More Captains and Season 12 Reminders
June 10, 2012
6v6 Nations Cup: More Captains
We received some more applications for the following countries. The assigned captains has been given access to our team captains forum to discuss the settings for the upcoming Nations Cup. The whole list of captains can be viewed here. If your country is not on the list it means we received no applications and the spot is still vacant. The next applicant for a vacant captaincy spot will become captain.
Norway – drleånn
Ireland – Admirable
Scotland – Fragm3nt3d
Belgium – Genmix
USA – harbleu
France – KnoxXx
Latvia – AnimaL
Turkey – fle.
Additionally, the current captain for Slovenia,
DruzeKus, withdrew his application to make way for
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS Reminders
Like every season the rosters are locked from the last official playweek of the season until the last playoff is played. You can not add players to your rosters anymore, any merc will need approval from your opponent.
This should not come as a surprise either but right after the catch up week, starting on Sunday, June 24, the tiebreakers and premiership playoffs will have to be scheduled and played. All Season 12 matches that are still unplayed at that point will be nullified. We were asking for feedback for a revision of the current playoff system but did not receive any feedback so far. If it stays this way, the first premiership playoff match will have to be played until June 30 and no extension will be given because of the following Nations Cup.
UPDATE: The catch up week is extended by one day, until Sunday, June 24. All other deadlines remain the same.
Also be reminded that using wildcards is not allowed from now on. In case your opponents uses a wildcard please contact an admin to restore the original schedule. Every match without a schedule will get a default date for no later than the last official day of Season 12 (which is Saturday, June 16) so if you want to make use of the catch up week please schedule the match(es) yourselves.
Hell yeah!
A sad day for Irish TF2.
Go Team NL! Oh Wait.
“You forgot Poland”
How on earth has fragmented got Scotland captaincy when I also applied. fuck this shit
although he is a top scot <3
i don’t see team nl :x
Koeitje for captaincy team NL.
Swarlz: It was not written as a poem, sorry :/
YOU SUCK! CanFo, You’re always out to get me.
team NL is in the list now, don’t worry guys ;)
Really? Harbleu?
Datenshi to win everything.
finland wins 2ez