Some reminders and minor config updates
September 5, 2012
Season 13 signups reminder
The turnout for Season 13 has been great so far, with over 300 teams signed up already! If you haven’t joined our 6v6 season yet, you still have two days to get a team together and apply for Season 13 – signups close on Friday, 23:59 CEST.
Process Cup reminder
Signups for the cp_process One Night Cup being played this Thursday are CLOSED , so if your team wants to get some practice on the new map before Season 13 starts, this is a great opportunity to do so. You can find more info on the cp_process cup page.
***UPDATE*** Please note that due to complaints about teams in the lower brackets using high skilled mercs we restricted the skill level of the mercs who are allowed by default for this cup. As a result, unverified players will have to count as mercs because the clever teams among yourselves would simply add their higher skilled merc to the roster right before the match, if there was no restriction. If you are not sure if you can use a merc, you should get in touch with your opponent first. If he does not allow the merc, you can contact an admin to get approval to use him anyway, if the admin staff believes that your merc is of about the same skill level as your team.
A Message to Russian Teams
When seeding lower divisions, we usually make a priority to group teams by region. If any division 4-6 Russian teams would rather not be grouped with their countrymen, they should contact an admin to let us know.
Config tweaks
A few minor adjustments have been made to the ETF2L configs networking section after some feedback from AnAkIn. You can find the latest configs right here, 100% approved by the almighty
***UPDATE*** The config pack has been updated and is now safe to use for all Season 13 matches.
wrong date on cfgs
wrong link i get it, but fuck me this kind of cfg making such a mess… inb4 ppl forgeting they need to exec 6v6.cfg
can someone tell us what are the changes?! Because i actually cant see any difference between the old ones (6v6,9v9 cfgs) and the new ones…
correct link:
AnimaL: The point of the config pack is that nobody does have to execute his config anymore. I just noticed that Chris’ pack wasn’t updated with turbine and process yet though. The above pack is not safe to use, I will ask Chris to fix it and put together a working one in the meantime.
Looking forward to the Process cup.
Yeah neither of those links are the right ones.
The individual configs have been updated on Chris’s repository but it seems the config pack is not up to date.
My bad! :D
Like I said to Admirable yesterday, *wait*.
ggwp on that communication.
I updated the pack manually for now. It’s safe to use! The links will be changed once Chris’ pack is up to date again.
er, canfo, not admirable.
Hehe, I wasn’t around today and only noticed the mistake after the post was released :D
New etf2l config: sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1 – previously 0
I can’t play against high ping laggers (link) without ratio 0 and interp 0
—> <—
Thanks for that, will be more fun now, more 0hp meatshots – good job…
^ this
Retard cfg.
Execute a files for execute a file, for execute a files, for execute 5 cvar and execute finally a file.
^ While I have nothing to do with it let me tell you this:
“Useless” -> Not at all – it avoids having multiple instances of “code”. If a cvar is changed (for whatever reason) it needs to be done only once, hence avoids problems like having different … netsettings if you play ctf or 5cp. It is a reasonable choice.