Config and Whitelist Update, new AC staff & Bans
March 23, 2013
Stopwatch Config Update
We have released a minor update to our Stopwatch configs:
mp_maxrounds is now set to 2
With this change, mp_tournament will now successfully reset after each map round (after each team has both attacked and defended). This should improve compatibility with plugins that start/stop demos based on mp_tournament and take end-of-round screenshots.
Note: You will still need to either change teams between rounds and set Ready, or use mp_switchteams console command.
You can download the new ETF2L Stopwatch config for Highlander here.
Highlander Whitelist Update
The Bazaar Bargain is now banned from use in Season 4. This ban is forced by a recently introduced bug that allows the weapon to increase the headshot counter by missing shots, and will remain in effect until the bug is fixed. Please update your servers with the latest whitelist to block this weapon in Season 4 matches.
AC Staff Update & Bans
ETF2L’s AC department has underwent significant changes:
After a period of inactivity, HYS has left the AC team due to lack of free time. We thank you for your time spent keeping ETF2L cheater-free.
The team has been joined by two new KillAri and
gf18_idiot, both active admins in the French Team Fortress 2 League with a number of caught cheaters under their belts. They’ve done a lot of work in a short time since joining ETF2L staff as trials, and have earned their promotion to full-fledged AC admins.
We are still looking for additional Anti-Cheat admins to help us keep the League free of cheaters. Please check the Anti-Cheat application page for requirements and information on how to apply as an AC admin.
To celebrate the promotion of our new staff members, as well as to share the fruits of their labor, we hereby declare the following players banned from all ETF2L competitions for 1 year:
TheSpok – Triggerbot
Mozz – Wallhack
Buldo – Aimbot
tapper– Vac Ban
Al_Arctic– Triggerbot
baud – Esp/Aim assist
Any attempts to bypass a League ban will result in an even longer ban on all accounts associated with the player. Don’t do it.
Any matches in recent seasons that involved these players will be changed to default losses. One team used a banned player in all of their matches and thus had their ETF2L Season 14 results revoked completely:
Results involving a VAC banned player are not affected, unless the player has been additionally caught cheating by our AC team.
so if a player gets banned for hacking but he was playing in the season, what will happen with the matches that they have played?
baud banned lol ? Retard
baud – Esp/Aim assist
srlsy it’s not funny guys, wtf are you doing ??
what is esp/aim assist?
Aim assist lol :| too good for noobs
i think they dont know, just trying to find some reasons to ban someone coz they have no idea that it’s not impossible to be good
baud – Esp/Aim assist
?????????????????????? joke?
That seems like a faggot spanish version of aimbot, Nice etf2l
Need some proof
la révolution est en marche
Baud proved he doesn’t cheat. Have you seen our last game against Fair Enough ? Most of specs said “he proved he’s clean”.
This is not the first time ETF2L admins are wrong about bans.
I’ve been playing with Baud since 3-4 months with Osmoz’ I was quite sceptical about his aim and stuff, but then he proved me wrong and he’s legit.
The spectators saying he’s clean doesn’t prove he’s clean.
*getting popcorn*
neither do admin’s saying he’s cheating prove he’s cheating ?
Give us proof then !
Many teams asked baud povs and they all said he’s clean.
Lol baud banned?
the Admins judgement has been biased by rumours, once again
baud banned unfairly :/
“baud – Esp/Aim assist”
uh oh etf2l
we’ll see at lans.. wait what
unknow random d3 player can’t be good. bann this guy.
@free baud
I knew baud was hacking
alba -> like you was sure I was ;)
About fucking time. Its was so obvi.
Two members of the french community which believes strongly baud is a cheater, joined the AC team and as if by chance, they kick the public enemy, him baud.
I and many other people want other admins to check the demoes …. not some wanna be sherlock who are blind of jealousy.
He always gave his demo, he deserves to be treat like any one else. I hope etf2l wont make the same mistakes admins have done several times yet.
Two members of the french community which believes strongly baud is a cheater, joined the AC team and as if by chance, they kick the public enemy, him baud.
I and many other people want other admins to check the demoes …. not some wanna be sherlock who are blind of jealousy.
He always gave his demo, he deserves to be treat like any one else. I hope etf2l wont make the same mistakes admins have done several times yet.
Lol nice baud down ez gaming
Fwn always gave his demos too. He must have been legit.
stop qq
It’s nice trying to defend your buddy at all cost, but you can guess that especially for a cheat like an esp / wallhack, this was based on way more than just a couple demos and that the decision required the approval of other admins (who therefore checked the proofs as well).
