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VAC Bans

Date January 24, 2013

Following tradition established last summer, any player with a VAC ban affecting Team Fortress 2 will receive a league ban, regardless of circumstances of the VAC ban. As such, these players are now banned from all ETF2L competitions:

cho – 1 year (Alt: choey)
fragtex – 1 year
Yarzz – 1 year (Alt: Shaft)
rufy – 1 year
boomeh – 11 months*
*boomeh reported his own VAC ban to admins in December

All of these players’ Season 14 matches have been changed to a default loss. Replaying is possible only if the opponent agrees.

Any attempt to circumvent a ban will result in extended bans on all accounts associated with you. Don’t do it.


  1. basH: hf said:

    haha und ich hab dir gesagt alles aber nicht x22

  2. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    pretty lame

  3. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    ryb in pieces boomeh :(

  4. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    not sure why it needs a message on the newsboard either, players have been banned for having vac bans on their account before

    someone in the etf2l staff likes denouncing people huh?

    still, i dont know what this changes. they come back after a year and are still vac banned, so it doesn’t make a change now nor in a year

  5. emb: (Legend) - ciortai said:

    We announce all league bans as newsposts, no matter the reason.

    Some of these players are still active and have alternate accounts. If they continue to play on any other account after this point, that account will get banned and their bans will be extended.

    The newspost also serves as a warning to anyone who knows these players to avoid enlisting them as teammates until their bans expire.

    And we do, in fact, like to denounce cheaters.

  6. Hat said:


  7. Roque: brz - [hePPa] said:

    So, how many times does this make for boomeh? 4?

  8. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    still pretty lame for a league with good reputation

  9. Swift: MAYOGURL - Poo said:

    Seems pretty fair to me. If they don’t want to be named on the front page, don’t hack in the first place.

  10. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    ETF2L laying the smack down on a collection of schmucks. I approve.

  11. choey said:


  12. Sarah said:

    RUFY <3

  13. vøid said:

    noobs à chier

  14. zixin: sty - VΛ // said:

    hahahhaha cho sorry all that shit you talked, and you the one hacking :D peace out brother

  15. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    all these dumb kids

  16. wpminnows: [PG] said:

    boomeh reporting his own vac ban, such a nice guy

  17. Stuppah: .Dicknitas said:

    fragtex? seriously?

  18. Nofe92: Cosa? said:

    To be honest with you if someone ever tries to cheat they should be perma banned. I don’t care about what ever you say, you cheated? Get out of online gaming forever!
    It’s pretty hard for me to understand why there are such stupid short bans on the primary tf2 eu league!

  19. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    i guess some people never learn

  20. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    How many times has boomeh been caught cheating now?

    does it never get to the point where he just gets a perma ban

  21. Casual: prtyboiz - T⑨ said:

    Fun fact: As we know Tarkus and Matnun were caught using x22 using AnAkIn’s screenshot exploit. Less than a month later VAC manages to catch nearly every major cheat provider.

    Yet Tarkus & Matnun do not have VAC bans. AnAkIn saved them :)

  22. alba: Bully said:

    AnAkIn mr nice guy

  23. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Good Guy Anakin

  24. boomeh: Tplay said:

    I don’t understand how you can say anakin “saved” them from a VAC ban, the VAC system doesn’t just let you off because you’re banned from etf2l, if they’re accounts were flagged in the VAC system they would be banned just like every body else did, it was the cheat client that was undetectable, anakin didn’t save them from a vac ban, x22 did.

  25. boomeh: Tplay said:

    so maybe you should be thanking x22 for having a undetectable VAC client