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Bans. A lot of them.

Date May 20, 2013

The following players have been found guilty of cheating by our AC team, and as such are now banned from all ETF2L competitions for 1 year:

Valve has recently released a major update for VAC, adding detections for numerous cheats old and new, including some that have been considered “VAC safe” for years, resulting in a huge wave of VAC bans across all Source games.

The following players have been spotted with fresh VAC bans and are now banned from all ETF2L competitions for 1 year:

Though some of these players claim the bans were only for using OpenPlugin exclusively outside of ETF2L matches, whether to trust the legitimacy of these claims is left to our players. ETF2L enforces TF2 VAC bans regardless of their cause.

As these players have not been caught cheating by our AC team, the results of their Season 15 matches will not be affected.

In an earlier newspost, we have stated that we may ignore a VAC ban, if the user can present proof from Steam Support that his account was hijacked and used to cheat in TF2 shortly before the ban. Unfortunately, one of our users attempted to exploit this opportunity by presenting sloppily falsified “evidence” that he reported his hijack to Steam Support.

For attempting fraud, France Neoxyde‘s ban has now been extended by an additional 1 year.

Any attempts to bypass a League ban will result in an even longer ban on all accounts associated with the player. Don’t do it.


  1. emb: (Legend) - ciortai said:

  2. arc: iSlam said:


  3. huhystah said:

    rip then

  4. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:


  5. Ryushi said:


  6. spherefs said:

    lol tetrix, hax and still bad

  7. murje: sirkkels - [hePPa] said:

    I was expecting a longer list tbh.

  8. Serotone: #FreePat said:


  9. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    no loss for the germans

  10. jakeowaty said:


  11. MightyMe: UbeR | said:


  12. Chiakii said:

    RIP me

  13. Tek: ft. said:

    Where are the team lms lan ?

  14. AnimaL said:

    idd :D

  15. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  16. Tatooine said:

    i remember of Chiakii in mge two month ago, i have spotted this trigger. My surprise today when i have see his ban

  17. Crafz said:

    Can you explain the ban on Chiakii please? Because I submitted a demo 3 moths ago and screamed wallhack/trigger(not just me) and the AC team was like: “Nah man, what are you saying, he’s clean.” So why did he get banned now?

  18. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Crafz, if you report someone for hacking, the AC team will then start to review the demos. It’s not possible you got a reply from them at all regarding the player’s legitimateness. AC will not release such information regardless of when and how you ask, until a news post like this one is published.

    It matters little either way, as he is now banned.

  19. djc: d2f~ said:

    bullshit anti-cheat admins won’t tell people such information.

  20. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    I think a lot depends on who you ask and what channels you use.

  21. dessi: [HA] said:

    This news made my day. :)
    gg LG hdgdl kkthxbye (ich mein das auf einer intimen freundschaftlichen Ebene)

  22. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:

    “I think a lot depends on who you ask and what channels you use.”


  23. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Just from my experience. Others will differ.

  24. SmitZ said:

    Hahahah Tetrix, what a moron.

  25. Setlet said:

    free LG

  26. Crafz said:

    AC admins maybe won’t. But trail AC admins apparently will.

  27. KillAri said:

    I invit you to talk to me on irc if you have information about that. Useless to talk here.

  28. Godof said:


  29. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    ……………. T.T

  30. KKR said:


  31. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    Neoxyde saving the french from almost evading a ban post.

  32. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    rofl Linus :D:D:D

    Was expecting a longer list, let’s see who the lucky winner of 100+ dota keys is i guess… :D

  33. Mirelin said:

    I ain’t no bitch!

  34. Ununoctium said:

    LOL Neoxyde

  35. Serotone: #FreePat said:


  36. inferius: Dline said:

    LG RIP :[

  37. Aephage said:

    rofl Linus x)

  38. Godof said:


  39. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    Neoxyde, lying to his own teammates…

  40. Onion Boy said:

    GET OWN3D!

  41. GeaR: Epsilon said:

    lolled so hard at emb’s pic :D

  42. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Fuck yeah, I knew this imjustin wasn’t legit :)

  43. zipfel: PF said:


  44. SHIN said:


  45. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    again, how do you cheat and still be in a somewhat low div?
    also, how didn’t you catch tarkus’ alt acc yet ETF2L?

  46. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    Tetrix – Not able to read.
    Neoxyde – Not able to tell the truth.


