AVerMedia MGE Monthly Cup [hub page draft]
May 8, 2013
With the previous AVerMedia MGE Cup being a great success back in December, ETF2L has again partnered with AVerMedia to host a monthly MGE cup to sort the men from the boys and find out who reigns supreme!
Not only will you have a glorious pixel trophy boasting of your MGE prowess, you will also be able to get your hands on one Live Gamer HD C985 streaming card per month, generously provided by AVerMedia!
Every month a different combat class will be chosen. Two qualifiers with 128 slots each are held, leading up to the monthly final in the following week. Fight your way to the top 4 of one of the qualifiers and you qualify for the finals, where you will battle it out to win the Live Gamer HD C985 streaming card! More information on AVerMedia streaming hardware for gamers can be found on the Live Gamer HD minisite.
The usual schedule for this tournament series is as follows:
- 1st Qualifying Bracket: 2nd Tuesday of the month
- 2nd Qualifying Bracket: 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Top 8 Monthly Final: 4th Wednesday of the month
For those of you not familiar to the concept of MGE: it is a gamemode where players play 1 vs 1 matches to practice and improve their deathmatch skills. More info about MGE…
June’s Cup!
In the month of June, we will be focusing on the demoman! Prepare those pipes and practice those air shots as you take on the best of ETF2L to claim your title of the best demoman in Europe ! Should you fail, never fear! This is a recurring cup, meaning once we have gone through the three combat classes, then we shall go through them again… and again, claim as many titles as you can!
As a special rule for this cup the Sticky Jumper will be allowed, however the Sticky Launcher, along with all other unlocks, will be banned!
Signups for Qualifier #1 are open now and will close at 22:30 CET the night before the bracket is due to start!
Signups for Qualifier #2 will open once Qualifier #1 has been played.
You’ll need to be the leader of a 1v1 team to be able to sign up. You can find a step-by-step guide on team creation on the FAQ page. Only 1v1 teams with exactly 1 player will be accepted. Mercs and backups are obviously not allowed in a 1v1 tournament.
-[ Qualifier #1 | Qualifier #2 | Monthly Final ]-
Winner of the Monthly Final:
1x AVerMedia Live Gamer HD C985
Additionally and as usual, pixel trophies will also be handed out to the top 3 finishers of the monthly final. Every top 4 qualifier will also get a golden trophy for his bracket, no matter if they participate in the monthly final or not.
Cup Format – Qualifiers
- Maximum signups per bracket: 128
- Single elimination knockout tournament
- Players can sign up for both brackets (exception below)
- All matches have to be played on the night and if a match is holding back the bracket, a coin will be flipped to decide the winner
- The qualifier brackets do not have to be played out. The top 4 from each bracket automatically qualify for the top 8 monthly final
- A player who already qualified in the first qualifier of the month is not allowed in the second one
- Qualifying brackets are Bo1
Cup Format – Monthly Final
- Maximum Signups: 8
- Single elimination knockout tournament
- Only players who finished at a top 4 position in one of the two previous qualifiers get direct entry to this cup
- Players that finished within the top 8 of their qualifier bracket, but not the top 4, qualify to join a waiting list for the overall top 8 monthly final. If a top 4 player does not sign up, the first player on the waiting list will be allowed entry. This continues until the bracket is filled with 8 players. Please remember that the reserve placements are on a first come first serve basis!
- The Monthly Final matches are Bo5
- For all matches that require more than 1 map, the 1st map is set and then it is loser’s choice from the rest of the available map pool. No map can be played twice in the same round!
The map pool:
- MGE – EndIf
- MGE – Viaduct Middle
- MGE – Snakewater Middle
- MGE – Badlands Middle
- MGE – NoSplash / Directs
- MGE – Granary Last
- MGE – Ammomod
The overall schedule for June 2013:
- 1st Qualifying Bracket: Tuesday June 11th
- 2nd Qualifying Bracket: Wednesday June 19th
- Top 8 Monthly Final: Wednesday June 26th
The qualifying bracket schedule:
- 22:30 CET the day before – Signups Close for the bracket
- 19:00 CET Qualifier Day – Bot Draw in #etf2l
- 19:30 CET Qualifier Day – Brackets Posted
- 20:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro128 Starts – Badlands Middle
- 20:30 CET Qualifier Day – Ro64 Starts – EndIf
- 21:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro32 Starts – Granary Last
- 21:30 CET Qualifier Day – Ro16 Starts – Snakewater Middle
- 22:00 CET Qualifier Day – Ro8 Starts – Ammomod
The Monthly Final schedule:
- 22:30 CET Tuesday (the day before) – Signups closed. If not all of the 8 qualifying players have signed up, players from the reserve waiting list will fill in
- 19:30 CET Wednesday – Brackets Posted
- 20:00 CET Wednesday – Ro8 Starts – First map: NoSplash / Directs
- 21:00 CET Wednesday – Ro4 Starts – First map: Viaduct Middle
- 22:00 CET Wednesday – Final & Consolation Final – First map: EndIf
Cup matches may be played on any server running the latest version of the MGE mod and any version of the map mge_training_v8. The newest beta version of the map, mge_training_v8_beta4, can be found here. Locally hosted and public servers are allowed.
In case teams cannot agree on a server, the match may be played on one of the ETF2L league servers.
- Status screenshots are not required
- The only allowed unlocks are reskins of stock weapons and the Sticky Jumper. All other unlocks are banned. In addition the Sticky Launcher is also banned!
- All players must record personal demos in case of disputes
Note: P-Rec will not work in MGE – you should record demos manually.
ETF2L MGE Hall of Fame
- AVerMedia MGE Monthly Cup May 2013 (Scout) – (05/2013)
Spike! (
- AVerMedia MGE Monthly Cup April 2013 (Soldier) – (04/2013)
Mikey (
- AVerMedia MGE Cup – (12/2012)
Im not a scout im sniper (