But well, whatever, it’s always the same, cheaters’ friends never pretty much never admit their buddy cheated simply because it’s their buddy and he’s so cool and bla and bla (and bla).
Plus, Aephage, do you really imply that Killari and gf18 (such a noob !) <> ? oO
Remember Quad ? Beavern ?
Oh wait….
Please stop spamming questions marks in comments, or you will receive a comment ban. Thanks.
Mad frenchies :c
Not even the same AC admins as when quad and Beav got banned so cut the crap Xabi
I’m implying AC admin who are wrong about baud
Since baud was proven to be cheater, shouldn’t his team be stripped of their s14 victory?
yeah aephage i’m still waiting <3
[end of my last sentence] : ” have no idea that it’s not impossible to be good “
Je comprends pas xD
later baud
funny that buffalo bill comments on detecting cheats by spectating a game, might aswell ban beavern again billy boy
also keep the drama going
dont use x22 it sucks
It’s nice trying to defend your buddy at all cost, but you can guess that especially for a cheat like an esp / wallhack, this was based on way more than just a couple demos and that the decision required the approval of other admins (who therefore checked the proofs as well).
But well, whatever, it’s always the same, cheaters’ friends never pretty much never admit their buddy cheated simply because it’s their buddy and he’s so cool and bla and bla (and bla).
Plus, Aephage, do you really imply that Killari and gf18 (such a noob !) ? oO
This is many demos indeed, as I said (thanks for repeting) but there is only two admins who judge if it was gulty or not and again because you do not seem to understand english, those admins are from a community who hate baud. I has never been in trouble before but when get in the AC team, magicly, the new admins with less experience found that it is obvious, it is obvious cheat. Think about it.
“Not even the same AC admins as when quad and Beav got banned so cut the crap Xabi”
They are French admins who wanted to see Baud banned. They joined the ETF2L AC and banned him.
Rumours ban players.
Alba, you realise Aephage has attended several LANs with great sucess unlike baud, right?
Anyway, not gonna defend baud but it’s still funny that he got banned when killari and gf joined the staff (especially when everyone knows killari used to cheat aswell).
shits goin down son
so if a player gets banned for hacking but he was playing in the season, what will happen with the matches that they have played?
admins pls
you know that def loose will be given like always
so stop being a retard each time you post somewhere plz alter ego
Job is done !
lol france
Baud is BEL thx !
and clean
LF new scout for national team :(
Nice, ESP/Aimbot and still stuck in Div3. gg wp.
nice try koeitje
Good work admins, some of this bans could have come sooner, cheaters too obvious.
lolololololol is now
well deserved bans, good job etf2l ac admins inc.
I have been suspected for 4 years and now when french admins join the AC team, I got banned.
seems legit
As always, all matches in active seasons that involved cheaters, have been changed to default losses.
While we’re hardly excited at the prospect of undoing a team’s hard work just like that, especially an entire Season’s worth of matches, I hope you understand why this is necessary. We cannot label a player as a cheater and let a team keep results it might not have achieved without the cheater’s help.
you are all bêtes, that’s it
Gf18 best retard ever , 1 action weird and ban hf
lol void its funny when you say the word retard, I like the irony in that ;)
Conspiracy, chinese mafia and so on. :D
unban baud F4ST
dont think baud is cheating too
baud cheating and still so shit? not possible
worst troll ever limp
Ca fait plaisir
Will we have our div3 winner medal or not ? :/
UCAP folding teams (3)
“Will we have our div3 winner medal or not ? :/”
“Update: Any matches in recent seasons that involved these players will be changed to default losses. Two teams used a banned player in all of their matches and thus had their ETF2L Season 14 results revoked completely.”
: (
Aephage how about you use irc instead of crying in this comment section :D pathetic
so its this time of the year again..
cheating and 2bad4d2 gg
c’est celui qui dit qui est ipz
cruzer to be #1 on mge
^ so mad he uses a language that the majority doesnt understand
omg baud banned not possible omg he so good.
i dont know why you start to talk french to me now aephage since this is an european league and we all try our best to speak english together.
20:56 – (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i p z -: can you translate that for me ?
20:56 – tek: sure
20:56 – (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i p z -: c’est celui qui dit qui est ipz
20:58 – tek: its that who is ipz
20:58 – tek: its something like that
20:58 – tek: but who said that ?
