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The Season 11 Map Pool

Date January 12, 2012

3 days, 2 polls, 2,219 votes and we have 6 maps. Firstly, the results of the initial poll featuring obscure_final, croissant and bazillion:

Poll 1

  • Badlands – 946 – 92%
  • Gullywash – 921 – 90%
  • Granary – 802 – 78%
  • Snakewater – 760 – 74%
  • Freight – 511 – 50%
  • Gravelpit – 503 – 49%
  • Foundry – 460 – 45%
  • Obscure – 424 – 41%
  • Croissant – 256 – 25%
  • Bazillion – 198 – 19%

Total voters – 1,024

Secondly (and more importantly), the remade poll featuring turbine and viaduct after their initial exclusion was questioned:

Poll 2:

  • Badlands – 1074 – 90%
  • Gullywash – 1055 – 88%
  • Granary – 954 – 80%
  • Snakewater – 836 – 70%
  • Freight – 632 – 53%
  • Gravelpit – 601 – 50%
  • Foundry – 505 – 42%
  • Turbine – 465 – 39%
  • Viaduct – 443 – 37%

Total voters – 1,195

Users who voted in the second poll:

  • 1 answer – 13 – 1%
  • 2 answers – 12 – 1%
  • 3 answers – 35 – 3%
  • 4 answers – 90 – 8 %
  • 5 answers – 209 – 17%
  • 6 answers – 836 – 70%

So there you have it. The Season 11 Map Pool is:

S11 Map Pool

  • cp_badlands
  • cp_gullywash_final1
  • cp_granary
  • cp_snakewater
  • cp_freight_final1
  • cp_gravelpit

The 7th map, cp_foundry, will be the decider map in any and all Season 11 playoffs. This means that during the map-pick/elimination phases, teams only need to pick 2 maps rather than 3.


Playoffs will be held between March 18th and March 31st. Write it down, cancel all other engagements, consider yourselves notified.

Premier Division Playoffs

  • 4th vs 3rd: March 18th – March 24th
  • Winner vs 2nd: March 25th – March 31st or sooner
  • Winner vs 1st: April 1st – April 7th or sooner

Staff Changes

Our lead Anti-Cheat admin UK octochris has decided to call it a day on TF2, again. Chris had a great impact on the team when joining 3 months ago, and since then has been a valuable asset and contributor to various staff discussions. We thank him for his hard work and wish him the best in his future endeavours.

Consequently, this leaves Serbia hys on his lonesome on the Anti-Cheat team. If you think you can replace Chris, or that you can help us out on the Anti-Cheat team, please send an email to [email protected], telling us who you are, why you want to join us and why you think you would be any good.


  1. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Some people only voted 2 maps, turbine and viaduct. But that didn’t help either.

  2. verostat JOHNSON: (^-^)v said:

    Could you also show how the map votes were distributes among divisions? Would love to know how the votes changed with divisions, especially w.r.t. freight.

  3. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    If some admin wants to count that, yes. I do not want to :|

  4. verostat JOHNSON: (^-^)v said:

    Upload the raw data and some nerd will have fun :D

  5. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    AnAkIn to Anti-Cheat team!

  6. antyjc: 2ne1 said:

    i would leave something offensive here but i would just get banned.

    so instead.

    Great job ETF2L.

  7. boomeh: Tplay said:

    The 7th map, cp_foundry, will be the decider map in any and all Season 11 playoffs. This means that during the map-pick/elimination phases, teams only need to pick 2 maps rather than 3.

    do you have any idea how dumb this is? smk2jnts multigammon does not approve (not even trolling its so fucking dumb my head is hurting from confusion)

  8. rarecandy said:

    freight :”'(

    well the community has spoken

  9. verostat JOHNSON: (^-^)v said:

    Also, a question when you write cp_freight, do you infact mean the old freight or the official freight_final1? (or have I messed them up?)

  10. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    cp_freight_final1, the official one that does not have to be downloaded.
    Same applies to cp_gullywash_final1.
    Snakewater is just cp_snakewater, which is the latest version.

  11. Paria: Rob1 said:

    Fuck freight, the most awfull step back TFé has made in years guys …

    Voting is a really bad way to detemrine map pools, as there is much more D6 players who don’t even know how to play than D3 + players who begins to master the game …

    Freight, seriously …

  12. vrn said:

    The 7th map, cp_foundry, will be the decider map in any and all Season 11 playoffs. This means that during the map-pick/elimination phases, teams only need to pick 2 maps rather than 3.


    why gravelpit. why. nobody is ever playing that map except 1 or 2 times before the official. dont get it.