    Can someone tell me how to get off of the tf2lobby site? anyone?

  47. dAGNER: duplo said:

    I want my fov back

  48. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    7 idiots and 2 real cheaters? that’s it?

  49. lacrimosa said:


  50. rockie said:


  51. Pistolvania said:

    Tetrix doesn’t cheat as far as I know if he’s the same Tetrix as I’ve played like over 100 lobbies with?

    Anyhow, good to see imdustin banned. I played a lobby as sniper with him as the opposing sniper, and he finished a swiftwater round with 120+ points, whereas I was barely able to get 50. He seemed pretty suspicious aswell, but I was fooled by him wearing the -AA- tag.

  52. T-Mac: DA! said:


  53. Sherb ⑨ said:

    I’m fairly certain that Tetrix’s ban was OpenPlugin related. I’ve never known him as an “actual” cheater, anyway.

  54. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    hahahaha chiakii + LG :D

  55. Gero: [NoL] said:

    lol bans, and always a french in the bunch nice §

  56. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    Tetrix’ ban was due to him not removing OpenPlugin (even after being told about the VAC update).

  57. Casual: prtyboiz - T⑨ said:

    OpenPlugin broke after that update. If you forgot about it, it would load in your game but refuse connection to VAC secure servers. At which point you either get the fixed version or remove -insecure. Forgotten to remove the plugin is bullshit.

  58. Xabi said:

    Haha Neoxyde !

    What a retard.

  59. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Hahahahah I hate you clueless cheaters so much! Go practice some MGE you traitors!

    I much better

  60. KKR said:

    I love svins

  61. Godof said:

    don’t we all

  62. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    i lol’d so hard on embs pic. and the SHINs post :D

  63. hycolours: _ainsley said:


  64. PoG0: mwf\" said:


  65. Dak1ne said:

    Just because of some retards like neoxyde, the french community seems dumber days after days.
    Thanks boloss…

  66. Yarzz said:

    No jews?

  67. Kvux: /./ - LEGO said:

    it’s.. beautiful

  68. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    I triggered by the Pistolvania’s -AA-comment, but I had that dustin in my huge “div4/5/6 dubious scouts to be reported to the AC admins” administration. Now, only to ban all the others…

  69. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  70. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    “To be reported”, not “has been reported” ;)

  71. LG said:

    @ipz No loss for the real life

    @dessi Haha, ich dachte euer Pedoverein wäre schon pensioniert aber wie es scheint übt sich Rasta hochwohlgeboren weiter hin in seinem kläglichen möchtergern Dichterimage und du bist wohl auch immer noch der Coole unter den alten knackern der dafür bekannt ist dampf zu machen. Ich wünsch euch dann noch viel Spaß in eurem Kindergarten für hängengebliebene Bauarbeiter und Hartz IV-empfänger.

  72. wonder: 哟什 said:

    shut up cheater

  73. Chiakii said:

    @LG Was zur hölle ist’n bei dir los? Schalt mal nen gang runter. Du warst bis vor kurzem wohl auch noch ein aktiver part der community und hast dich an allem beteiligt. Jetzt wo du Gesperrt bist den Gaul von der Leine zu lassen ist auch nicht wirklich sinn der sache. Man kann seine Sperre mit würde tragen oder sowas wie du machen. Einfach nur Kindisch.
    Zu dem Thema mit ipz sag ich nun auch nichts, wenn jemand meint ein auf 2edgy4u zu machen soll er das halt.

  74. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Chiakki you’re a fucking weirdo and an idiot please fuck off

  75. cube said:

    lg du spacko :D wird mal wieder zeit für ne entgiftung wa

    “@ipz No loss for the real life”

    geil das dich das so trifft =)

    wp ipzo

  76. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    I prefer my drama to be in english

  77. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    warum ist cube eigentlich noch hier?

  78. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:


  79. sidestep: (ETF2L Donator) - bobs said:

    deutsch mutterficker, sprichst du es?

  80. [HA]Rasta: [HA] said:

    rofl @ LG … und ja, wir haben Spaß! :D

  81. Temioman said:

    #free fraac

  82. Serotone: #FreePat said:


  83. IPZIE: SUAVE said:


  84. Tarkus: aHn said:

    dirty cheaters

  85. Freddy said:

    tarkus please marry me

  86. Immortal: sn said:


  87. ❤ snQx :k said:

    great news

    at least we got a french in there… Feel better now, thanks o//