20:58 – tek: its stupid
20:58 – (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i p z -: aephage
20:58 – (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i p z -: his english is really bad and it seems his french is bad too
20:59 – tek: yep
maybe you can bring some light into my world and tell me whats cracking ? :)
Retarded italian people got mad. Pretty funny to see
b.. b… but he has a high mge score, so he must be legitimately good
– no one ever
ultiduo anytime bro
soz ipz, can’t give a fuck to you man
encore ces immigrés qui foutent la merde
well you did already
aephage is spamming the comment section to compensate for something
but but he doenst give a fuck :( yolo swag money
“c’est celui qui dit qui est” pretty much means “I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say, bounces off me, and sticks to you”.
Aephage, it’s completely understandable that you are defending you friend.
But in the world of gaming there have already been tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) cases where people accused of cheating have been defended by their friends or teammates or even their relatives.
And the words are always the same: “He/She couldn’t do that, he/she is a nice guy/girl, I’ve known him/her for XX years”.
As hard as it is for me to break it down for you, almost everyone of them were wrong.
Harsh truth? Quietest guys are always the ones keeping the most secrets.
Ah ok d’accord ok ouais Clark
Ouf que le ridicule ne tue pas !
Baud ban smells of French circlejerking tbh, but I guess it’s possible
Its epic
Sinon tu serais mort depuis longtemps izzy.
wow do u frenchies think etf2l gives a fuck about the french communty? just quit trying cus as u can see by the admin comments they dont give a fuck cus theyre by far the best admins in the world, no doubt
Aephage said:
March 23rd, 2013 at 20:47
c’est celui qui dit qui est PARIA
lold about french circlejerking
did you even notice the minor update guys?
We have released a minor update to our Stopwatch configs:
mp_maxrounds is now set to 2
btw, congrats to Osmoz team, their both snipers are banned now (zarix & baud)
who's next ? moar qq pls
What a nice minor highlander update, thanks etf2l!
Oh boy I’ve been waiting so long for mp_maxrounds 2!
Hallow please, mp_maxrounds 2 is bad :S
No, it makes mp_tournament reset, it’s great progress for the HL scene overall!
showzie pls, you don’t even know what mp_maxrounds is, much less what effect it will have on the hl meta.
zen what do you even know about this??
sometimes i have small tits sometimes i have big tits \_(?)_/
mp_maxrounds_gravelpit 0 next plz
Yeah Shep has a point, we wanna see some consistency from the admins here, if mp_maxrounds is 2 we want mp_maxrounds_gravelpit on 0, considering the connection between the two commands.
it was weird because she had pretty big tits before I think she has silicon cuz some times she got big and sometimes she doesn’t
hey zen how was chest monday?
We’re weak alone…
(> (><)<)
they feel so natural
oh snap, my comment broke.. oh you etf2l
snQx #1
Hi! I also say – nice job with the bans and go trade, cheaters.
The efall² of lucky !
I’m the only MoZz on ET2L again! :>
Mon dieu!
Guys : mp_maxrounds is now set to 2
[quote]Baud ban smells of French circlejerking tbh, but I guess it’s possible[/quote]
Well Well….
Is UGC also giving default wins? :)
Droso, yes i know about it, I don’t think aephage is a cheater, i was just butthurt because losing official and he had 100 points etc, i know he has attended to lans etc
baud can’t be hacking he got outsniped by HIGPS xD
Maybe he graphed out his mouse movements
there’s only 1 possible conclusion: HiGPS must be cheating as well! We must go deeper and unravel this web of cheats.
Great job AC admins catching more cheaters.
Gf et kill PRESIDENT §§§ Oh wait !!!
Fuck! I love these dramas….
His demos was requested from S14 matches, which lead to the ban.
Here and here and this one
Go watch the POV demos and then make up your mind.
Also Void is a bit sketchy also……
also some French stuff:
We won bball and some shit like that with baud, and ? where is the problem ?
Funnily enough, that will be done baud ban when Scout returns for this season.
it would be one year and a half he was soldier and nobody asked him anything.
In addition, Killari (and possibly gf?) hate baud for several years.
And I know that baud is not a cheater.
I’ve watched several times these demos, it has always been like that when he looks suspiciously a wall and there is an enemy behind … Except that it works only once out of 100.
What cheater would dare send his demos to be banned, seriously, and baud seems proud to be known as a cheater, I think he makes fun of you.
However, he doesn’t seems to be very affected by this news.
So, I can’t judge without real proofs (we call that justice).
these Illuminatis again…
both gf and killari wanted baud’s head for a long time, and now that they finally have it, something doesn’t smell right…
yeah because not sending your demos when asked for certainly doesn’t put a huge suspicion on you.