  13. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    ….dunno about the rest but I would prefer not to play final1 versions of both gully and freight :( (also wtf freight?)

  14. Taimou said:

    The 7th map, cp_foundry, will be the decider map in any and all Season 11 playoffs. This means that during the map-pick/elimination phases, teams only need to pick 2 maps rather than 3.

    and freight in map pool

    very fucking well done idiots.

    Fuck every single russian and everyone else who voted for freight too.

  15. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    smk2joints multigammon says FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  16. fRx: LG said:

    why gravel again ffs. people never learn

  17. Warmaster: -[MG]- - HL said:

    I don’t get why freight is suddenly back. I thought we had finally made the (correct) decision to get rid of it……

  18. dauk said:

    obscure is down, tf2 is alive.

  19. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:





    Oh you ain’t kiddin

  20. cookye: (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    why freight why

  21. arc: iSlam said:

    being in the army sucks, but atleast i dont have to play freight. :3

  22. Angel of Gods said:

    Damn i wanted Foundry so much!

  23. aeq said:

    Nice that turbine is gone, hopefully forever.

  24. Gntmn: Team said:


  25. Eledorian: DAKKA said:

    Ugh freight.

  26. Trane said:

    Freight what

  27. Sefas: G7 - FrF said:


  28. Zylaen: FaZe said:



  29. atmo said:

    bye chris, have fun with your racing games for two weeks before you come back

  30. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Freight is such a fucking dumb map. I guess those 50% that didn’t already know are about to find out the hard way (good luck pushing, idiots!)

  31. Link!: .:ne:. said:


    wait i dont have a team

  32. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:


    also although I think foundry’s a cool map, why on earth make it possibly the most important map in the league (if it decides the final place a team gets) when it’s not even in the map pool?

  33. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    delete snakewater then tis a good mappool

  34. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    Freight – 632 – 53%

  35. The Pledge said:

    Two things I like to say about all this, well maybe three.

    1. The community has spoken, complaining about maps will never work ;)
    2. It seems that when there’s such a big difference in map vote percentages, making the top 6 official seems weird. Not only is the percentage between the top 4 and the rest huge (>17%), but the difference between option 5 and the least chosen map, is the same (16%). This makes me think that creating a map pool of only four maps seems a lot better than six.
    3. Has the Gpit bug been fixed yet? Else it seems stupid to include the map either way.

    If any of the admins can shed some light on point #2, I’d like to discuss this properly ^^ Feel free to pm me on irc as well if you feel like wasting some time discussing tf2 issues :D

    – Patrick

  36. Xerofset: DMS! said:

    Freight ???

  37. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    nice wp you bunch of fucking div 6 cunts, why dont you go play cod instead?

  38. Mark: Phase said:

    The dumbest thing about all this is that sooooo many people voted who aren’t even going to play in season 11.

    And I bet if you ran a poll asking if people wanted freight removed, the majority would vote to remove it and have 5 maps.

    Just a dumb and badly thought out system, as expected.

  39. konr: idd. said:

    Why the fuck are we playing the official gullywash and not the pro version? The pro version is miles fucking better what the fuck?

  40. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    Did anyone past div 3 vote for freight? It’s such a bad map… Also WTF with the foundry rule!

  41. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    @MInd: Several Premiership, Div1 and Div2 players voted for freight. If I could actually click the names I would probably do a chart for that. But I cba looking up every name, especially when there’s more important things to do.

    @Mark: Wondering where you get your insight from, surely there’s people that wont play in S11. But you get those in every vote. As if all highlander or players without a team voted for freight just to piss 6v6 players and genereally teams in S11 off…

  42. jörb: hood said:

    MInd, stop being elitist Maddington Bear.

  43. Mark: Phase said:

    Sonny, so you’re agreeing with me then. Ta.

  44. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    I am not saying there are none, but they are surely not the majority, that swung the odds in favor of freight.

  45. Roque: brz - [hePPa] said:


  46. Marshu said:

    mfw no foundry, viaduct or turbine


  47. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    gotta love it when valuable admin work is met with whinging and tears

    so begins the cycle again. I can’t wait for the LAWL NICE DIVS megathread

  48. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I voted for freight :D

    150 times :D

  49. Mark: Phase said:

    It discredits the entire poll, much like how last time people were asked to vote for 6, then later asked to vote for however many they liked.

