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One Night Cup on cp_process: Brackets are live!

Date September 6, 2012

One Night Cup: Process

Brackets are live!

We reached a total number of 7 brackets of 16 teams each, totalling 112 teams as a whole. This means, this cup has the highest participation of all one night cups ever hosted at ETF2L! For a complete overview about the rules and setup of this cup, please visit the cup page. If your question is still unanswered, you can contact an admin on IRC.

Those who follow our IRC channel #etf2l on Quakenet will already know – The brackets have been seeded. Please start contacting your Round 1 opponent now. There is also no rule against playing earlier than the declared times.

-[ Lowest | Lower | Low | Middle | High | Higher | Highest ]-

Cup format and schedule

The cup will be single elimination with all matches played tonight.

  • 20:30 CEST – Rounds of 16 Starts
  • 21:15 CEST – Rounds of 8 Starts
  • 22:00 CEST – Rounds of 4 Starts
  • 22:45 CEST – Finals Start

Make sure to let admins know if your match is running more than 5 minutes late. If you are 10 minutes late then set mp_timelimit to 20 minutes, and so on. This is to keep the next round on time.
If a team you are playing cannot be reached until 5 minutes after the scheduled time, or your opponent has notified you that they have dropped, please notify an ETF2L admin.
Teams on the waiting list for this event may replace teams that have dropped/no shows, which is why it is important that we know of any teams that are unable to play.

Some Reminders

  • Have at least one representative of your team idling in our IRC channel #etf2l on Quakenet. This makes it way easier to contact your opponents and admins, in case any problems occur.
  • Please make sure that all players download the map in advance. We will be using the official Season 13 version of the map which is cp_process_b10fix.
  • 2 mercs of about the same skill are allowed by default. A third merc can be allowed by your opponent. If you are unsure if your “default merc” is of the same skill level as your team, please ask your opponent for approval. If he rejects the merc but you still believe that your merc is of the same skill level, please contact an admin. All mercs need to be registered at ETF2L.
  • Because of the restrictions regarding mercs above, unverified players count as mercs too.

We are very sorry for the long delays, this cup was more popular than we were expecting so we have been struggling with the load.


  1. . said:

    shit, map is shit

  2. konr: idd. said:

    ^Nope you just don’t know it.

  3. alien`: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    etf2l 2012

  4. Rudd said:

    My team shouldnt have been placed in low bracket… I hope this doesnt mean my team is also going to be placed in divfour season 13. We asked div3 for a good reason admins, please be reasonable!

  5. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    We’re goin 4 this season and were in high with other d4 teams so that does seem odd.

    I’m really dissapointed with this cup. Started late isnt a massive shock but the fact we were forced to only use 10min to play a full map basically turned our only game into a golden cap match and when our medic dropped to net issues for 5min it became null and void.

    Whilst I appreciate the work of the admin team this is really not good enough.

  6. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    ^ why were you forced to use 10 minutes to play a full map?

  7. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    Apparently because the draws were so late the timings meant that we had 10min to play before the second round was due to start once the med drop was taken into account.

  8. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    We just played every game as timelimit 30, Henghast.

  9. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    I wasnt directly involved in the chat but apparently we had an admin demand we change the time limit =/