Etf2l doing things CIA style as always, very few people making the decisions, no transparency, and if any questions are raised, then its either ignored or burried untill it cant anymore.
Like how many times have this happened untill now?
I can count at least 8 cases where the AC team(different people, different periods)
have made a judgement mistake.
But when the same policy about no transparency is in place, with the reason “To prevent cheaters know what they did wrong, so we wont catch as many cheaters”
“If we did, people with “no knowledge” about cheats, would speak too much rubbish about every ban”
Those arguments are partially correct, but prevents any real discussion or justice on so many fronts.
So I would suggest, if there is considerable doubt about a playerban, then all the evidence gathered about the player is to be released for public review.
Else same mistakes will be repeated.
^ take saemzis offer then??
I saw a hundred of his demo for clips and fm, and also when ppl was asking his demo, and it’s obvious that he doesn’t cheat, he tries some mad things in the game, and sometimes it work.
i don’t think a cheater is happy when he make a great action. When you miss a lot of shot, and sometimes you make something crazy (like “there’s a guy behind, 3,2,1 and nothing, and sometimes he kill the guy with a double shot,, i don’t call it cheat, it’s juste that ppl don’t admit it is possible to be raped by a guy from a lower division then them.
He was able to play in higher division, no doubt, but he was like “i just want to play with my friends, and don’t rly care about what anybody think” + he don’t speak a good english. For peple who have played with him, everybody know this guy have an awesome game sense, a great teamplay, maybe cause of the ultiduo and the bball i don’t know, and his aim is probably from is mge, like h24 on this mod.
80% of the french community wanted to bann him, even some “top” french, and now, two french joign anti-cheat staff, and baud is banned, tf2 is magic. I don’t want to defend my d3 d4rk winner medal, because i don’t give a fuck about it, but it’s really sad to see that a lot of react like that. +sry for poor eng.
I lol’ed
@quad has a point though. I’m personally all for more transparency although I hold no delusions that this will happen in etf2l.
The most shocking thing in here, is the frenchies french. Les gars, sérieux, faut maîtriser au moins la langue maternelle. Merde.
rofl cya l8r baud
Hello, I know baud personally, and I can safely say that he’s not cheating at all, why? Because he is really tech illiterate. He wouldn’t be able to find anything aimbot/aim assist/ect related that works, and wouldn’t get him vac banned.
Seriously just unban him, he has been banned unfairly, I’ve seen him evolve and become really good. Just insane really, but that’s who he is, some guy with no life that just plays tf2 all day.
Et y’à d’autre joueur fr qui cheat… faudrait aussi les bans bande de branleur.
Apparently ‘eS | NiCO = aW | NiCO now … was very good on HL2DM!! Seeing the videos, which wallhack do you use? lol french player using wallhack !
Well, sometimes it’s a fucking shame to be french.
But that’s always funny to see how drama works.
Thx people, i woke up with a smile.
@Askior: players of all nationalities cheat, get over it
lol Askior !
Et ton pote Mick y va bien ? vac ban….. bizz les -f- ^^ et on ma dit que ton pote Teoch à essayer une vie en Thaïlande.. dommage je les jamais croiser, par contre il à goutter à la prison thai et ces retrouver blacklist.. mdr :)
T’es encore là … Mais casse toi une bonne fois pour toute sale cheater refoulé de merde
lul :)
Suis de partout, surtout quand y’à de l’injustice !! et si tes pas content je t’emmerde bien profond.. @++ sous le bus quoi !
ferme ta geule glastry
What use is it to post evidence here on Etf2l really. Most won’t be able to comprehend what software is used and how that shows in a pov demo. You would only raise more discussions and rage, harming the community more. Im no admin, but I think this is between the accused and the Etf2l admins to sort out. At least that’s my 2 cents.
Icee, that’s probably the wrong place to speak french. Much more when you do a mistake every 2 words.
If you have any proofs on any other people, just send a message on IRC on the etf2l chan
@Casual: Yep, but we’re probably the best for drama aren’t we?
this is the most fucking stupid thing, baud is like my brother and I’ve seen him play @ LANs hundreds of times, he has never cheat + when ever we play mge it’s always close and I’m not cheating so it can’t be true that he is cheating, also when we play pcws and he top scores and people ask for his demos he always sends them which means he is confident of him not cheating also means he is a nice guy for giving away demos hence why he can’t possibly cheat, I demand ETF2L to unban him. this ban is only because of stupid killari and gf18 (sorry for my english I am french). also la putain ipz stupid merde idiot retard moron.
