. kzr_: gR. said:

    Clearly, I love the skill set of lods of emone, DGSS, or even T-A! I can’t complain about Nein because we only play koth’s against them and they wrecked us (altough we’ve won our process oficial against them) but we are at the same skill level of STPTB, WASP, After Dark and above those full of autist UK players new teams but its just like they say “if you can’t go up by yourself join the other renegades and lick admins balls”.

    Also chuack chuack:

  61. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    lol baited

  62. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    FYI Portuguese players, there’s no keyboards for winning Div 2

  63. Fuxx said:

    le ebic trole :^)

    anyway my thoughts:
    It’s really weird that an american team jumps straight into prem out of nowhere but whatever, an empty spot is an empty spot. Inb4 team drops or “loses motivation” mid season

    I don’t get why Kaidus and co. insist on being prem HL. They can contest at that level of course but I get the impression it’s going to be purely DM based.

    It is also weird how Team Nein jumps to div1. It would’ve been wiser to have them prove themselves in div2.

    Bote shouldn’t have asked for div3, this is evidence that something’s wrong.

  64. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    I miss the frenchies already

  65. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    I actually fucking love frenchies

    At least most of them

  66. Max: Fusion said:

    Am I the only one who actually thinks that sBooB DESERVES d2? :C Or is the hate strong because of their bagguete eating powers?

  67. Alex_jj said:

    Funny hear how complaining weak teams about div2 lol
    Sad for Xabi’s team,they was deserve to take a shot.

  68. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    “I don’t get why Kaidus and co. insist on being prem HL. They can contest at that level of course but I get the impression it’s going to be purely DM based.”

    Probably winning 3 seasons without losing a game, coming 2nd in the 4th and coming mid table in the 5th has something to do with it.

  69. BoneSponge said:


  70. Carlos Kaiser said:


  71. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Never really understood the “pure DM based” perception some people have of SNSD. To me they have always been very innovative with tactics in most of the seasons they’ve played. Legolas last season was dm based just to give you a more accurate example.

  72. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    lazybear you play like a girl

  73. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    Good one Xacher, excpet I don’t exactly see how thats applicable to what I said. We signed up for prem because that’s where we are most competitive, which has been proven in every single season we have played so far.

  74. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    Ah, highlander, you’re so entertaining thanks to all these non-stop dramas

  75. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    Fuxx i’m not 100% sure you are serious or just trying to keep some drama going, but well, if you are serious that’s probably one of the more retarded things i’ve read.

    “It’s really weird that an american team jumps straight into prem out of nowhere but whatever, an empty spot is an empty spot. Inb4 team drops or “loses motivation” mid season”

    Teams jumping straight into prem? Well i’m pretty sure I know a team who did that last season and manage to do pretty well for themself. And have you seen the people on the american roster? That’s people who have played HL forever and are incredible good at their class. And ping? Sure it’s harder for 8 out of 9 classes with 100+ ping but the chessburger manage to take a major shit in euros in Nations Cup.

    “I don’t get why Kaidus and co. insist on being prem HL. They can contest at that level of course but I get the impression it’s going to be purely DM based.”

    Really? Did they place last in Season 5? No? Did they place last Season 4? No, the came 2nd. The other seasons before that? Oh yeah.. Have they changed around their roster from last season? Yes. And even if they didn’t change their roster they still should have been playing prem.

  76. Razkar: cj.com said:

    nice pic

  77. Carlos Kaiser said:

    Lol Cherry
    Also Linus, i never said that SNSD aren’t prem, i can’t think of any div 1 teams that would fit in prem better than SNSD, but my point was that by the looks of it SNSD aren’t a top contender at all.

  78. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Gotta love this drama :D Can’t wait until the teams that complain the loudest fail hardest or drop because they “cba to play in a lower division” :D

    Welcome back, Sonny. Good to have you, Cherry. Looks like the new site theme is actually making progress.

  79. Bulow: GG said:

    So if you aren’t a top contender then you shouldn’t compete???

  80. droso: o/ said:

    This season is gonna be so much fun whether we can compete in prem or not because I’m finally playing the funniest class in the game. \o/

  81. Carlos Kaiser said:

    I never said that SNSD shouldn’t be Prem, it was Fuxx and not me. Linus remembered their great performance in the first 4 seasons, and i just said that those days are gone.

  82. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    didn’t know you were a prophet m8

  83. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:


  84. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    also kaidus & co LOL

  85. Robeomega said:

    tf2 is ded

  86. Flood said:

    robeomega still can’t spell

  87. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    The Pressure on sBoob to win their Division is pretty High After what the Players Write in this thread. I really Hope they dont get too Bored Rolling Teams they already rolled for months :/

    Also whats the Problem, really? If you feel like DIV 3 is too low for you, then just scrim D2 or D1. You will get better and dont loose any time just because You Play Season 6 in D3. I am pretty Sure there are plenty of D2+ Teams that cant wait to scrim you Guys now (;

  88. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:


  89. Qube: mib* said:

    Welcome back Sonny Black
    The new ETF2L site looks alot more awesome, Cherry, keep the good work on!