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Experimental Highlander Cup #1 round-up and Final details

Date February 10, 2012

Despite some slight technical hitches and delays, we managed to hold our first ever experimental one-night cup for Highlander! We saw plenty of really close and superb matches on some unorthodox maps, which will hopefully translate into some constructive feedback for their creators. With 42 signups, we divided the teams into three brackets – Low, Mid and High – with Low and Mid having 16 teams each and High having 10 teams with 6 teams receiving byes for the first round.

The results of the first 3 rounds have left us with the following matchups:

High Bracket

European SNSD v Finland Colony

Mid Bracket

 Italy GFM Highlander team v  Belarus Free Fire

Low Bracket

 Sweden Gibs \’R\ Us’ v  International The Low-Fi High-Five Team

Congratulations to those teams and thank you for everyone who took part tonight, please remember to give your feedback in this thread.

The maps for the Final are currently – cp_upland_rc2, cp_foundry and ctf_turbine_pro_rc1 as the decider map. The final will be played in a best of 3 maps format.

Due to the amount of default wins on pl_barnblitz, we will give teams the option to replace either cp_upland or cp_foundry with pl_barnblitz for the final providing both teams agree to swap one of these maps. The decider map (if required) will be ctf_turbine_pro_rc1. Please make sure you make a note of the maps you have decided  to play on the match page. Teams will have until Sunday 19th February to play their matches.

Season 11 Playoffs

Playoffs will be held between March 18th and March 31st. Write it down, cancel all other engagements, consider yourselves notified.

Premier Division Playoffs

  • 4th vs 3rd: March 18th – March 24th
  • Winner vs 2nd: March 25th – March 31st or sooner
  • Winner vs 1st: April 1st – April 7th or sooner

Yet More Bans

The following players have been banned:

  • Russia Fix – Wallhack; Triggerbot – 1 year ban
  • Wales HaKo – Aimbot; nospread – 1 year ban
  • England Ghost7 – alt account of HaKo – 1 year ban


  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    oh snap

  2. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    why hako, he doenst hack. hes such a nice guy?

  3. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    ba dum tis

  4. Wacked said:

    Love an argument that was in Fix’s favour “I’m his brother, watch him play all the time” Yet he didnt notice jack shit. Good one.

  5. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:


  6. Quik: vs - Fe | said:

    fix was obvious one :D

  7. Taimou said:

    what :D

  8. Setlet said:

    Can someone explain how dows “nospread” cheat help? Do you do full damage with the minigun from every range?

  9. Q-Ball: ƒusg said:

    Well that’s sad

  10. irfx: EPA said:

    “Fix – Wallhack; Triggerbot”

    inb4 thread about discrimination of russians! wait, nobody knows this guy, no thread :/

  11. n00ne said:

    wtf hako? :D Fix getting banned is bs

  12. Q-Ball: ƒusg said:

    Colony for the win! :D

  13. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    @setlet: Nospread means that weapons with bulletspread like the pistol or the Minigun always Hit where you place your Crosshair

  14. FIR: SnG said:

    Wtf Hako?

  15. Dak1ne said:

    “Fix” Finally Fixed Lololol
    allways knew that hako was hacking ffs fucking cunt.

  16. vthrd: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    fix :(

  17. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:


  18. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    :((( hi flippy

  19. Abra said:

    its sad that fix banned.i dunno for sure but from what i saw in games vs him i can say he was not so good as quad,beavern or me when we where banned. Cheaters have bad cheats nowadays.

  20. tasKu: e-famous said:

    why hako :D

  21. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    “why hako, he doenst hack. hes such a nice guy?”

    Haha good one

  22. ( /ʃɔ’jɛ/ [↘↗] ): keso said:

    lol hako is a bad guy

    also I can never seem to remember when the playoffs are, could someone remind me?

  23. T-Mac: DA! said:

    Nice to see Fix banned.
    Had the chance to see the demos and he was so obvious. I saw the tomorrow of tek’s video and he wasnt cheating on, but he was so funny he’s very bad.
    Please never come back.

  24. HaKo: Poo - Poo said:

    omg didnt even look at any demos. bad ac team
    I demand a recount.

    p.s. aimbot, triggerbot, wallhack, esp, nospread, norecoil, projectile aimbot, 2d radar, smooth aim + crouch jump script.

    oj about the script i’m not a shitty

  25. T-Mac: DA! said:

    Nice to see Fix banned.
    Had the chance to see the demos and he was so obvious. I saw the tomorrow of tek’s video and he wasnt cheating on, but he was so funny he’s very bad.
    I feel sorry for his team.
    Please never come back.

  26. HaKo: Poo - Poo said:

    p.s.s i got my hacks from turbomonkey so ban him aswell

  27. silleh said:

    They don’t need demos HaKo. Community4scrubs run by scrubs.


  28. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    pls give chatlogs haKo

  29. SquirryKnife: nNT ≠ said:

    Fix banned? Kidding me!? Then ban all fraggers that they’re in div6 and they have aim like div2, oke, you should start , very long list, haha;)

    Russian discrimination –“

  30. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Dealt with.

  31. Fix: [DU-R] - #WW said:


  32. LimeBowler said:

    Hako, such a character..

  33. HaKo: Poo - Poo said:


  34. BaTMaN: [MC] said:


  35. Tarkus: aHn said:

    nice delay guys but good job =_=

  36. verceal said:

    Honestly I know this AC Team has gone to shit now Chris is not there. The Anti Cheat team needs to be changed and improved, and now I do not see it happening because the driving force for change is not here. I am not saying that the bans are wrong, I am saying has anyone seen any improvement in the Anti Cheat Team since he was not there? There is no talk of the things they said but now does the new AC Team even want to do them? It is really a shame because I do not think that He would let it go this long. What are the problemsЫ?

    It is now three months from Beaverns unban when they said about this and when I asked him about it he was really wanting to do it ASAP and thought it was a big issue. But yet I see nothing now. And who is the AC Team now anyway? Just hys?

    And yes I posted this under a fake account, but trust me I don’t do that for no reason at all.

  37. Trent: ‹Con› said:

    Love how the community cares more about 2 idiot hackers than the first ever experimental highlander cup (and its >378 players).

  38. clippen said:

    highlander = instant don’t care

  39. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    free fix

  40. theoz: ez-sports.ru said:

    free silleh

  41. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    Hahaha fix

  42. Aplon said:

    haha, have fun with the ban prick

  43. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    Good job, flippy :D