I knew something was up with spock.
To be honest, I lost all faith in the ETF2L anti-cheat system back when Pikalash was banned for using a wallhack. No proof was initially given to the public, but eventually someone leaked some proof to me just to get me to shut up about it, and the proof turned out to be a common STV bug.
They thought he was locking onto someone behind a wall, yet when he shot through the wall, the player started bleeding and took damage… Obviously on his screen he could see them, but STV had some positioning slightly incorrect.
But still… what do we do. ETF2L won’t give out methods to catch cheaters, and they won’t give out proof either. It means some innocent people WILL be banned from time to time, but is that better for the greater good?
For the record, I didn’t watch any demos here so I have no judgement.
Arx, ETF2L is a private organization with its own set of rules, and it’s every man’s right to decide whether he wants to follow these rules or not.
In case he does, he’s just got to deal with the fact that ETF2L’s policy doesn’t include the commitment of showing any kind of evidence to the regular players.
Correct me if I’m wrong, dear admins.
LOUL Ice comme tu dis faudrait ban la moitié de la comu si on t’écoutait ….
@Askior, you woke up at 4? Jesus christ.
54 days ago
cu on front page of etf2l.
fuck ye
Very great job there, ETF2L AC Admins!
I appreciate your decisions and I absolutely agree with you!
The next player who should be banned, by my opinion, is that italian guy – rock. He killed me in MGE several times and in the game he absolutely sucks, must be cheating.
Also, that frenchie T-Mac is suspicious as well. That guys seems dirty to me, really.
Also, how can I become by the part of AC admins?
Only 1 year :,)
Hax on, hax off, hax on, hax off
Ples have a look at mirelins auto crossbow and dodge hacks!!
alba, shhhhhhhh!!!!
[…] o tom proč a jak k omu došlo. První přispěvek obsahuje i 3 balíčky dem a jeden z názorů. Info o Baudově […]
I think there should be presumption of innocence… PROVE they have these cheats for us please, This just makes you look like oppressors….
Nojba: that is already how it works. Players are assumed to be innocent until the AC team has solid evidence of them cheating.
Details on what they did and how will never be shared, because this will make it easier for potential cheaters not to get caught. I’m sure you’ll agree that nobody wants that.
Solid evidence of cheating like the beavern case :(
Yes, that was a mistake. From a purely statistical point of view though, incorrectly banning 1 innocent player, while not ideal of course, is still better than sharing the details on how a cheating player was banned and by that allowing many other cheaters to better watch out for getting caught.
spike, stop constantly blabbing bullshit 24/7 please.
If you think its BETTER to ban POTENTIALLY innocent players, aslong as you ban 2-3 more cheaters, because you think you have to reveal some sort of “anti cheat secret” while doing so. Then you live in a dreamworld of invalid logic, with very limited though patterns and are unable to put yourself in any other position than your own.
You talk about statistics, of something that isent real or hasent ever been emphasized in other ways than it currently have.
So what if it was YOU who got banned for 1 year(will never fucking happen WE KNOW), for something someone else thinks you have done(which you know you dident) Then that THOUGHT process wouldnt be so ideal would it?
As Ive been going through THAT kind of treatment, aswell as PLENTY of others, it proves that your argument is invalid, and the way anti cheat is dealt with have to CHANGE
If there is SIGNIFICANT doubt about a player ban, then the case MUST be reopened.
I personally would suggest this:
Have a public anti-cheat team with the secret members as it has been like since forever.
And IF or WHEN that fails,(by enough raised concern) the specific case will be redirected for open discussion for the whole premier division. (or top4 last season, you decide)
So that people who actually know what it looks like to be good can make the final call.(Before or after a ban, dosent matter)
Even if you dont like that suggestion, there MUST be SOME sort of change, else the same mistakes will be repeated as they have been for LONG.
You can’t expect a different result with no change.
No offence, but your logic enrages me everytime you post. :)
at least, when there’s fanboys, there’s drama(s) (#kna)
You should look at quad’s demos, it’s obvious that he is using a hax that transform every demo into fragmovie.
The time when ac admin banned people without real evidence is gone.
Since and till i work as Ac admin, we ban people only if we have technical evidence.
We do not ban because someone hit two shoots in a raw or have +80% accuracy or 100% accuracy (who isn’t impossible for me). Or ban players if they are joking with friends ” Hey look George, he’s behind this wall! ”
So, use a public anti cheat team? IF they have the knowledge , they will have the same conclusion as AC team.
