Promotions, Relegations, Minor Updates and Unban
November 17, 2011
It has taken a while, but we can now announce promotions and relegation critera for non-premier divisions! Please bear in mind that we have to consider the new Season 11 structure when deciding these spots, as well as factor in the madness that is the pre-season division seeding. We’d like to have just one group in Division 1 next season and see the skill levels in both Division 1 and 2 rise, so hopefully teams in Division 2 will understand not having automatic promotions. They are welcome to request a Division 1 spot when they sign up to Season 11.
- Division 1: The bottom 4 teams from each group will be relegated.
- Division 2: No teams will be promoted. The bottom 4 teams from each group will be relegated.
- Division 3: The top team from each group will be promoted.The bottom 3 teams from each group will be relegated.
- Division 4: The top 2 teams from each group will be promoted. The bottom 3 teams from each group will be relegated.
- Division 5: The top 2 teams from each group will be promoted. The bottom 2 teams from each group will be relegated.
- Division 6: The top 3 teams from each group will be promoted.
BeaVerN ban overturned
As you may already know, we have been rebuilding our anti-cheat team from scratch for some time now. We currently have a small team of promising AC admins, which in addition to senior AC admin octochris, includes the new admins
hys and
Steve. After proving themselves more than worthy, they reviewed a ban which has been in question since it was issued, namely
BeaVerN’s case. After reviewing the demo and previous evidence, they unanimously concluded to that no evidence of cheating could be found. This means that BeaVerN is unbanned with immediate effect, and is to be considered a fully legitimate player.
The anti-cheat would like to say the following:
Let us start by apologising for how long this has taken. It is utterly indefensible that an innocent player and his team have been hung out to dry for two seasons having been convicted of an act that he did not perform. We are utterly disgusted by the conduct that we have seen from some members of the previous AC team, and we will not justify it for one second. This was a mistake, a big mistake, and there are no excuses for what happened, but the best that we can do is learn from it, and make things right again.
You might say that it is very easy for us to criticise our predecessors, as we weren’t part of the team at the time, but we intend to make good on our promises of improvement. We are very committed to making sure that the process is much fairer and consistent for everyone that chooses to make ETF2L the place that they play TF2, for example, we are currently rewriting anti-cheat protocol, and we intend to shortly set up a documented system for reviews of existing bans.
A human-patrolled anti-cheat system can never be flawless, but we can certainly strive to be better.
BeaVerN wishes to state the following:
I want to thank my friends on Steam, all the people who have supported me, and a special thanks to my clan.
We are very sorry that BeaVerN and his team Quarantine have been prevented from enjoying ETF2L for most of this year, and we offer our most sincere apologies for the time it has taken to have the case reviewed. In line with the BeaVerN review, the anti-cheat team will have a policy that allows appeals for future and past cases.
More Updates
First off, an update for highlander teams: Being released mid-season and affecting gameplay, The Bombinomicon is banned from the Highlander League. The Apoco-Fist skin is allowed.
We also have some updates from the land of exciting TF2 cups: Excello are hosting another ZOWIE TF2 Challenge, sponsored by ZOWIE. Signing up will help competitive TF2’s future, so be sure to have a look!
The Esports Heaven Sapphire Challenge Final between Epsilon and
Relic is expected to take place at around a week from now. Unfortunately
yoyotech are unavailable to play the third-place playoff, so
Infused receive 3rd place, and thus £50.
On a lighter note, our lovely site coder has added an “add friend” icon to the user and team pages to make it easier to add people to Steam Friends. Enjoy!
free boomeh ?
thanks guys :)
JUSTICE PREVAIL dummmmdummmmmmmmmmmm
Gz brah o/
nice BeaVerN, gz :)
boomeh fucking cheater WE MEET AGAIN
lmao @beavern case
<3 qn
Well, that has just made division 2 a waste of time.
Beav <3
lmao @beavern case. How much time was left of that ban anyway? About *censored* time you got your act together ETF2L.
ignoring of season 11 incoming =D
retarded decision about s11, good one admins. im sure teams will be extremely happy about rule changes at the end of the season, without warning or anything. usually rule changes apply to the next season, especially if its the end of the season like now, so what up with this shit? what was the point of winning div 2 if you arent going to go up, lol?
