Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS and Highlander Team Captains
April 29, 2012
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Rule Change
Inactive teams have always caused an upset for teams that were eager to play their matches. Unfortunately, we could only remove the inactive teams from the league when they collected their third default loss, because many did not bother to tell us they were folding. We have decided to reduce the disappointment now by removing inactive teams earlier. From now on, the second consecutive noshow of a team will lead to a drop. The rest of Rule 1.5 remains untouched, teams with one or fewer noshows will still be dropped with their third default loss. As usual, you should read the General Rules as well as the Season 12 Rules before you play your first match.
The reworked rule reads:
1.5 Teams with more than 2 Default Losses or the second noshow in a row will be expelled from the SeasonIf a team receives a third Default Loss or does not show up for a match twice in a row, they will be expelled from the league for the running season.
As last season, Tt eSPORTS again generously provides us with hardware prizes for our 6v6 Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS. The distribution is as follows:
Premiership winner:
6x Tt eSPORTS MEKA G-UNIT Keyboard
6x Tt eSPORTS Battle Dragon Bag
Premiership runner-up:
Premiership third-place finisher:
Division 1 winner:
More Highlander Captains
Some new captains have been decided for their national teams:
(Egypt) WildEast
All the captains have been given access to the NC forum and can help us decide the specifics of the cup! We’re still accepting applicants for nations that have not been decided in this or the previous post.
poop has an X next to his name?
Did someone say “money prizes”? Because I definitely heard someone saying “money prizes” :D
Just wondering…
Punct worst captain EU why did I even recommend you?
Rinta: I wish it was that easy… Unfortunately it isn’t as we are just getting a new Multiplay contact. We hope to get it sorted “soon”
Just give Egypt their flag….
Ununocticum: Again, I wish it was that easy :D
I wish it was easy to thump your comment up Ununoctium :) … but I simply can’t
Giving the Scotland captaincy to a troll, what could possibly go wrong?
i am very confident in poop’s leadership, he has shown true greatness
Poop is not just “a troll”
he’s “a scottish troll”! see the difference! :)
Dont even care about Switzerland not being in it. Damn I’m such a patriot.
There are 9 Irish players?
he is asshole
atleast he doesnt scam people out of buds
wait – no latvian captain ?
seriously (Egypt) !!
and admins are satisfied about that ? try to do more effort please next time. kthnx
Adding those flags isn’t as easy as you think, Fred. It’s not a matter of us not putting effort in. :)
Yeah Egypt is just as European as Israel!
Egypt why you heff to be mad
FLippy :p
Why can’t you make the Nations Cup forum open for viewing but not posting? I wanna know what’s going on!
Everyone and their grandmother wants to be the Latvian captain :(
shame atomic is so fuckin’ bad and childish so he can’t be the Latvian captain
gl with that etf2l
In tarkus we trust!