Highlander Nations Cup #2: Captain Applications Updates
June 25, 2013
Highlander Nations Cup #2: Captain Updates
As a reminder, only national teams created by chosen Captains will be allowed to sign up for the Highlander Nations cup. While we have received a great number of applications already, some countries as of yet have no volunteers willing to lead their Nation to victory.
Here is a list of countries we have received applications for. If you don’t see your country in the following list, consider taking it upon yourself to get your Nation represented, if no one applies before the 28th of June, then your nation won’t be participating!
– Austria
– Belarus
– Belgium
– Bulgaria
– Canada
– Croatia
– Denmark
– England (2 applications)
– Estonia
– Finland
– France
– Germany
– Greece
– Hungary
– Iceland
– Ireland
– Israel (3 applications)
– Italy
– Kazakhstan
– Latvia (2 applications)
– Lithuania
– Netherlands
– Norway
Pakistan (2 applications)
– Poland (3 applications)
– Portugal
– Romania (2 applications)
– Russia
– Scotland
– Slovakia (2 applications)
– Spain
– Sweden (2 applications)
– Turkey (2 applications)
– Ukraine
*Updated the above list, effective June 28, 15.40 CEST*
Even if your country is listed above, it is not too late to send in your own Captain application. To apply, send an email to [email protected], explaining why you should be your country’s captain and describe your planned national roster. Applicants who have experience leading successful ETF2L teams and a good reputation in the scene will be given priority. Make sure to include at least your nickname and your ETF2L profile link in the application letter.
Wara nofs in-nhar it-tajjeb!
Any Maltesers play this game?
SCHHHHH Don’t tell the frenchies!
Kazakhstan??? Are there even 9 people there who play TF2?
France’s is just in, sorry :D
don’t worry Norway, I fixed
gj Tek gropd
France isn’t on there due to all applicants being in the next ban post?
algum português q venha representar crl!
Latvian 2? Dont pick atomic
France got banned out of it ?
“Russian Guyovich: [T-A!] – BlackOut | said:
France isn’t on there due to all applicants being in the next ban post?”
Ah ha ha ha :’D
rip ireland. we don’t even have 5 active players.
Where Ukraine ? =(
Ask Olurist to apply Immortal
Oh god yes, olurist for Captain!
No Finland?!
No applicants from Finland thus far.
world war3 gogogo
so huh ukraine isn’t in ? ;( spoke to their spy earlier he told me they were .
hail to the olurist!
I spoke to yonus, Finland will be there ;D
kom så danmark!
Where the hell is Ukraine?
EDIT: We’ve now received applications from:
Israel, Norway, France and Ukraine.
“j0ly: elevλte – VΛ // said:
June 25th, 2013 at 18:22
algum português q venha representar crl!”
Haunter goes to leader of Team Portugal [National Highlander Team].
Belarus will be soon.
white russia
Yup, Finland has sent an application yesterday.
Ísland alltof sterkt
ahh! Middle East, cant we have one team for that? hardly any fellas from my country!
gl Russian
UPDATE: We now have applications from:
Belarus, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Romania, Canada, Italy, Finland, Portugal
Pakistan :D
gl Belarus! :>
lol whos the 3rd applicant from israel XD
I am surprised that I even have to say it but
– Please do not send us more than 1 email or at least stop after the 2nd
– Please only send us an email to apply for yourself
– Tell us who you are in your email. “hi I want to be captain for country x because y” – good for you but who are you???
Alright ladies. Need to get some more Pakistani’s on board to get the Pakistan team going.
Go go go go go
only retardom can do this
GL Ukraine
SorroW: 2k – -chess- said:
June 27th, 2013 at 15:17
lol whos the 3rd applicant from israel XD
It is probably cortA Xd