Process Cup Final and some Season 13 Reminders
September 12, 2012
Process Cup Final: Crack Clan vs. Nitrose
Match Overview
Team Infused vs
The Last Resort
Wednesday, September 12th 21:15 CEST

4 - 2
Team Infused [3:0]
The Last Resort
The Process Cup highest bracket final from is happening tonight! Premiership newcomer Nitrose and the reformed
Crack Clan will play a one map final at 21:15 CEST on the latest version of cp_process which is also featured in ETF2L’s Season 13.
For anyone who wants to watch there is an STV relay.
- STV: connect
Season 13: Reminders
Because we know that not everyone reads through our rules every season, the most important rules and rule changes are repeated and explained again here. If you prefer to read our full ruleset instead, we appreciate it and direct you to our General Rules and Season 13 Rules section.
Have a full Roster!
As of today, all teams should have a full roster, meaning 6 players minimum. We reserve the right to remove teams with less than 6 players on their roster from the league tonight as those are usually very prone to folding soon and we would rather give a dedicated team from the waiting list a chance instead. Please check if your team has at least 6 players on your roster (they do not have to be verified) and if not, either add the remaining player as soon as possible and/or contact the admin staff to explain the situation.
Match weeks and Default Dates
Each match week starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. Two days before the match week starts (i.e. every Friday for the next 7 weeks), admins will set a default date for all matches without a schedule. If the admin in charge can not find any indication on the match page that at least one team bothered to find a schedule, the default date will usually be set to the first day of the match week, which is always Sunday. However, there is no guarantee for that. Matches that received a default date can still be rescheduled if one team proposes a different schedule and the other team accepts the proposed schedule on the My Matches page. Schedules outside the match deadline are to be avoided or both teams risk a minor warning.
All deadlines can be seen in the ETF2L calendar.
Harsher approach to Violations of Match Deadlines
***Please pay special attention to this reminder as the rule has been slightly adjusted compared to earlier announcements***
Any matches without results at the end of the playweek will get a minor warning attached for both teams that can not be removed anymore. All teams are advised to submit their match results right after the match is played including all necessary screenshots to avoid unnecessary warnings. Warnings for unplayed matches will be issued from Monday, 00:01 on for all unplayed matches that have not been wildcarded. This mean, your team will not get punished if you play one day after the match deadline and submit the results right afterwards.
Rescheduling after the week’s match deadline is still possible if one team uses a wildcard that extends the match deadline by two weeks. Please bear in mind that a default date for wildcarded matches will be set 7 days after the wildcard was used. Alternatively, an extension of the match deadline up to 7 days can be given by an admin. This requires both teams to agree on delaying the match.
Changes to the Warnings System
Some changes to the warnings system have already been announced. For example, the warnings for unplayed matches after the match deadlines will not be removed anymore when the match is played. The only removable warnings are those for missing screenshots and missing demos.
Another change is that if one or more removable minor warnings stack with other minor warnings to a major warning, the major warning will not be removed. Additionally, if a second major warning of any kind is issued, it will from now on deduct two extra points on the tables instead of one, totalling in 3 penalty points.
Nicknames for Premiership Matches
Players are only eligible to play matches in the Premiership Division if they or their team leader have submitted their nickname to the admin staff before he is fielded. All players need to stick to that nickname for the whole season, character by character. If a team fields a player whose nickname was not submitted to the admin staff before, it will not lose the match by default but get one minor warning per ineligible player.
STV demos mandatory for Premiership Matches
The upload of STV demos within 72 hours is mandatory for all matches in the Premier Division. Failure to provide the demo in that timeframe entails a minor warning for the team that owns or organised the server. This warning can be removed when the demo is provided later and the minor warning did not stack up to a major warning with two more minor warnings.
Harsh rules indeed. Best of luck with the inevitable ‘happy’ feedback during the season :P
Weather the storm admins!
Just to be clear: If I fill in the results of a played match. And the other team doesn’t accept the results because they are slow, then we both get minor warning?? Thats total bs.
harsh rules, but for the greater good of tf2
Good stuff!
Andee: No, you got that wrong. Admins can see when a result was submitted but not accepted and can even approve it. If a result is only uploaded by the end of the week but not approved, neither team will receive a warning (assuming all screenshots are correct).