Metalworks One Night Cup: Tonight is the Night!
September 19, 2013
Banner by accless
With cp_metalworks_rc5 having been added to the S16 map pool, we are going to host a one night cup focused on the map on Thursday the 19th of September, so that teams have a chance to play on the new map in a more serious environment before the season starts!
ETF2L has servers with updated configs and whitelists provided by Hypernia. Please get in contact if you wish to use one tonight.
[Highest | High | High-ISH | Medium | Low | Lower | Lowest #1 | Lowest #2]
The the cup will be held on Thursday, September 19th, starting at 20.00 CEST. All teams will be divided into brackets of 16. The cup will be in a single elimination format with all matches played on the same night.
- 20:00 CEST – Round of 16 Starts
- 20:45 CEST – Quarter-Final Starts
- 21:30 CEST – Semi-Final Starts
- 22:15 CEST – Final Starts
The only map to be used is cp_metalworks_rc5. Please make sure you have this map downloaded before 20:00 CEST to ensure the smooth running of the cup.
The unlock rules will be the same as Season 16.
For this cup you are allowed more mercs than in the league. Instead of the usual 1 merc being allowed, and 2 if the opponents agree, 2 mercs are allowed by default and 3 if the opponents agree! Please contact an admin if you have any issues with default mercs.
For everything else, standard ETF2L 6v6 rules apply which can be found here.
The whole cup will be casted at TeamFortressTV by Admirable and Team Immunity soldier yuki with
Jon on the camera
Ironic picture
accless :D
love the banner accles >.<
not funny :(
Best banner
ha-ha accless, ha -ha
Awesome job Accless :D
oh boy
I have helplessly fallen in love with the pyro in that picture.
best banner ever.
The Banner is Great. :D
Wp Accless :D
Yuki doesn’t have a country flag :(
watch causeWEcan live!!
fuck the map
best map 2013
VODs up