6v6 Nations Cup Captains and some Reminders
June 5, 2012
6v6 Nations Cup Captains
You had time until Saturday to send in your applications, we now picked a first round of captains. If your country is not in the list, it means that nobody applied to be captain for your nation and the spot is still vacant. The next round of captains will be announced next Sunday (June 10) which means the application should be in our mailbox at [email protected] by June 9 at the latest.
In case a National Team already exists for your country you may request leadership by contacting an admin. The following players have now access to the team captains forum to work out the schedule and rules together with the admins.
Germany – Thy
England – numlocked
Winland – hocz
Sweden – Zebbosai
Lithuania – huhy
Russia – Galant
Egypt – WildEast
Czech Republic – Rok0s
Israel – matnuN
Hungary – Luigi
Luxembourg – Netsky
Bulgaria – Hohen
Portugal – t0dA
Canada – spadez
Slovenia – DruzeKus
Denmark – F2
Estonia – M2R
Poland – Aez
Romania – punct
Spain – Erner0
As you can see on our calendar, week 6 of our 12th 6v6 Season, powered by Tt eSPORTS, has begun. This season we are reminding you extra-early that there will be a catch-up week from June 17 to June 23. All unplayed matches will be set to 0-0 on June 24, with no exceptions. If you want to make use of the catch-up week you should contact an admin.
The premiership playoffs will start immediately after the catch-up week. We invite everyone, especially the high level players and casters/streamers, to discuss changes to the playoff format. You can find the thread here.
Our next standard reminder at the end of every season is that you are not allowed to use wildcards during the last week of the season. This means that you are not allowed to use wildcards after June 9. and have to contact an admin if your opponent used a wildcard anyway. The admin will then restore the old schedule.
Punct captain of both? Fuck that gimme power.
Also troll admins.
GL punct :). Ghostface stfu
Ireland right here.
Quickly, some random scrub apply to be USA captain so harbleu comes riding in on his horse.
There is a Slovenian team but no Slovakian team?
We can only appoint who applies @Setlet & Admirable
I like Egypt’s flag.
My uncle lives in america. Can I be USA captain? I would have Brad as my main man medic and he would do the team make up, my only rule would be to not allow harbleu and his girl/boy friend.
ghostface should be romanian captain
poop – scotland
france does not exist
Nice flag, Egypt!
woho, go zebbo!
@Setlet: not enough active experienced slovakian players, nobody wants to play in nations cup with a div6 level team…
@vlm: Luxembourg does – your argument is invalid.
USA………….. T_T
Winland :D
Even the admins know which team will win :)
Where’s the Dutch? :(
fuck off _ben asshole
ghostface for USA captaincy
but the troll face in our flag is purple not white … :|
Aren’t you proud of your nation flag ?
No matter how cool Winland would sound, but it’s still spelled with F