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Season 12 Map Poll & Season 11 Awards

Date April 13, 2012

Season 12 Map Polls

Over the past four days we have given everyone the chance to nominate their favourite maps for the Season 12 map pool – here are the top 5 maps you nominated.

You can either vote 1 or 2 maps on this poll. The poll will be open until Sunday April 15, after which the map pool for the ETF2L Season 12 will be announced.

Which two maps should be added to the map pool for Season 12? You can vote for one or two maps but two will be added after all.

Total Voters: 999

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You can sign up for Season 12 here!

Season 11 Awards

You voted – here are the results! Congratulations to all winners:

  • Scout of the Season: Germany Schocky
  • Soldier of the Season: Wales Mike
  • Demoman of the Season: England numlocked
  • Medic of the Season: Denmark F2
  • Off-classer of the Season: Sweden TviQ
  • MVP of the Season: Germany Schocky
  • Best Premier Division Debut of the Season: Sweden TviQ
  • Surprisingly Good Team of the Season: Russia uV Gaming
  • Upcoming Talent of the Season: UK Mr. G – String
  • Fairplay Award: England Team Colonslash: Reditio
  • People’s Choice Award: Russia Angel


There was a … let’s call it “error in our database” due to which we lost the Season 12 waiting list. Luckily we had a backup and readded the teams. If your team signed up on Monday or Tuesday, you should check if you are still signed up in case we missed your team and re-sign up if we did. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.


  1. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

    croissant might be cool, but i’m not really bothered.

  2. Spike Himself: TC said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)


  3. nTraum: \V/ Gold - LAME said:

    Thanks to everyone who has not voted for this 15 y old jewish kiddie.

  4. Perry the Platypus: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry


  5. omrish said:

    where’s retshock?

  6. Septique said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry
    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)

  7. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    numlocked tore it up in the finals tbh (Didn’t watch any other games)

  8. schocky: MAFIA said:

    thanks! <3

  9. AnimaL said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)

    doesnt matter what other map will be in pool, it could be any of the remaining ones…

    looking forward to not playing on it cuz nobody will pcw on it

  10. akarin said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry

    Except I never played foundry and idk but obscure was already in and that one final on it… I will miss watching gravelpit games but I think it’s time for it to go

  11. Homer J.: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    If foundry wins you have to allow gunslinger, cause teleport is necessary on this map.

  12. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Funny how, just scrolling through the first few pages of the thread on which this vote is based, freight got AT LEAST as many nominations as turbine for example, but is not in the vote at all…
    community league – you´re doin it wrong

  13. Andee: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

  14. v1ruuz said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

  15. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Sorry Nuck; we counted votes from ALL the pages, not just the first few.

    League bashing; you’re doing it wrong! :+

  16. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

    Tf2 = dead when we stop playing gpit

  17. doks said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

    please for the love of god dont vote for the others -_-

  18. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    didn’t really expected to win it lol, thanks people who voted for me

  19. Netsky said:

    Where is my tc_hydro?

  20. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Foundry! :D

  21. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

    No gravel and no foundry plz :)!

  22. GeaR: Epsilon said:


  23. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    obscure and turbine here..gravelpit is awful :(

  24. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

    Croissant is not ready to be played TBH, too many bugs and the big changes suggest that it’s not complete.

  25. fe said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry

    gpit must go, nobody plays it. as well as turbine.
    and foundry is a really good map for 6v6.

  26. comedown: 4-25 said:

    obscure_final go go go

  27. Vaskie: BulletClub said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry

  28. rarecandy said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

    28 minutes on obscure last, never forget

  29. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    I don’t want any of those i hate tou all

  30. Mike: TEZC said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

  31. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

  32. afro said:

    if there is no obscure, I will quit tf2

  33. The Pledge said:

    Are you kidding me? You want to have Obscure in, and then the same will happen to it as what happened to Freight this season. People will not practice it, the officials (in prem/div1) will look ridiculous because of that, and at the end of the season everyone will toss the map back into the ocean.

    There are only 2 ways possible to take the map pool to the next level:
    1. Use new maps and force them into the league to be played (croissant, foundry and toxic)
    2. Don’t use them until they are done, but only have a map pool of 4 maps. TF2 only has 4 good maps, why force adding 2 more that are terrible and nobody can agree on which ones to add?

    I voted for croissant, because I prefer it over any other map in there and it goes into #1. ETF2L – get your head out of the community’s ass and DECIDE yourself, force maps and see how that pans out. Or get some sense and only use the maps that are actually loved within TF2 and are completely done.

    – Pledge

  34. Spike Himself: TC said:

    @Pledge Making brackets of 8 teams (=7 weeks, 14 maps) with a pool of only 4 maps wouldn’t make for a very interesting season imo.

  35. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    what did TC team did to get fairplay award? I am just curious

  36. Kaneco said:

    Why isn’t there any KOTH love in Europe?

    Every ESEA game from those damn americans I watch on KOTH maps are fantastic… Why not have a variety of map styles in the pool? (CP, CTF, CP SW, KOTH)

  37. Tarkus: aHn said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

  38. Spike Himself: TC said:

    @Tardus Not much. We waited more than half an hour between maps so our opponent could sort out their line-up. We had 3 nominations in the nominations thread. No clue why people voted for us :D

  39. Alba: Bully said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

  40. The Pledge said:

    Spike, if “just because it doesn’t look nice” is the reason for adding terrible/unplayed maps, then I have more complaints towards the ETF2L admins that I need to address. But I presume there’s more reasons.

