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Season 14 powered by Twitch: Playoffs, Bans & Updates

Date March 8, 2013

Season 14 powered by Twitch Playoffs information

S14banner Banner by UK DeusVox

With Season 14 powered by Twitch approaching its final week, it is time to look at upcoming Division promotions. The coloured rows in each division indicate who gets promoted (green), who gets demoted (red) and who gets to play a playoff match (blue). Upon closer look, you may notice that there are no green rows in Division 2 – read on to find out why.

Division 2 Promotion Matches

For the past few seasons, 2 teams were demoted from Division 1 every Season, with 3 teams coming up from Division 2. While this worked out reasonably well up until this season due to drops, Division 1 got pretty tight in Season 14, with more worthy contenders than free slots. To avoid this issue in Season 15, the winners of each Division 2 group are invited to a Round Robin style playoff with the top 2 advancing to Division 1. Before this round robin playoff can start, the tie between Germany vier // red and UK tsunderebolts and kawaiitning has to be broken. The deadline for this match is Saturday, March 16, after which the round robin with the winner of the 2A tie breaker, France RELAPSE! Gaming and Swegian Scandi vs HUUHHU will commence.

Additionally, to make more room in Division 2 next season and to be able to scale it down (read below), the 6th teams in Division 2 have to play a relegation match. Because Division 2B has 5 drops, this only applies to Division 2A and Division 2C. The loser of the relegation match will be demoted to Division 3 next season.

Season 15 Division 2

To address the issue outlined above, starting with Season 15, the amount of Division 2 groups will be reduced to two. The amount of drops in Division 2 this Season will make the transition easier and helps to enforce this change without causing too much disappointment. Please consider for your team’s Season 15 signup take into account that both, Division 2 and Division 3 will be a lot stronger than in Season 14.

Premiership Playoffs Scheduling

In order to assist Premiership teams in scheduling their matches, we are introducing a special default date setup for Season 14 premiership playoffs:

  • Each participant of the upcoming Premiership Playoff match must submit at least three days on which they are available to play in the coming play week (excluding Friday and Saturday).
  • If the match is not scheduled by Friday at 23.59 CET, the admins will decide a default date, based on the days sent to them by the participants. If a team did not submit at least 3 possible days, the default date may be chosen in favor of the team with higher availability. If the previous match is played on Friday or Saturday, the schedule deadline moves back to Saturday at 23.59 CET.
  • Rescheduling to a different day is only possible if the match is rescheduled with 24 hours warning.

This change applies to Premiership playoffs only. Tiebreaker matches have unrestricted scheduling within the tiebreaker period, and will receive a single default date two weeks in, as before.

Please keep in mind that you can still use wildcards today. The option to use wildcards is locked from this point on.

Staff Update

One of ETF2L’s oldest active admins and the guru in charge of 6v6 division seeding and default dates, Germany Sonny Black has received a promotion and joined the ranks of Head Admins. For the past one and a half years he has been one of the hardest working and most passionate admins in the staff, making this promotion not only well deserved, but perhaps long overdue. His chief responsibilities will be supervising the regular 6v6 Seasons and overseeing the Anti-Cheat Staff.

This staff change marks another step in the ongoing German takeover of ETF2L staff.

General Rule Update

We have reviewed our rules on abuse and decided that they could use a bit of an update. The old rule was not clearly structured and left a lot of room for interpretation. The revised rules are somewhat more specific on what constitutes a punishable violation. New additions to the rule are:

  • A list of the possible punishments
  • Promotion of cheats in any way (jokingly or not)
  • Inclusion of offensive avatars
  • Inclusion of offensive player- and team names
  • Inclusion of customizable in-game items with offensive images or language

The full updated rule reads:

2.5 Abusive behaviour and racism in ETF2L matches and on the site is not welcome
Any offensive behaviour including but not limited to swearing, racist comments and advertising cheats will be prosecuted and may lead to warnings for your team, forum bans and league bans, in severe cases. This applies to the following rules 2.5.1 – 2.5.5.

2.5.1 Abusive chat
Try not to use the chat function during a match unless it is in a positive manner. Any offensive chat as well as spamming binds will be punished. Chat abuse and racist or offensive comments during the match chat or on match pages will be prosecuted.

2.5.2 Abusive avatars
ETF2L accounts that are linked to a Steam account automatically grab the Steam avatar as avatar for this forum. ETF2L reserves the right to take action against abusive or racist avatars.

2.5.3 Abusive nicknames
Abusive nicknames (ingame and on the site) will not be tolerated. In general, we advise to use a nickname that resembles the ETF2L nickname.

2.5.4 Abusive teamnames
Abusive team names that include severe abusive language or racist expressions are not welcome. The player who changed the team name will be made accountable.

