Esports Heaven Velociraptor Challenge & Bans :(
April 14, 2012
Esports Heaven Velociraptor Challenge
The Velociraptor Challenge, hosted at Esports Heaven and sponsored by Western Digital, will kick off on Monday, April 16. All teams are welcome to play, the maximum signup number is 64. Currently only 14 teams have signed up which makes the scene look pretty bad and decreases the likeliness for sponsored TF2 cups on Esports Heaven in the future.
To all teams that already signed up but do not appear in the team list: Please make sure all of your players have entered a valid Steam ID. If they have not, they can do so here (you need to be logged in on the Esports Heaven website).
If we reach a signup number of more than 32 teams, the schedule is shown below. In case this number is not reached, an updated schedule will be published on Monday.
Week 1: Monday 16/04:
20:00 CEST UB Round 1 (cp_granary)
20:45 CEST UB Round 2 + LB Round 1 (cp_snakewater)
21:30 CEST UB Round 3 + LB Round 2 (cp_gravelpit)
Week 2: Monday 23/04:
20:00 CEST LB Round 3 (cp_granary)
20:45 CEST LB Round 4 + UB Round 4 (cp_badlands)
21:30 CEST LB Round 5 + UB Round 5 (cp_gullywash_final1)
Week 3: Monday 30/04:
20:00 CEST LB Round 6 (cp_snakewater)
20:45 CEST LB Round 7 (cp_gravelpit)
21:30 CEST LB Round 8 (cp_badlands)
21:00 CEST UB final (Best of 3) (teams pick maps)
Week 4: Monday 07/05:
20:00 CEST LB Round 9 (cp_gullywash_final1)
21:15 CEST LB Final (Best of 3) (teams pick maps)
Week 5: Monday 14/05:
21:15 CEST Grand Final (1-2 maps, team from UB can lose 1 map, team from LB can’t) (teams pick maps, team from LB can choose to pick first)
The following players are found guilty in account sharing during an ETF2L match and recieve a one-year ban from all ETF2L competitions:
The following players are found guilty in supporting the above players’ account sharing and are banned for one season from all ETF2L competitions:
HurricaneR – supporting account sharing – 1 season ban
Duff – supporting account sharing – 1 season ban
Kiler4fun – supporting account sharing – 1 season ban
Lil Brotha – supporting account sharing – 1 season ban
Kalhó – supporting account sharing – 1 season ban
All matches except the first round match (which was a noshow default win) of the team batdog in the Saffron Cup have been removed or changed to a default loss. The following default dates apply for replaying the affected matches. The teams can agree to play earlier. If neither team can play at the default date, the result will be decided with a coinflip.
The Enigma Zone Crew versus
Aftershock Gaming: Tuesday, April 17, 21:00 CEST (Result: 1-6)
Aftershock Gaming versus
Perilous Gaming: Sunday, April 22, 21:00 CEST
Obviously, this causes some delay. The deadlines for the semi-finals and the final will be moved.
- Semi-finals: Wednesday, April 25
- Final: Sunday, April 29
dont ban marcu !!!
ban the others but let marcu go
gotta love the justice
Situation 1:
-Danny banned
-Free Danny!
Situation 2:
-Beavern banned
-Free Beavern!
Situation 3:
-Free keyboard!
-Ban Marcu!
Don’t complain Reapy, be happy you share the house with lil so you can’t be proven =D
Not complaining at all, just making a joke out of it. Would it be of any use to complain? :D
you guys are fucking dumb eQ :D
o culpado disto foi o kalhó
Lil’ Brotha and Big Brotha aka Reaper to get perma banned for constant account sharing?! (i.e. living together and ALWAYS playing for each other)
Fairplay Award: Volum
did volum snitch
no but he left the sinking ship early enough to not get dragged down with it
lol ipz
do you know anything at all of what happen to say that?
good trick to take their premier slot
What was their trick? I don’t get it
Free kiler! Anyone whos played with him knows he hasn’t got a clue what’s going on at any point, he’s just runnin around kilin kids. Let a halfy walk I say.
Sad to see such a promising team go down in such a way. TF2 should be mourning not laughing.
