6v6 Nations Cup Kickoff, the Last Group Stage Match of the Highlander Nations Cup and Season 12 Awards
July 16, 2012
6v6 Nations Cup: Belgium vs. Bulgaria
Match Overview
Belgium vs
Week 1 (Group D)
Monday, July 16th 21:15 CEST

5 - 0

5 - 0
The first match of the 6v6 Nations Cup to be played is Belgium vs. Bulgaria.
There is no information on a cast yet. As soon as we know the information will be added at this place.
- STV: connect
- Scout: droso
- Scout: NerdZone
- Soldier: baud
- Soldier: Luzzu
- Demoman: Genmix
- Medic: Hatch
Lineup Team
- Scout: BaTMaN
- Scout: TheShadow
- Soldier: Hohen
- Soldier: Agent 0
- Demoman: MattDog
- Medic: Therium
Lineup Team
6v6 Nations Cup: Rules Update
It seemed not all captains liked the idea of having fixed dates – soon after the tables and default days were announced, some nations immediately got to scheduling matches on other days.
We got the hint… The default days will from now on indicate the default dates in your group if the match is not scheduled by Sunday evening. You can still schedule your match to any day you like, as long as it is within the week’s deadline (exceptions can be made as long as both teams do not fall behind their schedule and contact an admin) and as long as you schedule the match until Sunday evening before the week starts. Default dates will be set during every Monday, it is possible that the default date will be on the same Monday as it should not come as a surprise to either team.
Rescheduling a match (other than moving the time by some hours to accommodate different timezones) is not allowed from Monday on for any reason!
HL Nations Cup: England vs. Italy
Match Overview
England vs
Week 3 (Group D)
Monday, July 16th 21:15 CEST

2 - 0

5 - 0
The last match of the Highlander Nations Cup Group Stage is being played tonight. England as the favourite for this match can still make it to the playoffs, Italy can not – this does not mean they won’t put up a fight though!
SourceTV and/or cast information will be added when it becomes available.
- STV: tba
- Scout: Greg
- Soldier: Boomeh
- Pyro: CUBE
- Demoman: Kaidus
- Heavy: Byte
- Engineer: Bubblebobbler
- Medic: Hat
- Sniper: AcidReniX
- Spy: Hurri
Lineup Team
- Scout: sorex
- Soldier: matrix101
- Pyro: Yogi
- Demoman: sereh
- Heavy: f0rest
- Engineer: ZOKY
- Medic: userid_ivan
- Sniper: matterkiller
- Spy: MoNkey MaN
Lineup Team
HL Nations Cup: Tie-Breaker
A tie-breaker match between the Netherlands and Spain has been created to decide who from Group A plays France and who plays Lithuania in the first playoff round. The deadline for this match is Wednesday, July 18 (included), and the map is koth_pro_viaduct_rc3.
Once this tiebreaker is done, the playoff stage will be seeded and the teams that made it to the playoffs can start playing their matches.
ETF2L Season 12 Awards hosted by PirateRadio
Season 12 is now over with the last match being played last week. As after every season, it is now time for the awards! However unlike previous seasons this time around PirateRadio hosted the awards nominations on the show yesterday. This means that the nominations were done slightly differently, where players from each Prem team plus respected community members comprised the panel and voted for who they believed were the top 3 in each award. The votes were then tallied and the top 3 players with the most nominations in each category can now be voted for by you the ETF2L community to decide who wins each award. The voting will end Sunday 22nd July in time for the next episode of PirateRadio where the results will be announced live!
Season 12: Scout of the Season
Total Voters: 559

Season 12: Soldier of the Season
Total Voters: 530

Season 12: Demoman of the Season
Total Voters: 544

Season 12: Medic of the Season
Total Voters: 542

Season 12: Player of the Season
Total Voters: 537

Season 12: Most Underrated Play of the Season
Total Voters: 515

Season 12: Most Overrated Player of the Season
Total Voters: 521

Season 12: Carry of the Season
Total Voters: 536

Season 12: Premier Debutant of the Season
Total Voters: 474

Season 12: Up and Coming Player of the Season
Total Voters: 466

Season 12: Most Surprising Team of the Season
Total Voters: 541

Season 12: Most Disappointing Team of the Season
Total Voters: 517

Season 12: VanillaTV Caster of the Season
Total Voters: 501

Favorite PirateRadio Host
Total Voters: 419

Favorite PirateRadio Guest
Total Voters: 444

first comment
how is cc in the disappointing of the season? did someone really expect us to win / do better with three div1 players and a medic offclassing as scout? :E
i think people expected you to never end up in a situation where you had 2 div1 players, a div2 player and a medic off-classing :P
div2 player????????????
still, we had this roster since the 2nd fixture of the season – so how exactly are we even in the category of disappointing of the season if we managed to do so well with ‘2 div1 players, a div2 player and a medic off-classing’ ?
You are as well in the votes for most surprising team, Ret!
u mad
Stark for upcoming talent
kaidus is surely the player of the season
I’m really surprised Gear is not included in the vote! He played very well during the whole season…
The roster lock for the 6v6 NC has just been lifted and will not be applied again during the group stage. We had a couple of requests from several team captains who wanted to add more players and it just causes too much of a hassle to lift and lock five times a day…
could the nations cup teams have to list their rosters on their team page
a lot of the rosters have like 15 players, half of whom were on the last incarnation of the team but aren’t on this one, so it’s really hard to figure out who will actually be playing until the actual matches happen
Usually you can find proper roster in Vanilla Match Tickets:
thanks to all who voted for me :)
my fault sry ttteeeam