It’s funny cos Chris thought he cheated after reviewing Beaverns demo at the time he was banned .
if you take anything i post seriously randa, you have not learnt anything
including this one?
its the thought that counts
ban beavern!!!!
I’m curious as to the reasoning behind moving back to the single division one system. I know there was plenty of discussion over it before s10 and a lot of people, me included, pointed out back then how much better that system would be.
What I don’t understand is why select another approach for s10 only to change it next season, effectively making many teams’ efforts pointless. What changed your minds?
It’s still the better way to do it, but ideally you should have chosen one system and just stuck with it.
shame that s10 didnt have a single division 1 – regardless, its the right move to bring it back, even though it really does screw some teams over.
Unban blorg
Give qn a trophy for being cool dudes about it all!
Congrats on your unban Beavern.
Division 2: No teams will be promoted.
what? lol
So div2 was essentially a waste for all teams, the 3 teams that won their tables get no reward/upgrade, anything for playing well and coming first…what? please tell me i’m not the only one who is confused about this.
Seems like div2 was, other than the obvious official practise/competing, a waste of time?, i’m not the only one whose thinking this am i?
do you want strong divs?
I agree that this will make the divisions stronger, but, it seems like the people that won div2 aren’t getting anything for doing that ;\/
Haha we didn’t get promoted to Div 2 anyway. :D:D:D
Free BeaVerN…oh wait.
steve i think and i can just speak for myself that this div2 half of the time felt like playing div3. There were just 2 other teams that felt like on the same level / better or worth beeing in division 2. And i heared that from alot of other groups aswell.So i really believe making 1 division1 is a good point to get the div2 stronger even so i totally understand your point of feeling overlooked. We can all gather screenshots and improve over the break until next season and show that we are div1/2/3/4/5/6/Highlander
Thanks for listening about the divs… :)
The problems was that the s9 results didnt help with the s10 seedings and we had about 30 teams applying to div1. Moving to divs of 8 also caused some problems with the skill levels, as there were essentially a few less spots in each div. It might hurt now, but if we have promotions and relegations that tie into s11 well, we can move back to a system were promotions decide more then the s11 mail request. The new division 2 will have half of the current division one, so the skill level should be higher.
That said, a 4 way playoff for the last div1 spot is possible if the teams are interested.
Oh hey my team’s going div5, sweet! Finally out of the limbo of competitive TF2 and time to get some serious competition going.
Is Beavern gonna shave off that gay protest beard now?!!1
that would explain why dotpixels finished 3rd… good job ipz
dont be that butthurt mate, im right and you know that. the divs are just a lil bit washy. and i much rather tie 6 games and play a hard div2 than have 2 good games and the rest is just bullshit.
you dropped son, i dont know how you want to judge the whole situation
and where are the apologies for other cases ? or do u think it’s the only one innocent who “have been prevented from enjoying ETF2L for most of this year” ?
fockin weird league
Poor Quad..
Blah. If we are unbanning cheaters, FREE DANNY!
Finally justice.
Also, I am in total agreement of having only one division 1 group. Will make both it and div2 stronger. It may seem like div 2 in particular was a waste of time but winning it establishes you a good solid ground and guaranteed entry for next season which will no doubt be harder and more respectful.
And hopefully this change will get rid of those fucking wannabe teams searching div2/1 when they aren’t proven and getting smashed 5-0.
More importantly; Beavern :D
Free Gary Glitter.
spoken like a prodigy, headhunter
kudos to Quarantine for biding their time and patiently abstaining from two whole seasons. C U S11 BOYOS
How many of the other divisions will there be?
I still don’t understand what changed your minds. Was it the wide skill-gap between teams in current div1? Or the relatively low standard of div2? Or was it always clear to you that s10 is just to please the people who think they’re higher skilled than they really are, avoid public outrage and then move quietly into the single div1 format effectively only upsetting one division?
At the very least, arrange playoffs between the div2 winners for 1 secure spot in div1. It’s not much to ask and is a decent reward for the best div2 team.
All that said I look forward to s11 with this format, shame we had to wait a season for it.
Also, does the unbanning of beavern mean that the new policy of banned hackers is that their cases can be re-opened re-evaluated?
We are working on an AC policy that allows reviews/appeals, yes.