2.5.5 Use of abusive language and symbols on ingame items
Some ingame items, such as the Flair!, the Photo Badge, the Clan Pride and the Conscientious Objector, allow to use a Decal Tool to add images to the item. If the image is in any way offensive or racist and the item is used in any ETF2L match, ETF2L reserves the right to take action against the player and his team. The same applies to items renamed with a Name Tag and items with a custom description, applied with a Description Tag.


The following players are now banned from participating in any ETF2L competitions. These players may not play in the League under any other accounts – any attempts to do so will result on (longer) bans on all accounts associated with the player. All recent matches involving these players have been defaulted.

  • Denmark pH. – VAC banned – 11 months (reported his VAC ban one month ago)
  • Lithuania Artasdmc – VAC banned – 11 months (reported his VAC ban one month ago)
  • Finland AMS. – VAC banned – 1 year
  • France Zarix – VAC banned – 1 year
  • England Fizz – Double account Zarix – 1 year
  • France Spankyy – Admitted to cheating – 1 year


  1. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  2. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    You could have prevented that. All our hope was on you. :x

  3. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    sorry, i give you permission to kick me for a german

  4. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    thanks for the addition of these important rules to create more professionalism on etf2l

  5. 2nuts: . said:

    I fail to see why a div 2 team should be left out just cause there are a lot of good teams capable of div 1 and cause some teams didn’t feel like playing, why are we who won our groups being punished?
    We’ve all played and earned our spots in div1… and now you say nahhhh we’re not feeling it this time, here go play some more and the loser gets to play div 2 again… this is bullshit imo…

  6. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


    “Division 1 got pretty tight in Season 14, with more worthy contenders than free slots. To avoid this issue in Season 15, the winners of each Division 2 group are invited to a Round Robin style playoff with the top 2 advancing to Division 1”

  7. Kaneco said:

    I dont exactly agree with fewer div2’s just because a lot of teams dropped, instead you should have some kind of punishment for teams who drop so early in the season and spoil the fun of others on their series.

    As for the ruleset update, it looks good, agree with the changes!

  8. 2nuts: . said:

    Yeah I read it perm… I still don’t see why we have to play more. Like I said the three div 2 group winners have played and earned their spot in div 1. you should have announced this before the season.. “A round-robin tournament to enter div1 is a cool idea, and not to be dismissed immediately, but announcing it pretty much 1-2 weeks before its supposed to happen is lame, considering you’ve had an entire season to update the rules”… since some players might not have time for a playoff… for instance crouton in our team has issues with his wrist

  9. wpminnows: [PG] said:

    guess tsunderebolts and kawaiitning is our official name now

    my bad

  10. cube said:

    have to agree with 2nuts but i think relapse have to play some more matches to earn a place in div1 playoffs, 5 teams dropped cmon.

  11. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Kaneco: We’re not decreasing the number of div2s because of the dropped teams. We’re doing it to increase the overall skill level in div2 and div3 even.

    2nuts: The teams in div1 have earned their spot in div1 at some point as well. And in div1 they mostly had to play teams of a different calibre than div2. Promoting 3 teams from div2 straight to div1 could potentially create the same problem we’re trying to fix in div2 right now.
    We had several options at hand, but the one you can find in the news is the one we decided to stick with. Pretty much every option would have included additional games for some teams or making some teams possibly very upset.

    Cube: Relapse will have to play some more matches … in the round robin playoff. :> That should show if they are capable of div1 or not, at least in comparision with the other div2 winners.

  12. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    pretty fucking bad idea, look what happened last season with the div1 playoffs

    here’s what i suggest:

    div2a: vier // red vs 5 brits 1 Serb — winner goes Div 1
    div2b: RELAPSE! Gaming* vs elemental violence — winner goes div 1
    div2c: “Scandi vs HUUHHU” gets promoted to div 1.

    *they only played 4 matches out of 8 so in order for them to prove whether or not they can play in div 1 they should play against the lowest ranked team in div 1

    if you actually are going to have these playoffs like you did last week DONT MAKE IT A ONE DAY THING BECAUSE IT WILL FAIL

  13. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    So you are suggesting to promote the Division 2 winners all on a different basis and for different reasons, MightyMe?
    We wanted to find a universal ruling that could have been applied to any case with any number of drops and I think we did a good job at that.

  14. wonder: 哟什 said:

    what?:( we won’t get promoted to div 3 if we took the 2nd place in div 4?:( We didn’t lose even a single match :( We demand some kind of play-off :<

  15. doks said:

    the problem is that there were 3 div2 groups… you cant just put 3 div2 teams in div1 if there is a total of 10 div1 teams.. should they move 3 lower div1 teams to div2 ? it makes NO SENSE. stop bitchin there will never be enough room for all of us at the top gezz.

  16. gf18_idiot: Top5rocket said:

    @Cube : http://bios.weddingbee.com/pics/44117/haters_gonna_hate_eagle.jpg

  17. Nana-chan said:

    Come on little boys and girls. Let us just all go back to the lovely days of Primary School competitions where everybody won. Just call every single division “Premier Division” and all the problems of this world are magically solved.