NA v EU Highlander Showmatch – SNSD v The Syndicate LIVE TONIGHT
October 14, 2012
As we build up to ETF2L’s 3rd season of Highlander, we like to do things fun to get the hype going so we’ve put together a little showmatch in the spirit of the NA v EU summer LAN showdown. Tonight on VanillaTV we have two of the world’s best going face to face for the sake of their own reputation. On the East side of the Atlantic, we have the the self-crowned “best” Highlander team in existence, SNSD who are looking to remain undefeated in 9v9 officials for another season in ETF2L and have willingly put their egos on the line to face what is probably their biggest test yet –
The Syndicate. These yanks are no ordinary team, they are a team of stacked superstars tipped by many to be equally as dominant in UGC Platinum as their roster boasts some of the best talent in the 9v9 format.
Tune in to VanillaTV at 21.15 CET or 15.15 EST if you’re American to see this unqiue spectacle hosted on a New York server so that pings can be as fair as possibly (both teams look to average 90-100 ping per player). Just to keep the Euro-American banter strong we have the ever patriotic Salamancer on the mic along with the Irish master of repartee, caster of the season
Admirable along with highlander guru
Hildreth and the ever reliable and unsung hero of the community
Comedian on the stream. The maps will be Highlander favourite Badwater, old classic Granary and Viaduct_Pro as a potential decider.
The Syndicate
- Scout: Ruwin
- Soldier: Vhalin
- Pyro: TMP
- Demoman: Soup
- Heavy: Polk
- Engineer: Dave+
- Medic: Hein
- Sniper: Jake
- Spy: Stabby stabby
- Scout: Droso
- Soldier: Linus
- Pyro: Cube
- Demoman: Kaidus
- Heavy: ALX
- Engineer: Zooob
- Medic: TheSucker
- Sniper: Tviq
- Spy: Hurri
zooob to carry this bad team to victory
zoob to carry.
TheSucker to drop ubers and lose the game
I’ll drink 1 glass of beer for every uber drop, TheSucker don’t let me down! <3
SNSD to rape and save the dignity of the EU scene <3
Rip in piece euro scene.
RIP in pizza EU 6v6 & 9v9 scene.
[…] As we build up to ETF2L’s 3rd season of Highlander, we like to do things fun to get the hype going so we’ve put together a little showmatch in the spirit of the NA v EU summer LAN showdown. Tonight on VanillaTV we have two of the world’s best going Source: ETF2L […]