Use prem players? Risk of leak = 100% . It’s like using public forum and try that everyone have the same conclusion : Impossible .
Not to mention about impartiality and knowledge again.
This solution is a waste of time. And we don’t have time.
We have currently have enough work for the next 2 years.
“…there MUST be SOME sort of change, else the same mistakes will be repeated as they have been for LONG.”
It’s actualy changed as i said earlier. We use technical evidence, IF we have all the evidence, THEN, head admin can make a decision. (before, only AC team took the decision).
Ps : When i said real evidence, it’s technical evidence. To don’t have the same mistake as beavern case etc …
Oh well, let me try to rephrase a new wall of text so you can understand..
“The time when ac admin banned people without real evidence is gone.
Since and till i work as Ac admin, we ban people only if we have technical evidence.
We do not ban because someone hit two shoots in a raw or have +80% accuracy or 100% accuracy (who isn’t impossible for me). Or ban players if they are joking with friends ” Hey look George, he’s behind this wall! ””
Cool story bro, its not like 80% of all average gamers, and previous ac admins have claimed that ;)
Let me recomment my quote:
“Have a public(people on the staff page) anti-cheat team with the secret members(+head admin) as it has been like since forever” Get it??
The ban process has been the same the past 3-4 years, as you just confirmed in your own post! with 1 minor change:
The only technical evidence you are able to gather is some txt docs from a server side plugin which detects POTENTIAL triggerbots of all kinds. (Which have proven false positives in the past)
It dosent even capture screenshots anymore, so your claim is only valid with old achieves of screenshots of esp UI’s, and some docs of potential triggerbotters that could point to someone to get some demos from.
So you having enough solid TECHNICAL evidence to work with for the next 2 years truely amazes me.
(Oh please let me know if there is some anticheat that gathers EVERYTHING that anakins couldnt. oh ofc, its a secret)
Therefore you are still demo reviewing to a large extend for any ban to happen, which you then CANT claim to be TECHNICAL evidence, but your own sole opinion.(Not about the obvious 360 pewpew)
“Use prem players? Risk of leak = 100% . It’s like using public forum and try that everyone have the same conclusion : Impossible .
Not to mention about impartiality and knowledge again.”
Uhhh, wtf?? First of all, why are you afraid of leaks? You afraid of debate or disagreement with your opinion?? You afraid that it will learn cheaters how to “change the meta of cheating”???
Then its time to wake up and look at the facts :D
Also why do you value prem players opinion(who are supposedly to be the best at the fucking game) to be LESS valueable than your opinion, just because you have a title, some self proclaimed knowledge about how cheats work, and some fancy named detection techniques to make it all sound like you know what you are doing.
How can you possibly think that 4-8 people commenting in a closed forum wont be biased at all before they even get to watch the demo themself.
And even consider it as being the one and only sublte solution. (As it have been since forever)
Looking at my specific case, as the system back then is almost identical to now, then it just proves how massively BIASED every ban can or will be:
Lots of amusing comments, I also have no idea why I kept playing competitive tf2 after that, I guess I wanted to prove something..
Second, what is the point of a forum/discussion if everyone are scared to speak thier own opinion and just agree with what others have to say (Reason why ac teams fail)
If it is really so hard and cold evidence, then what is the problem in sharing?? Especially when 20% or more of the community doubt a specific decision.(Stop using the “cheaters will learn” theory, its invalid)
So you have to answer this: What if “the unforeseen” happened, and you banned someone by mistake, what possible action or process would that player be able to consider to prove the differ?
This speech seems fitting:
I agree with quad, you should learn from his advices. I mean, why is so hard to give openly your proof? Why do you think that our opinion doesn’t matter? It is because your pride? Is it because you have some title and then you feel superior? It is because you don’t trust us and we’re not capable of such a thing?
In my opinion, a group of prem player should revise the evidence, and then decide. Let us think and the community will be much better. Give us oppresion and the unfairness will reign. As an admin, it is your duty to accept the first option.
Of course, I realise how far will my opinion be taking into account.
Maybe it sounds offensive, but it’s not, It’s written with all my respects.
Play Prem = cheat expert… wut? :,)
Even if they give the proof there will be some ppl who dont think its enough.
“He might accidently look there, he just accidently tracked him through wall ,he just have high sensitivity, just luck” etc. = ShitStormBegins
Tho, I would like to see The Proofs or the confirmed demos that lead to bans.
Arctic oldskull hl1 dm player / was top1 when you have walked under the table/