Highlander Nations Cup #1 Roundup & Season 13 Maps
August 18, 2012
Highlander Nations Cup #1
The first ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup has come to a close. 30 teams signed up for this tournament, and they have been whittled down to our winner – Germany. Congratulations to Germany for winning the first Highlander Nations Cup! According to team captain
Thy* they did not play a single practice match and completely relied on their superior deathmatch abilites. Apart from that, he had the following to say
“We are very happy to win this competition after we lost to England in the 6vs6 Nations Cup. It was a really good experience and if there is another tournament like this one day we may play again. Thanks to all teams that competed and a special shoutout to Sweden and France for great games. Now give us our money!”
The full standings are as follows:
Germany – winning £972
France – winning £225
3rd Place:
Sweden – winning a bronze pixel trophy!
Many thanks go to the anonymous donator who gave £1000 as a prize for this Highlander Nations Cup. ETF2L added another £197 to make it easier to divide the amounts by 9 players. Many thanks also to VanillaTF2 for providing coverage to as much of this competition as possible, you can catch up with any missed VODs here.
Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS Maps
With only 4 more days until the signups for our 13th 6v6 season open, we’re announcing the official map pool tonight. The following 6 maps will be played during the season:
- cp_badlands
- cp_gullywash_final1
- cp_snakewater
- cp_granary
- cp_gravelpit
- ctf_turbine_pro_rc1
The rules for the control point maps remain the same and should be known to our players. We will update the rules page in the next days where you can look them up again. Turbine as a “capture the files” map will be played as best of three with up to three 10 minute rounds. The detailed ruleset will follow in a later post.
Probine and Process received the most positive feedback in The Idea Box for the next season. We also took a detailed look at cp_process that is a fairly popular map in the US scene. Due to the little playtime it got so far in Europe, we decided against it for now. To give it a chance for Season 14, we will try to feature it in as many competitions as we can in the coming months.
Ah good, another season without a new map. Just what we needed to refresh the game.
disappointed not to see process and pro_viaduct in the mappool
turbine ftw
Ah good, another season without a new map. Just what we needed to refresh the game.
no dustbowl ? :(
Bring back Yukon! Love that map
turbine ftw
lets revive tf2 with more shit maps
awesome mappool, probably the one season I’ll be enjoying playing every map!
this season is quite possibly the potato
Granary should be replaced by Croissant or something like that, hate that map…
Dont really like turbine, but good decision on testing process with other competitions first (maybe a fun cup?). Really like process, would enjoy playing it
granary :(
Why so many negative comments aboit Granny? Too stalematey for ya?
Granary has some large flaws such as the spawn positions and the asymmetry of the map.
The left choke to middle when viewed from yard is too small which slows down the map and it takes too long to travel back to second to block backcaps.
The middle has quite low visibility.
It would be nice to replace granary with process or a fixed granary_pro
Other than that, nice map pool – I’m glad there’s no freight or obscure
Yeah nice with no obscure or freight, but disappointed with gravelpit on the map pool… why no pro viaduct or warmfront?
get mark to fix the bugs on granary_pro and you’ll be set to go.
On another note FUCK turbine, you guys are mongs.
change snake to viaduck pro(
“According to team captain Germany Thy* they did not play a single practice match and completely relied on their superior deathmatch abilites.”
thats why there should be such [b]highlander[/b] maps in the mappool where teamplay is more important than dm skill
So first we revive Freight, and it was awful in Season 11.
Then we try again, we revive Obscure, and it was more than awful in Season 12.
And BAM! We figured it out ladies and gentlemen! Let’s revive Turbine for Season 13 and pray to god that this will be the savior that TF2 needs! I mean, ETF2L can’t be wrong 3 seasons in a row… right guys? right?
Just go for 4 maps already, or add a new map. Force people to play it ffs. Been telling you guys this with solid arguments for the past 3 seasons and everytime I heard “you bring up some solid points, we’ll have a discussion about it”. Get your head out of the gutter and FORCE some stuff onto the players.
(btw, this is in no way a dig towards Turbine, I love the map – just think ETF2L fucked up again)
pls new maps
Can’t really recall when, but I believe it was a few seasons back, when gravelpit was in the map pool, people complained that it had some sort of a glitch which couldn’t let you play normally. So, my question is: Has this glitch been fixed already or is it still there?
Gravelpit was always in the map pool….
Also yay turbine!
I like the idea of the admins picking the set of maps, but it would be nice to see a set of 5 (the first 5 in that list) with one new map each season (you might say people would complain, but in the past it’s always because there’s been 2 or 3 new maps at a time). Turbine’s alright but it’s had it’s moment.
Would have preferred to see Croissant or maybe Process but it’s not the end of the world :)
Clark: yes, it was fixed by Valve.
Datenshi: Wow, really? :D Sorry, I missed out on this one.
Process swapped for turbine, come on guys, simple decision. New map that everyone seems to enjoy playing if they’ve tried it, is already popular in the US scene and isn’t an old map with a totally different style of play that won’t get practised until the week of the pcws. No brainer for me.
put 2fort instead gravelshit please
I am glad everybody is happy this time!
Please new map! :(
Pledge is right.
I would like to have seen seven maps.
There are seven weeks in the season?
One map a week like the yanks do it!
Replace gravelpit with junction
screw turbine why not viaduct pro. So much for etf2l trying out new maps this season
process viaduct > turbine and fagpit
Good mappool, gj admins.
Quay s14 )))))))))))))
Also pls email valve guize (
4 maps: Granary, badlands, gullywash, snakewater. These are the only maps that are being played in pcws anyway ( = people seem to enjoy playing)
people who hate gravel pit are just bad
omg maps! fuck etf2l!
Force a new map already.