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AVerMedia MGE Monthly Cup: June – Demoman

Date June 7, 2013

Banner by European accless

June’s Cup!

In the month of June, we will be focusing on the demoman! Prepare those pipes and practice those air shots as you take on the best of ETF2L to claim your title of the best demoman in Europe ! Should you fail, never fear! This is a recurring cup, meaning once we have gone through the three combat classes, then we shall go through them again… and again, claim as many titles as you can!

As a special rule for this cup the Sticky Jumper will be allowed, however the Sticky Launcher, along with all other unlocks, will be banned!


Winner of the Monthly Final:

1x AVerMedia Live Gamer HD C985

Additionally and as usual, pixel trophies will also be handed out to the top 3 finishers of the monthly final. Every top 4 qualifier will also get a golden trophy for his bracket, no matter if they participate in the monthly final or not.


Signups for Qualifier #1 are closed!

Signups for Qualifier #2 will open once Qualifier #1 has been played.

You’ll need to be the leader of a 1v1 team to be able to sign up. You can find a step-by-step guide on team creation on the FAQ page. Only 1v1 teams with exactly 1 player will be accepted. Mercs and backups are obviously not allowed in a 1v1 tournament.

Cup Schedule and Map Pool

The map pool:

  • MGE – EndIf
  • MGE – Process Middle Viaduct Middle
  • MGE – Snakewater Middle
  • MGE – Badlands Middle
  • MGE – NoSplash / Directs
  • MGE – Granary Last
  • MGE – Ammomod

The overall schedule for June 2013:

  • 1st Qualifying Bracket: Tuesday June 11th
  • 2nd Qualifying Bracket: Wednesday June 19th
  • Top 8 Monthly Final: Wednesday June 26th

The qualifying bracket schedule:

  • 22:30 CET the day before – Signups Close for the bracket
  • 19:00 CET Qualifier Day – Bot Draw in #etf2l
  • 19:30 CET Qualifier Day – Brackets Posted
  • 20:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro128 Starts – Badlands Middle
  • 20:30 CET Qualifier Day – Ro64 Starts – EndIf
  • 21:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro32 Starts – Granary Last
  • 21:30 CET Qualifier Day – Ro16 Starts – Snakewater Middle
  • 22:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro8 Starts – Ammomod

The Monthly Final schedule:

  • 22:30 CET Tuesday (the day before) – Signups closed. If not all of the 8 qualifying players have signed up, players from the reserve waiting list will fill in
  • 19:30 CET Wednesday – Brackets Posted
  • 20:00 CET Wednesday – Ro8 Starts – First map: NoSplash / Directs
  • 21:00 CET Wednesday – Ro4 Starts – First map: Process Middle Viaduct Middle
  • 22:00 CET Wednesday – Final & Consolation Final – First map: EndIf


  1. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Let them have the sticky jumper.

  2. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  3. Laidback: funk - HFoF said:

    MightyMe got this.

  4. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    gg mightyme wp you already won

  5. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Allow sticky jumper. Please

  6. Blinky said:

    Spamming allowed on endif?

  7. BOOM: sB said:

    Is the endif “spawnkill” allowed ?

  8. Kaneco said:

    Yeah would like clarification on endif spawnkill, also process mid is kinda ruining the map pool there. Not a good map for demo 1vs1 definitly.

    Also yeah the sticky jumper would be cool, but too late now I guess

  9. Maniac said:

    Too late for the sticky jumper, though that is a great idea, when demoman comes round again i’ll put it in

    Hmm I don’t know how to deal with the endif spawnkill. How would you clasify when you’re allowed to fight again, when they hit the ground? Or is it just part of the map, so deal with it?

  10. SteaL: wookie said:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    Anyone else got this issue?

  11. SteaL: wookie said:


  12. Ununoctium said:

    Should be an endif rule that the respawner shoots the first pill.

  13. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    is it ammomod mge or ammomod where you have 1000 hp?

  14. cptsrs: moursi said:

    Spawn kills are part of endif.

  15. Grimm said:

    Spawn kills are too easy on endif, to any decent demo the first kill means the round is already over.

  16. Maniac said:

    “Should be an endif rule that the respawner shoots the first pill.” I like this idea

    and MightyMe, its ammomod MGE – so no extra 1000hp :3

  17. nwdlz: Sǒski said:

    say NO to respkills on endif!

  18. Maniac said:

    “No we can’t!”

    Maniac 2013

  19. Vlijm: UbeR | said:

    So the topic opened to discuss the maps and unlocks was merely for show? As most people wanted process out and wanted stickyjumper/stickys

  20. Maniac said:

    EDIT: I’m bad, you’re right :D Changes have been implemented

  21. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    thanks Maniac,
    how about the rules for endif?
    If we can just shoot straight away it’s pretty fast 5-0 win..
    also most of time my pc even lags when i join this arena so i would have no chance :D

  22. Maniac said:

    Ah that I haven’t decided on, but I am looking into the issue, the rule (whatever it may be) will be stated in the next newspost (when we release the brackets for tomorrow) which should be up at around 6pm CET tomorrow.

    At the moment i’m thinking (as someone suggested somewhere) that “No combat until the respawned enemy fires a pipe” or perhaps “No combat until the respawned enemy hits the floor”


  23. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Yeah it’s better to have it untill the respawned enemy hits the floor

  24. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    also i might stream @ http://twitch.tv/mightytv

  25. Maniac said:

    I’ll put it in the newspost :3

  26. Blinky said:

    this cup is pretty random

  27. Qlassic said:

    Sure :)