As for the other question, I don’t think it was easily doable last season. Especially after the feedback we wanted to return to the system of 1 division of 1. With the current promotion and relegation system, only div2 and to a lesser extent div3 are truly affected. It’s a bit painful, but I’m sure it will result in a better system. As for div2 playoffs, I guess we could work on a 4 way playoff between the 1st div2 teams for the last div1 spot (2a has a tie, so there’d be 4 teams).
good to have an ac team back :)
Great to see an innocent player finally unbanned. Fucking wrote an essay telling you he wasnt cheating when you banned him and i quit being a silent ac admin :(
Look forward to what appears to be an interesting divisional change for next season, although it is harsh as f*ck to the winners of div2.
How to win both top teams from ur div and be relegated. Simple guide by Gideon.
ahah epic
Free danny!!!!
Well, I think a playoff for top div2 teams for a spot in div 1 guaranteed would be a really good idea. It does seem a bit unfair on the guys who excelled in div2.
Dont know why you guys care, divs are gonna be messed up anyways because of drops and new teams.
Btw, my team wants to play highlander, can someone please drop? NOW? ;)
Excellent plan to bring back a single div1. Makes it so much more competitive. The skill gap was quite big this season. If the same division structure was used and div2 winners would be promoted they’d just get crushed by the top 3 div1 teams of each (a/b) division.
Although div2 seems now like a waste of time, I somewhat agree on this. Div1 and div2 will get a lot stronger and I guess more interesting for the participating teams.
Good idea as there was a big skill gap. Don’t think you should have a playoff either as that’s just going back on what you’re trying to do, ie get the weak teams out of there!
You could read it as “nobody in div2 gets promoted” I guess, but consider this:
Day 1: we announce 1 team from each div2 bracket gets promoted (yay no whine only happy people)
Day 2: we announce that next season we’re having only 1 div1 bracket, effectively moving half of them back to div2 (yay no whine only happy people)
Bring back 2 tables for division 2 aswell! we like stronger competition in div 2 aswell. should be earned.
and playoff system on who gets promoted from div 2.
Why cant you have a playoff between the losers of div 1 and the winners of div 2 on who gets the div 1 spot?
Maybe the current top div2 couldn’t compete with the top 8 of div1 next season, but surely the same applies to the top 5 teams in div3 that _are_ getting the promotion to div2.
It’s only reasonable that if you make a single div1 you should have only 2 div2s, and those div2s have little room for the div3 winners.
If you do end up still using 3 separate div2s you make the gap between divs 1 and 2 excessively large.
[…] what’s next. Perhaps more imminently, the cancellation of Beavern‘s ban, as seen in yesterday’s announcement. If you haven’t been paying attention, he was banned last year for alleged use of aimbot. […]
The new division 2 will have half of the teams that were in div1 skill bracket this season. So the skill level should already be higher. By having 2 div 2’s you’d be leaving only 1/3 of the original div2. We’ll be looking closely at how the tables turn out in s11 and try to make the playoffs for them clear as soon as possible.
where is silleh’s unban now?
i dont get the whole “the skill difference in div1 is too big” point.
its normal that there are teams which rape their whole div and teams that got their ass owned. thats a normal thing and you will find it in every div from prem to 6. so why shouldnt it be in div1?
free danny!
Because it’s boring when the winner is known in advance.
yeah buts thats how it is in nearly every div
So why the ban in first place?
Hopefully witch-hunt will commence
Still waiting for the KondoR and Spicke apologies D:<
free lenny/danny/silleh/elm0re/cantremembermore
Fucking unbann Danny NOW
Reviewing everyone? or just the people who enough noise is made about?
yay beavern :)
I never thought that I would ever see someone in a leading position or in a position with some kind of responsibility commit that they had done a mistake.
I have to admit that I am at least a little bit impressed by that.
and noone cares
Hey Danny , here is an idea for you : forza for ac admin
heres a little something for you
Good to know. Unban me now …
Forza there is no need to get Danny unbanned! Since he wanted to get inactive anway :D thats why he never really complaint about the ban. Maybe he cheatet maybe not – je is the only one who really knows it :) still he is a nice guy to chill out in mumble :)
actually biester i know he cheated
be happy and masturbate on it :D
anyway i am not replaying now anymore since i didnt want to start anything about danny :D
Beav, you left me crying when you deleted me for no reason. I am sad.
hi can i get a review + apology on my case pls ty
also tack kondor blw abra etc etc