    A season is not supposed to be “interesting”. It is supposed to be good. And the fact is, right now, no matter what the result is gonna be of this poll – there will be complaints and whine. Not because they didn’t get what they want, but because everyone has a different opinion and while you guys try to please the majority to make sure we have “interesting maps”, I say you please the majority by only playing on GOOD maps. And let’s be honest – there are only 4 good maps in TF2.
    Croissant has a lot of potential, but isn’t done yet, but will be for S13 and then it should be re-evaluated. Turbine is something we tried, but failed. Gravelpit has served its purpose and is now done (like Well, Obscure and Freight). And Foundry just doesn’t seem right for competitive play, even though I can see it working out with some tweaks.

    Point is, there are 4 good maps, and even though you might think that a season gets interesting with more/different maps, ETF2L should make the BEST season possible, not the most interesting one. And that happens with the best teams, on the best maps, with the best coverage and the best league. And so far, there is one of those four that are failing at what they are supposed to do.

    I hope ETF2L changes their mind.

    – Pledge

  41. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I wasn’t disagreeing with you (hence I didn’t comment on the rest of your post). It’s just that 4 maps in a pool just doesn’t work.
    Map elimination/playoffs to throw in a random example.

  42. Ghostface: spire said:

    Snakewater is the biggest piece of shit map ever.

    I said it I meant it.

  43. The Pledge said:

    Badlands and Gullywash are the most popular maps of those 4 – Let them be played 4 times and Snake+Gran 3 times, that’s 14 maps in total. Easy to mix to balance every week in maps.
    Playoffs are always Bo3 afaik, and in SC:BW pretty much the same thing happens. Their solution is to fix the first map for the game, and then the loser picks the next map from the remaining 3 maps.

    As an example, let’s presume a Single Elimination Cup that ETF2L can run. ETF2L decides for Badlands to be the first map, which Team 1 wins over Team 2. Then Team 2 will decide on the second map, say Gullywash. If Team 1 wins – game over. If Team 2 wins, Team 1 picks the last map (decider).

    It’s a very elegant map system imo, which works perfectly fine considering TF2 is never played more than a Bo3.

    – Pledge

    PS. Sorry I misunderstood your earlier comment, I hope you didn’t take offense to it <3

  44. Warmaster: -[MG]- - HL said:

    I have to agree with Pledge to some extent. We shouldn’t try maps again that didn’t work out in the past. Maps like Well, Freight, Obscure…(seriously, to those who voted this, watch the epsilon vs buttonbashers final again, you’ll love it!)

    New maps should be given a chance though. It’s the best way to introduce them to the community (as the cups have proven).

  45. Brainmaster: GoT<3 - #WW said:

    Warmaster, any link ?? :)

  46. phife: бекон said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry

    hiyaa! i love foundry<3

  47. Konnaaa said:

    Damnn u f2! :D

  48. mati13 said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

  49. Mark: Phase said:

    Byte had to make a completely new version of Obscure because the old one was so bad, and now you guys want to play it again?

  50. Nicolas Cage In The Wickerman: BM said:

    I don’t mean to whine but where is viaduct_pro or follower? Did they not make the first cut? If so, that’s a shame, was hoping to see those map get some playtime in europe though I suppose people want to play badlands -> gully -> granary over and over.

  51. Mark: Phase said:

    Next season’s poll, no one will vote for Obscure, but everyone will vote for Well.

  52. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit

  53. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    @Nicolas Cage
    follower was tried and (I’m pretty certain) universally hated. Viaduct – and koth in general – you either love it or you hate it and most people seem to fall in the latter category.

  54. cookye: (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    abloobloobloo i will never be scout of the season

  55. Asskicker: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:


  56. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:


  57. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    Has viaduct_pro ever been tried in pu2?

  58. FrankTheTank said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

  59. Paul: CotC said:

    Well and Hyrdo Season 13!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN! <3333

  60. dougiie: CotC said:


  61. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

  62. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Congratulations to Mr. G – String. Absolutely deserved. :)

  63. Flank: nt. said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

  64. Clark: SDCK! said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

  65. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

    “Gravelpit has served its purpose and is now done” – rofl

  66. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: Now you’re gonna go far like all the previous seasons one
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: like…Biester…oh he is still in div 3
    19:08 – Mr. G – String 界: lol
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: Or xTime….oh
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: okay
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: TheSucker?!
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: Oh…also in div 3
    19:08 – Mr. G – String 界: lol
    19:08 – Hildreth ❤uBs❤: Well you had a good run

  67. Paul: CotC said:


  68. Leif said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gravelpit
    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)

    Gravelpit has been playing since S1 and there’s no reasons to remove it, as it is the only map that offers a different gameplay style than 5CP. And it’s good.

    I just keep wondering why people like Obscure_final btw.

  69. lemonella said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_obscure_final (the old, snowy one)
    You have successfully voted for: ctf_turbine_pro (rules tba)

    watching euros play turbine is what made me originally join etf2l.
    let this yank play it please.

  70. Battery said:


  71. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    gpit + turbine gooo

  72. matnuN said:

    omg, why can`t we play only the 4 GOOD maps?!?!?!

  73. Ordinator: tuhi said:

    Why everybody assume snakewater is good map? Mid is clusterfuck, on second u can be denied by sniper super easy and last almost bad as freight’s last, yet its on par with granlands and gully. wtf
    voted for obscure and gpit because others even worse

  74. mati13 said:

    cp_obscure_final is the best snow map ever. And cp_gravelpit is a must in every season, gives a nice map different from the classic 5CP maps :>

  75. #n00pe said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_croissant (the newest version)
    You have successfully voted for: cp_foundry

  76. mesa said:

    wow, now many stars love playing golf, because it can keep body more slim and healthy, now you see: http://x.vu/244494