Why Duff :/
Sad to see. :(
Half of eQuilibrium team is banned….. i lold hard wubwubwubw
Portuguese strikes again :DDDD
absolutely worth it
hardly worth mourning when its due their own stupidity :D
Keyboards, srs bsns.
Now eQ are gonna win season12 with me!!!
PS: carochito
we need more teams to sign uuup..
I beez in tha trap
t0dA is the true victim in all of this
so what game should i start playing guys? <3
also, we all still love you volum
We have 19 teams that are approved now! Go go, need more sign-ups.
Omg, poor eQuilibrium :((( they were good guys. At least I hope to see them at Season 13!
P.D: Don’t pay any attention to Stuppa comments, he’s retarded :(( Sorry about him guys
hahaha, are you guys really PUBLICLY getting mad at volum for snitching you out? You idiots should’ve not been doing this in the first place, trying to cheat the system to get keyboards you don’t deserve and you got caught. suck2bU
something like this happened to a turkish team like 3 seasons agoo.. but then it was a div5 team using a div1 player or something.
i wonder how do you prove it ?
What they did was wrong, but honestly I feel its even more ridiculous what volum did. Haunter, coinz, stuntz and toda to join eq now?
Sad to see Kiler4fun in this list.
Seriously, one of the nicest guys, and probably didn’t even know a damn of what was going on.
doks – i guess by comparing IPs of the players who pld on server and the suspected ppl previously =p
Sure what we did wasn’t correct at all, no doubt, but knowing that VoLuM only snitched because we didn’t let him play in duff’s account just proves how much of a baby and hypocrite he is.
Anyway, lesson learned and sorry for the mess we caused in the cup and I can guarantee that everyone who played are nice guys and just didn’t think it all through.
And in response to doks they can prove it by comparing the IP’s of the players and seeing if they match.
I was not insulting them fag-voice
Sure what we did wasn’t correct at all, no doubt, but knowing that VoLuM only snitched because we didn’t let him play in duff’s account just proves how much of a baby and hypocrite he is.
Anyway, lesson learned and sorry for the mess we caused in the cup and I can guarantee that everyone who played are nice guys and just didn’t think it all through.
VoLuM 2012
First of all y’all, he did not ‘snitch’ as in, he wasn’t the one who caused any suspicions. that was when we lost to a team with supposed 3 div 5 players – we’re not very good xD but we’re not that bad either! second of all for everybody reading, that’s their version of the events – the other one is that volum isnt a cheetah and did not want to partake in this
why they cup is 5v5? im sure we get more signups if we have 6v6…
I wouldn’t say what I said if I wasn’t sure about it.
I am sorry to tell you but I read steam logs where VoLuM directly said to Marcu before the game what I just said, and many other rude things that aren’t even worth mentioning. I just want to warn you that VoLuM isn’t who you think he is, because I’ve known him since he started playing tf2 and even having this in consideration he had no problem in screwing us just because he couldn’t also play (I still stand on what we did was not correct, but please, don’t say it’s “their version of the events” because it is what really happened). And he did snitch (maybe he wasn’t the one who told you, but he did) because he said he was going to do it did just as we started playing and also because your team said in the middle of the game something about marcu, implying blind was account sharing.
Another thing that also amazes me about VoLuM is when confronted about having snitched he didn’t admit it, maybe because he was afraid of the people who were in mumble at that time I don’t know really know, but after explicitly saying he would do it why not just admit it?
^ what dummy said :)
why the fuck cheating and account sharing lead to the same ban length ???
Wrock, the cup is 6v6
fairplay? haha volum used alts in Portuguese cups, just saying.. ;)
quote void
Indeed, account sharing and cheating shouldn’t have the same lenght :)
Also free marcu need my scout buddy back :P
lesson learn, next time we are better off just cheating then trying to be sneaky with accounts
maybe next time you should just be less weird and take your video games less seriously
Portugal representing well.
are you guys gonna all corner volum inside of the famed Portuguese TF2 House where you all live and group-sodomize him for snitching
dont free me! but i’ve got a question: why is my and blind’s ban longer in 7 months than the other multi accounts bans? :D
maybe you’re going to tie volum to the floor and have coinz punch his meaty fist through glass tables over top of him, over and over again
is haunter going to show his fatherly disappointment in kiler4fun by giving him a rigorous bare-bottom spanking
join free ;)
going in with djc
brilliant ideas djc xDD
made me cry
lik dis if u cry everytim ;(
djc: said: “maybe next time you should just be less weird and take your video games less seriously”
Portugal is the third world; they could sell those keyboards for half a year’s supply of grain!
