Highlander Season 4 Roster Lock Reminder & Bans
April 13, 2013
Upcoming Roster Lock
Highlander Rosters will be locked this Sunday, 23:59 CET. You will not be able to add any new players to your team until the end of Season 4 playoffs, so please make sure you are happy with your team’s roster before the lock is in place.
Additionally, please make sure your roster does not exceed 20 members. Any rosters with more than 20 members will be trimmed down to 20 by removing the most recently added players.
The following player has been found guilty of cheating and is now banned from all ETF2L competitions for one year:
MisterPixels – ESP/Aimbot
Season 4 matches involving this player have been changed to default loses, but may be replayed if both teams agree. Any matches of archived competitions will remain untouched.
In addition, one player (and his new alt) has been spotted with a recent VAC ban affecting Team Fortress 2, and is now banned from the League as well:
PliTy – VAC ban
NsX. – Second account of
As the player has not been caught cheating by our AC staff, his team’s results will not be affected by his ban.
Any attempts to bypass a League ban will result in an even longer ban on all accounts associated with the player. Don’t do it.
In a year’s time, half of ETF2L will be banned! good work. :)
If half of ETF2L has cheated in the past and/or is cheating at the moment, I don’t really see a problem with it.
^ What prem Kissala said.
best bans ever, rip two most annoying people to play tf2
Cleaning up the trash. gj AC saff
love it
This was the dude pontificating and berating in recruitment posts?
Plity/Nsx was hacking on Tryhardbrigade a couple of nights ago (left the moment I went spec to record). Good ban.
He used his NsX account, so that will also be VAC banned soon.
DANMARK VINDER (med hacks)
lol what? HAcking on dm server you are kidding right
What proof do you have of me hacking? Demos? anything?
You? None, since you left the moment I went spec to record + changed your name on Steam. Try again in a couple of years, when your brain has fully developed.
So Because I leave A server and then changed my name, im banned on etf2l. OK. GG admins!
You were banned because you were stupid enough to hack on one of your accounts and get it VAC banned. Everybody knows you admitted to hacking to several players. Now go play outside, or whatever you kids do these days.
lol what? I have never hacked in my life. Unless you can provide sufficient evidence you’re making yourself look like retards.
U mad?
you have a vac ban on an old account NsX, that’s why you’ve been banned, can you not read?
deserves those faggots
Pretty sure ETF2L doesn’t need to provide evidence as they clearly state they’ll ban any player who gets VAC banned regardless of evidence.
And please don’t start a flame war over this. ETF2L isn’t responsible and Valve doesn’t take VAC bans back so easily. Take it up with them, nsx
Oh yeah right, Valve VAC banned you because you are a l33t coder and got sv_cheats 1 on a public.
They can’t be cheaters, they’re not even French.
I merely unlocked extensive client variables on an alt account hardly retributing to a cause on ETF2L and definitely not worthy of a year ban??
shhh no tears, only dreams now
Not really, It’s only a game. Much more important things in life. And I can still go to lans and play pickups and dm and such. :)
Now Shhhh
you have to ask your mum to take you to lan though don’t you?
be sure to ask nicely ^^
Nope, I can go by train or bus :) and im planning to :)
I merely unlocked extensive client variables on an alt account like 2 days ago which got me VAC banned. Its not as if I hacked during PCWs and stuff. Just saying :)
Next time you do that I suggest you do not do it on an account that you are registered with at a league.
It has been made clear that ETF2L also bases bans on VAC bans, why risk it?
Indeed It was stupid on an account registered with ETF2L. Can i contact you on irc?
Only if Valve lifts your VAC ban, please.
VAC doesn’t ban in 2 days.
omg admins release evidence or i dont believe bans!!!11
Close enough to 2 days. Get over it son, stop nitpicking. You dont even play anymore.
You mad?
Couldn’t happen to a pair of more annoying children, excellent! :D
I think I shed a small tear of happiness at these bans
Medic needa poo
jeez have a shit medic
Medic needa poo
nurse needs poo
Medic needs a poo
nsX je stinkt gewoon naar groene poep met zaadjes erin, ik ben het loV stinkie
NsX. mad, business as usual.
More important:
why does he have to be scottish
I know ryan. :(
wtf is going on in these comments.
NsX you’re full of shit too… Valve doesn’t VAC ban you for ‘merely unlocking cvars’, it bans you if you have a known cheat loaded in your game. As you’re very much aware VAC has been going on a banning spree the last few weeks, coincidence?
They said they would investigate so shhhh
And yes, im scottish, but its a game. So shut the fuck up
Pixels ban – so damn sorry. NOT. LOL.
“They said they would investigate so shhhh”
Who ?
cmon gf18… the “inohack” wizards ofcourse!
Nice to see we won’t be mixing with pixels again :) and NsX stop lying so much, you could’ve gone out with your dignity intact by admitting what you did and comming with some kind of reasoning.
I actually wonder how they got to know Riddlern was hacking. Did someone watch his demos and sent them here or someone who was playing against him(like someone of our mix group). sorry for being nooby, heh
‘It was OpenPlugin’
this was the demo the person sent to etf2l ac admins about riddlern “cheating”
logs for the match
riddlern called Doctor Noob.Dirty_Bitch_69 in that demo
Lol Nsx, I’m not surprised this day has come, you filthy rager.
can ETF2L please ban users from posting comments on news posts when they get VACd
Today was a good day
Haha its only 1 year, its not as if im quitting the game. Im not going that fast! :D
Oh and btw koetjy or however you say it, good luck finding me getting vac banned on my NsX account haha :) :)
NsX 2cool5school
best hacker eu
Deffo so mad.
aeolaeoeal NsX obviously heated with the :)’s
O well gg
Lol clearly states that I havnt been seen hacking …. Because I havnt LOL :) c u @ LAN koitje :)))
Too cool five school? You clearly need some extra tuition Marvin. ;) :)
;) :) :)))) ;;;)))) )) :)) ;))) to you too
NsX I’m really confused. How come you are now VAC banned on your NsX account, the one you said you did not hack on?
I suppose this then explains why you were so keen to convince the world that you could play 2 divs above your actual skill level :D
Hate to say it, but, told you so.
Today was a good day. I have been waiting for him to leave the scene :D
“I suppose this then explains why you were so keen to convince the world that you could play 2 divs above your actual skill level :D
Hate to say it, but, told you so.”
Sigh, I hope you have noticed that this was on an alt account Spike, and that it was within 4 days.
I geuss you need to read up before you fucking go ahead and show your dick when its 2 inches big :) And cassy: Look fucking above. Im not leaving at all. :)
Why play a game with a community where the majority have a disliking towards you? Is the attention really worth it?
etf2l community* I really don’t care. I love playing TF2. love it! and you can’t change that :D
You really don’t care yet you keep responding to peoples posts on here? You’re strange.
He’s just mad
Please dont come back nsx and i think tf2 will be more dead in a years time…
And im pretty sure im not the only one who doesnt want you back
back where
are you fucking retarded. I can still play with my fucking team. Just not officials. More than you though, since you have been LFT since like 1 year.
Keep up the attitude and you’ll find yourself banned from posting as well.
Can we get it to 100? Let’s find out.
lel i no gib fuk on etf3l i pley whit miself iz beter ))) 9stronk
french bans are way better and entertaining :x
The only reason why this ban is interesting is beacuse lots of ppl want
Him out, and now the day has finally come. I’m so happy i nearly shed a tear. (Nsx’s Ban)
Looooool riddlern a.k.a (misterpixel) got banned loool. p.s played againts him in pickup.. it was very strange when he sniped everybody like that. Happy that he got banned :)
Yes :)