  50. Shotgun Junior said:

    I like how everyone swears at ETF2L for not including viaduct and turbine, then in the next poll don’t vote for these maps, and finally find a new map to bash ETF2L with.

    Such a nice community…

  51. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Seriously.. Freight? There’s a reason for why this map got removed from the map pool few seasons ago :\
    Also, the law about foundry should be changed imo. (p.s: shit stalemate map)

  52. Extremer said:

    Revoke the TF2 playing license of anyone who voted for freight.

    Fuck you.

  53. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:


  54. Garm3n: SdX BLU - sdx said:

    and everything below 70% won’t make it into the map pool. better luck next season.

  55. wer: pulkai - tfortress.no said:

    Democracy doesn’t work.

  56. torden: broder - syster said:

    good thought with foundry, but a bad idea. Will mean nobody is going to practice the map properly, until they enter a decider map lottery.

  57. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    I don’t even understand how freight got that many votes. Honestly.
    It’s only fun in trollmixes and even then it’s worse than most maps.
    cu@s11, derptactics

  58. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    I already applied 5 times as an anticheat admin -.- you really seem to need help…

  59. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:


  60. lolage: TSPAG said:

    I’m not going to moan about the maps really as the community voted so nobody to blame really apart from particular community members.

    “The 7th map, cp_foundry, will be the decider map in any and all Season 11 playoffs. This means that during the map-pick/elimination phases, teams only need to pick 2 maps rather than 3.”

    I don’t understand why the 7th most liked map suddenly gets to be the map which can potentially be the most important game for you? Its not like people are going to play it as they will the other maps due to the chances of playing it are a lot less than the other maps…

  61. jonii: fm-eSportstf2 said:

    this is fucking retard shit

    tf2 is nearly dead and “the community” wants to keep playing the same maps they always did, instead of trying new ones

    also letting everyone vote is a terrible idea, but oh well :D

  62. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    OK so now we remove the bottom two and vote again? ^___^

  63. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:

    +1 Admirable

  64. Serega: 4-25 said:

    okay. gravelpit again ;/

  65. GeaR: Epsilon said:

    no more obscure, but freight now. I mean why can’t we play a season without shit maps?

    +1 admirable

  66. meeeeeh said:

    i am div 6 and gonna play heavy engy on last and sniper to mid + maybe heavy to mid just to troll those lobby scrubs and show them the other side of their favourite FRIGHT.


  67. tapley: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Removing the bottom two and them asking everyone to vote again for the last 2 maps is actually a good idea.

    P.s. Did Beavern just pay Chris to become an AC admin so he could unban him, then he’d spend his bribe money on sambucca shots at lan? Disgracefull.

  68. LuckyLuke: UbeR | said:

    Nice map pool! :)

  69. biester said:

    chris gone – lets ban beavern again

  70. Lukas: ti. said:


  71. Jorman: EPA said:

    *Snakewater – 836 – 70%*

    I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…

  72. mustardoverlord: :) said:

    sambucca isn’t even good man

  73. Tearmisu said:

    I voted for G-Pit and Turbine as they were the only maps out of the bottom 5 I could play without murdering myself.

  74. antyjc: 2ne1 said:

    Utility Limit 1.

    TF2 is no longer boring and you can’t play like faggots on last.

    you can thank me later

  75. konr: idd. said:

    Sam/penta: “I already applied 5 times as an anticheat admin -.- you really seem to need help…”
    No offence mate but you also thought that Wire only detected ring0. Ever thought out of the old applicants they haven’t found anyone they find suitable?

  76. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    I love freight, and so do 510 others on this website.
    Stop flaming, it’s a democratic vote, do I like to play badlands over and over again?
    No, but the majority still likes it so what can i do about it?

  77. fluffy: brz said:

    Gravelpit – 601 – 50%
    How is that even possible? Gpit should be close to badlands and gullywash, and atleast above snakewater. Has the freight changed much since earlier seasons? Atleast couple of seasons ago it was fine.

  78. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Why the fuck do people keep voting on gravelpit and freight all the time? No one likes the maps, noone plays them, but somehow they keep being in the map pools. Is this magic of some kind?

  79. Peign: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Well, Gravelpit is one of the best maps in my eyes. And as it seems other players like Gravelpit. Or let’s just say they like Gravelpit more than other maps like Viaduct.