“lesson learn, next time we are better off just cheating then trying to be sneaky with accounts”
Lol, gtfo you idiot. This ban serves you right for being the mongs you are. Couldve seen it coming when you desided to pull this trick in order to win some keyboards :)
We should start on personal insulting :) That’s just being rude. Dinner has been served. Now please just don’t start a flame war :)
I meant we shouldn’t :P
Not the first time VoLuM backstabbing the Portuguese community and by that I’m not saying that the bans are wrong.
Ps: Funny how volum admits on pt forums : p.
funny how buthurt u are
well done volum
Kalhó: said:
April 14th, 2012 at 16:25
lesson learn, next time we are better off just cheating then trying to be sneaky with accounts
This promoting cheating should be punished.
They took the risk and got caught.
Important esh cup! w/e
oh yea, and some bans….OMG OMG DRAMA
Oh etf2l, you never disappoint!
tl;dr Join the esh cup.
dont be mad Vlijm, i was just trying to see the fun part of all of this now
its the ony thing i got left to do xD
“We shouldn’t start on personal insulting :) That’s just being rude. Dinner has been served. Now please just don’t start a flame war :)”
I like you Kiler. FREE KILER!
Serving diner al day long!
Ban Swifty, Morphine and Minimoose.
inb4 mexicans
hey leave phytek alone!
Wow volum called out some people breaking the rules, what a prick.
Gimme that steam group
Err, can someone point me to the exact rule in etf2l that forbids account sharing? Because I can’t find it..
btw – if i was still at full time college… id have 2 IP`s during the week… 1 from home and 1 from the dorms – would i get banned too ?
well i guess since no other nickname would play with my 2nd IP – i wouldnt… but still…
oh and Casual.. its not about the etf2l rules.. its about the season or cup rules wich means: no mercs allowed without enemies permition :P
So why weren’t they banned for that or violating that specific cup’s rules?
I just find it weird that they’re banned for something which etf2l doesn’t even have a rule for :/
You could put this under the “Any attempts of fraud” rule, but my opinion is that if you’re going to hand out such harsh punishment the reason should be explicitly stated in the rules.
they still upset cuz Portugal reached the semi finals of the nations cup.
Does this means Volum gets the fair play award now?
I still don’t understand why marcu/blind ban is as long as a aimbot/wh one, like marcu already mentioned the last bans due to account sharing had a shorter duration (5 months) and as Casual said, as it is explained right now it isn’t understandable why such a long ban duration. I just get the feeling that being green and red is negative characteristic here…
with a yellow dot in the middle to make things easier to understand
im so confused hurricaner what the heck is being green and red (and yellow marcu) :D
Their flag you moron
fuck off idiot
Casual: Rule 7.3 in combination with common sense.
Last time I checked common sense did not apply here (
or in the case of this team
I’m not saying these people don’t deserve punishment since they clearly broke the rules.
Why not list the correct offence instead of 1. using a reason that isn’t in your rules, 2. justify inventing a reason on the spot by referring to the ‘admins can ban you for w/e LOL’ rule, 3. make up more reasons (common sense LOL). Imho, if the punishment is harsh the rules should be *very* clear about what’s allowed and what isn’t.
And I haven’t even started about the harsh punishment although I’ll assume there are aggravating circumstances we’re not being told about and hold utmost confidence in the professionalism of the etf2l admins. ;)
Casual – there are no special circumstances. They used accounts of other players to play, they got caught, they got banned
Let’s put it this way casual:
If you were still playing in div6 last season, and every team would get their higher ranked buddies to play in their place against you, you wouldn’t stand a chance to win, would you?
There were rules to prevent teams with too many div2+ players signing up, to make this a cup in which lower div teams would be able to show themselves, draw your conclusions.
maybe its just me but I feel like these guys should just be banned from cups and the like and not from league seasons
or maybe im too much of a softy